200 Year Old She-Shed Exterior Decor DONE! You won’t believe door paint! #diyhomeprojects  #flowers

200 Year Old She-Shed Exterior Decor DONE! You won’t believe door paint! #diyhomeprojects #flowers

Garden 1842 and Home

55 лет назад

1,966 Просмотров

Join us today for the big reveal and the completed makeover of the sunroom/she shed exterior! Enjoy lots of color pops with some fall decor inching in! You wont’t believe the color palette! Must see!

*****See Part 1 here:

Hello beautiful friends,
I’m Linette, a gardening enthusiast from Circleville, Ohio - Zone 6A/6B, home of The Pumpkin Show!
I’m passionate about all things home and garden. My husband likes to say, “If you come to our house, she might paint you!” I also enjoy dabbling in interior design.
I decorate the world for every holiday and special occasion. My mission is to make people feel special and inspired. Join me as we explore and celebrate the beauty in the ordinary. Let’s romance the everyday together!


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#gardeningtips #garden #gardendesign #homedecor #flowers #homegardening #homeinspiration #pink #sheshed
#homedecor #decor #sunroom #dryflowers #


#Home_and_Garden #Home_Decor #Garden_Tips #DIY #Painting #Homeworthy #Dig_Plant_Water_Repeat #Garden_Answer #Seasonal_decor #Pink_Paint #She_Shed
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