Ответить"It's A Damn Shame That African Leaders Would Do This To Their Own People And Country"........Evil And Wickedness Comes In Various Forms And Colors. (Calling It What It Is).
ОтветитьThese African 'leaders" are no better than the Cape flats gangs
ОтветитьFor 30yrs in South Africa became Millinares and billionaires overnite😮😮😮
ОтветитьMashitela don't know how he became rich 🤣🤣🤣
ОтветитьRamaposa hides his stolen billions in couches and armchairs
ОтветитьShocking but the African way. Corrupt they are, have been and will always be. They have absolutely no affinity or feelings for their "subjects" !
ОтветитьThose poor children that get kidnapped by Bokom Haram all because the government stole the money and cant be rescue them.
ОтветитьSomething like South Africa.
This kinda Western corruption is by design so no Black Country in the world run their own economy.
The IMF and World Bank always make sure corrupt people run our Countries so we have no choice but to be paying off IMF Austerities with our GDP indefinitely.
Barbados Niger Mali and Burkina Faso Leaders is trying so hard to change that slave mentality imbedded in our people for Centuries.
Ответитьand all these so-called leaders who were voted into power by their brethren will always blame their predecessors for the failures and do not give a continental fuck about the people who are suffering under their rule
ОтветитьCorruption is grave abuse of human rights as millions of Africans have died because money meant for hospitals and free education is embezzled by psycho-pevert politicians.
Ответитьit's time for change.
ОтветитьHas our President been folliwing a SOCIALIST AGENDA? In that, he has been very sucessfull acc to the One World Marxist Goverment !!!
ОтветитьProblem is not in Africa. It is a worldwide problem, even in developed countries like USA or England. Greed for money, power and control never go away.
ОтветитьWhat about Mugabe and Mnangagwa
ОтветитьCameron president and Mnangagwa are the same
ОтветитьBlacks cannot run a country, take a look at the ANC corrupt THIEVES and money launderers like Jacob Zuma and "Cyril Ramaphosa. When they were born the afterbirth was given to the mother and the baby incinerated.
Africa unite & bring on the United States of Africa, and your President Ibrahim Traore, and the President pucks the governor's to help govern the States
ОтветитьSouth Africa's presidents net worth is OVER $1.5billion a far cry from the $450million stated.....he IS NOT a 'businessman....he is a labor union shop steward that made his money at CODESA in 1994 when stupid western nations flocked to him to give him country franchise contracts, like McDonalds and in South Africa companies are FORCED to give away 30% of their companes to BBBEE partners - here Cyril used his influence to get free shares in mining companies.....
Ответитьthis continues even today, we the people need to take charge to rule, we need to join forces urgently to make a change, the wealth is for the people and our countries.
ОтветитьSouth Africa has no gold left
ОтветитьDoes the President. know Jesus Christ, surely not. What will he do with the money when Jesus who is coming soon, send him to where he belong ... hell.
ОтветитьAnyone else notiuce that we're just expected to assume that these people all made their money in a corrupt way just becaue they are Africans...They don['t know the asset worth of these people and simply thumbsuck numbers and simply link the name of the leader tyo every scandal they mention in those countries...e.g. "Many Rich people linked to the President"... We're just supposed to assume they are thieves becaue they are Africans...while American politicans become multi-millionaires and the country struggles with no health care, poor schooling and crumbling infrastructure...yet we must assume they are honest and the complete opposite of African...when they are dealing in many more missing trillions... WoW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ОтветитьThese are the leaders who rob their own people.
ОтветитьToo much power resides in the institution of president in Africa. A prime ministerial govt govts factors in more democracy and accountability than the current position of president, on the African continent.
Ответитьyeah - and in his couch also! bribe money for WEF agenda and depopulation agenda and running the country down according to agenda 2021.
ОтветитьBelieve me every thing comes to I fall
ОтветитьIt's funny how France's 🇫🇷 fat cat is in so many clips 🤣 😂 🤔
ОтветитьRamaphosa got handed his wealth - no earning of those riches - BBBEEEEE
ОтветитьWhy does foreign Banks ?like the World bank STILL borough money to corrupt African countries. Hope China wake up and learn where their investment really goes!!!!!! Who really are the stupid ones??
ОтветитьIt is in their DNA to be corrupt.
ОтветитьThere is not a single honest leader in Africa. They are all corrupt to the bone.
ОтветитьGreedy African leaders while their countries look like shanty town. Disgusting and vile 😡😡😡
ОтветитьIt's time to start declaration of false news about bad government in Africa.Truth is coming out to all the worst has been.
True is the only God knows.
What about the European leaders that are so very wealthy?
ОтветитьRamaphosa- pronounced: Rumapausa (as in pause)Phala-Phala - pronounced: Pala- Pala.
ОтветитьCriminals .....
ОтветитьThank you for exposing the corruption of our leaders very painful we need good leaders
ОтветитьRamaphosa is the ring leader of all the thieves on the African continent
ОтветитьWhy doesn’t he help his own ppl
ОтветитьMonkey see, monkey do. Africa in a nut shell.
ОтветитьWhen you ask the citizens why their country is junk status. They always blame the colonialist. Not the thieves in governments
ОтветитьEven God cannot save cameroon 😂
ОтветитьWhere's the cuptas ramaposa???
ОтветитьThe Leader's stirring Racism and blames Capitalism for their Countries problems...and yet the Poor keeps on Voting for them...👀
ОтветитьPlease let capt Ibrahim Troare become3your president, Africans!
ОтветитьKagame millions come from the blood of Congles that he always kill to still the minerals 😭💔