Accuracy can be checked by a rest or vise and shooting it. Ammunition can affect accuracy. The shooter getting the most accurate pistol, ammunition, and training and practice will have the most accurate results. I have plenty of practice and training. I can tell the differences in accuracy between my pistols. I keep one old .45 acp stashed for in house use only. The accuracy just is not suitable for any distance beyond about 12 feet which is farther than needed inside my house. Other pistols I have are better suited for longer distances if necessary. Time of year and usage expected dictates which of these I carry. Accuracy is paramount depending on the expected distance at which I will be shooting. Reliability is first. If it fails to fire at a critical moment it is not worth carrying. No matter how accurate you can be with it.
I have a G P 100 that I used to duty carry. Had to send it back to Ruger for repairs. Awesome repair department fixed it free. Unfortunately within 300 rounds the problem re-occurred. Life has thrown us a few curve balls and I have not had the time to do anything but put it in the safe until such time as it can be dealt with. After 2 go rounds with light strikes on most or all cylinders I will NEVER again trust my life or others lives to this particular firearm. I love it and will keep it for target use and as part of the pair (LCR WAS THE OTHER) that we bought together first time I took her gun shopping. Created a monster.
I digress:concealability or comfort and security if open carrying are factors.
Putting your round on target is your PRIMARY concern. Any equipment that helps you shoot more accurately is better than something less accurate. You will be held accountable for your bullets wherever they go. Ending up right where you wanted them is usually the best outcome for everyone (except possibly the bad guy).
where is CZ 75 TS ???? really ???
ОтветитьLol 9 mm suck!!!
ОтветитьGod I love listening to a robot tell fairy tales.
ОтветитьReally, 100% accuracy, oh do tell!
ОтветитьGreat video. I have a Shadow 2 Compact that I respect a great deal for its design features and my own accuracy with it. The gun is certainly more capable than I am. Personally, I am a bit of a 1911 purist and I avoid 1911s chambered in anything other than 45ACP...but I recognize the quality of the Springfield. Nice job.
ОтветитьGlock 34 Gen 5 is a great gun for a good price ...
ОтветитьNO gun will give you 100% accuracy. None! As long as a Person has to hold it, aim it, pull the trigger, etc. Nothing is 100%. Are some guns More accurate than others? Yes. But this is clickbait. Not to mention Everyone is different as far as How they shoot a specific gun. I personally don’t like Glock and don’t shoot well with them, but it doesn’t mean they are bad guns just bad for Me. Which goes back to my original point.
ОтветитьShould have called your video, Top 5 most expensive 9mm