Lord Vの顔を見ながら聞かせるべきだった。1秒で笑う自信がある。
ОтветитьI think Lord Vinheteiro should become the next Victor Borge!
ОтветитьOMG! The Get Along Gang theme!!!
ОтветитьI tried to play the game but knowing what was supposed to happen made it impossible for me to keep a straight face and anyways, I just can't resist to classical tunes, flute toys or chickens.
ОтветитьPlaying that Jaws theme was ruthless, lmao
ОтветитьThat How to make a girl smile video of his was good
ОтветитьO melhor do Brasil!
ОтветитьI can affirm that the price of business school is approximately $50,000 per year plus your soul upon graduation.
ОтветитьThe lord himself actually smiled
ОтветитьI was like the first dude.
Instant smile.
Fascista Vinheteiro, suco do pior do Brasil. Extrema Direita Tupiniquim. Bolsonarista, com preconceito de classe.
Que vergonha.
Why people think it's funny?
ОтветитьI'm afraid to say that your CEO is a psychopath.
ОтветитьMaking people smile is what music is all about 😄
ОтветитьI'm so confused how any of it was funny
ОтветитьA duck fart is not music. In particular piano music. See the title: "How To Make Anyone Smile Playing Piano". Cheaters.
ОтветитьCEO got lots on his mind ”I was gonna be the next big thing now I’m trying to get my 20bucks back listening to squeaky toys. I should have listened to mom and become a doctor. Too late now. My kids gonna see this later and think I’m a looser. Maybe they get a laugh at least. I’ll buy them ice cream with these twenty bucks. I’ll show them who’s boss over me. I decide when to laugh dammit!”
ОтветитьWait a minute, Lord Vinheteiro can smile?
ОтветитьWhat is the second song on the fourth candidate?
ОтветитьIt's actually easy once you know the trick. Calculate around with numbers.
5x5=25 ect....
This works for all emotions...even sex... try it.
Music is like sex, when it comes to humor. Did you ever start to mastubate when you heared a good joke? Music and humor does not mix very well.
ОтветитьThe dude smiled ONLY when he heard "HE WINS" , and he's got the MONEY
He definitely was born under the sign of .....
Not surprised that the CEO has the best emotional control. I wonder if you tested a ton of CEOs vs everyone else, how much better would it be.
ОтветитьGo back in time and try "Get along gang" on Jim.
ОтветитьI didn't expect "Lord Vinheteiro" to squish the chiken
when "Lord Vinheteiro" squished the chiken, i just laughed out loud
Dawg, you smile just because they say "Don't smile"
ОтветитьWhat is there to smile or laugh about here? It's good piano playing and normal music.
Ответить🤣...nice one is like going into a laughing chamber where you've got to be dead serious😄. The last gentleman was good😀👏👏. Nice way to start the weekend, wow😉👍!
ОтветитьTry Polish smile next time😎 CEO must be a witcher - poker face:)
ОтветитьVinheteiro is Brazilian heritage.
Ответить20$ is not enough incentive to not laugh at his music.
ОтветитьWhat was that which he played after Turkish March? (Rondo Alla Turca)..?
ОтветитьI am not smiling...
ОтветитьI cannot watch this guy without cracking up! I discovered him when YT suggested his videos after watching yours. He is incredible! I really enjoyed seeing Lord Vinheteiro smile.
ОтветитьNever knew pianote was Canadian! Awesome
ОтветитьSi llevas a personas que no lo conozcan, la probabilidad de risas es de un 97.3 % . Es que nadie se espera que un músico salga con esas tonterías. 👍
ОтветитьEdward Norton is a good actor. Makes sense why he didn’t laugh.
ОтветитьCEO's No Smile: Think of payroll
Ответить"Smile Playing Piano"
Ответитьoh yeah, the father of the brazillian classical music
ОтветитьThe piano in the background is it’s a slippery slope
ОтветитьThe slide whistle and rubber chicken were great
ОтветитьDid you laugh Lisa?