Games I Played in May

Games I Played in May


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@orioncharwood5282 - 30.08.2024 04:11

skyrim slander will not be tolerated. despite its shortcomings still an insanely fun and addicting game

@aaronatkinson177 - 30.08.2024 04:19

Are you interested in playing black myth wukong soon 🤔 👀

@gmg9010 - 30.08.2024 04:27

Man I gotta change my calendar because I’m almost at the end of August here.

@flamingscar5263 - 30.08.2024 04:36

"no one else really makes games that hit the same notes as a bethesda game"

and with starfield and Fallout76, seems not even bethesda does anymore

@LethalLuggage - 30.08.2024 04:41

For someone who's such a small part of my life (a video every once in awhile), I've taken up a surprising number of your idioms.
First: I've begun calling my girlfriend (who is the mother of my 6 year old child, and currently pregnant with another) "The lady I live with", because girlfriend felt inadequate but I don't wanna pretend we're married when we're not.
Second: This week is the week she was due, so the end of my workday has become "See you tomorrow, unless I decide to start showing up"

I truly feel like we vibe haha.

@luiszamora5548 - 30.08.2024 04:47

Happy June everyone

@dianeyhb - 30.08.2024 05:46

Animal Well sounds like it’s right up my alley. I enjoy metroidvanias but not when they lean too heavy into combat. Added it to my wishlist! Love your chill and thoughtful videos as always.

@marceline227 - 30.08.2024 05:49

I really enjoyed your Skyrim video, an Atrioc viewer!

@The_Apex_Of_Predators - 30.08.2024 06:02

Wasnt may like 3 months ago

@haitas8501 - 30.08.2024 06:52

I only completed Pokemon White in May :(

@skyecase5968 - 30.08.2024 07:05

The closing moments of the video made me sad seeing the video was May and then realising it was August, but then I saw the video was posted 7 hours ago

@Dubtoy94 - 30.08.2024 08:07

I just want to say I have really enjoyed these type of videos

@renaigh - 30.08.2024 08:09

I think the cultural association with Skyrim being "broken" is cope after the disaster that was New Vegas a year prior.

@bideoVames - 30.08.2024 09:00

Wow! I find it remarkable thar you have never "mained" any multiplayer games, for the longest time before I got into playing single player i would only play games with my friends so games like cs:go and league have both got more than a thousand hours! It felt kinda weird not seeing some multiplayer game at the top tbh.

@schnader - 30.08.2024 09:38

The moment Raz discovers a hidden passion for the Monster Hunter games those titles will be claiming the top spot

@detectivelizard9532 - 30.08.2024 09:48

Is it just physically impossible not to play a Souls game? I swear you seem to play them every month.

@24splash24 - 30.08.2024 10:09

Hey Raz! I know you might be looking for a cool, new, interesting game, so from my recent findings I really have to recommend you Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch. It has interesting fighting, a great story and incredible old-styled cutscenes. I think it might interest you. Great videos! Keep it up!

@tydendurler9574 - 30.08.2024 11:41

One does not play Skyrim in summer.
wtf is wrong with you?

@lakshraghav4273 - 30.08.2024 12:29

if you stop doing this, then i will find you and make you play the atari et game for a long time, and do take this as a threat

@johanngoode803 - 30.08.2024 12:55

it's crazy to me that your most played game is at ~300 hours
I've racked up close to 3000 hours on Rocket League and am still pretty garbage at it ;p

( I feel like I must be a "bad gamer" ahah )

@bobmcbob8044 - 30.08.2024 13:33

Oh man, it's June already? This year has gone by fast.

@thereallylargeknome7461 - 30.08.2024 13:34

august 30th

@rossedwardmiller - 30.08.2024 13:45

Bethesda are such pioneers - releasing broken garbage before anyone else thought to do it.

@Good_Minso - 30.08.2024 14:04

see you next time Raz, unless I decide to stop showing up to your videos. Take that and see how it feels🥺
(just kidding, love ur stuff)

@ttin0 - 30.08.2024 14:19

You May do June now. Thaaaaaaaank you!

@Draconis_Eltanin - 30.08.2024 15:34

Oh, how time flies!
I am definitely curious on the skyrim videos, as someone who missed out on the original hype and always felt a disconnect between the praise for that game and how it actually looked like...

@enman009 - 30.08.2024 16:33

Why is no one talking about Nine Sols? I think that's a fantastic pick if you like Metroidvanias and Sekiro (since it's your favorite Fromsoft game as I know). The art style, combat, bosses and story are peak Metroidvania.

@IdanTs - 30.08.2024 16:52

It's a shame that a channel with so many subs can't take 5 minutes to put chapters on his video to save some time for his viewers.

@rafaela00002 - 30.08.2024 17:05

may what a month

@ghostirno7126 - 30.08.2024 18:56

First time seeing ur channel, don’t stop doing this

@alanamarko - 30.08.2024 20:38

i found animal well to be a super intriguing and vibey fun time for about.... 4 hours. and then it got so, SO tedious with all the wandering around and backtracking to do anything that i dropped it after about hour 5. it was honestly a big "maybe i don't like this genre all that much" moment lol

@zacharywong483 - 30.08.2024 21:35

Really fun video, Raz! Nice commentary and thoughts on the Bigmode part!

@americanninja7775 - 31.08.2024 21:18

I think Skyrim and Elden Ring are more comparable than you think. I think the best thing about both of them is that they are both set in well developed worlds that you can get lost in. While Skyrim is my most played game, Elden Ring as a whole got it beat. I am excited to see what ES6 has to offer (not getting my hopes up though just in case)

@ConnerADavis - 01.09.2024 00:23

It's so nice to see someone who doesn't like Bethesda's games acknowledge that there's some things that they do well/better than other studios. I see a lot of people acting like New Vegas or The Outer Worlds or (soon) Avowed "outdid Bethesda at their own game) when really, while the moment-to-moment gameplay is similar, the core appeal is very different. Bethesda isn't "failing" to make the same kind of game that everyone else makes, they're succeeding (at least up until 76 and Starfield) at making a different type of game that appeals to a different type of person.

@jacobnicola5950 - 01.09.2024 17:43

Next: Games I May Played

@pesii1452 - 01.09.2024 18:13

Give enderal a try, it's a skyrim mod which might be better than the base game, at least writing wise

@Jaspion8 - 01.09.2024 20:28

bro were september

@cyberbladee - 02.09.2024 10:37

i recently jumped back into skyrim after playing a lot of eso and man do i still love it

@telegangst3r - 02.09.2024 12:18

try a wabbajack modlist for skyrim it'll blow your mind

@sanek_1648 - 02.09.2024 23:36

God, I’m so glad school is over and it’s finally June

@daystain - 03.09.2024 05:12

have you played pseudoregalia? i feel like you’d like it

@mohammedzawia1054 - 03.09.2024 14:46

May 😂

@ayushsinghchauhan9558 - 03.09.2024 16:40

why r u three months behind? what's the joke here?

@JinxedJoker - 03.09.2024 22:20

Aww, I like the note of 'don't take that as a threat' at the end. Thanks for the clarification!

@milo4885 - 04.09.2024 02:09

AHH i didnt know you had another channell!!! Or maybe I forgot?? At least now I have a buffet of peak content!

@grapeguymc - 04.09.2024 16:03

PLAY KCD NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@stingweeber6394 - 06.09.2024 23:30

didn't ask

@BowenBoris-s5y - 14.09.2024 18:38

Goyette Road

@razbutwo - 29.08.2024 23:32

this may has felt pretty long, so I am hyped that it is finally june now!
