Going Old School: Vinyl Records Make a Comeback | NBC Nightly News

Going Old School: Vinyl Records Make a Comeback | NBC Nightly News

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@polychronio - 30.09.2015 09:47

Listen to classical music by vinyl would be awesome....!!!!

@mrbanana6741 - 30.09.2015 10:05

The music is still recorded digitally before the vinyl record is pressed so older vinyls should sound better.

@ethy67 - 30.09.2015 14:33

Vinyl has nothing on digital downloads or CDS! Technology has ruled for decades!

@RosaAndAlberto - 30.09.2015 15:56

The sound is analog and not compressed. That's why they sound better. Digital is easier to store and move around, but will never sound better than a record.

@marcosjuarez7809 - 30.09.2015 20:12

Vinyl records are making a comeback. Is just that digital downloads are a piracy and sometimes, digital downloads have a poor sound quality. If this was a Taylor Swift album on a vinyl record, it would sound better.

@FoodIVThought - 01.10.2015 00:35

Vinyl; just because ...! Welcome to 'Classic Album Art' on Twitter & Facebook. Also enJOY that good old vinyl on my website with Music & Cover stories

@PesterFester1966 - 07.10.2015 05:24

Records have been back for couple years now... NBC being late as usual !!!

@vinyleyezz - 08.11.2015 12:24

I LOVE RECORDS! If you guys do too, and you liked this little documentary, check out some of my stuff. I help you get all setup with this fun hobby :)

@grambo4436 - 01.12.2015 06:06

With the comeback of vinyl I hope the styles of the electronic genre does come back to it's roots as well.

@stevewiles7132 - 24.04.2017 05:42

vinyl is not coming back, people are coming back to vinyl.

@deontemerritt91 - 06.08.2017 16:09

I love music old and new from the 70s 80s and 90s all old school in the 20th Century I love kinds of it I love Vinyls cause it's so big that's the part of it all myself Deonte Lamar Merritt loves iPods Vinyls not Mp3s but CDs CD players I had some old school vinyls growing up from the 1980s and a broken Record Player I thought it was working but it was broke the needle to it was broken back in the 2000s when I had it and also which was this Flashdance 1983 original soundtrack from the movie classic I love myself some big vinyl records from that too cause I can either listen to some Phil Collins or some Genesis anything with some speakers loud but I would buy records vinyls with one single song I like in my hometown Bladensburg Maryland they sell old old vinyl records from the 1970s 1980s and early 1990s all day and old video game consoles broken and old.

@deontemerritt91 - 28.08.2017 16:19

Vinyl Records are the best.

@Vfin-cn1pu - 13.10.2017 21:57

vinyl records didn't exist in 1915

@scottloveday8598 - 02.03.2018 08:35

I compared my vinyl albums to a CD player that was a high-end CD player with it great transport and external power supply ,it was made like a tank, I compared it with a Linn turntable with a decent cartridge, the soundstage was so much bigger on the vinyl it was like night and day difference, the vinyl made the voices go way more out to the side away from the speakers almost making the the speakers disappear , in comparison to the CD player which at a smaller soundstage and did not have the extended soundstage throwing the voices/ chorus further out to the side and depth appearing to go out further from the speakers , the sound was more compressed and a much smaller soundstage. Of course you have to get up flip the album over clean the needle and the record every time but the magic that's on those vinyl records is revealed with a properly set up turntable and a good cartridge.l haven't looked back the other way since, analog rules hands down especially Japanese pressings. I think people after hearing CDs all these years and hearing vinyl again can hear the difference after so many years of harsh sounding CDs that get fatiguing after a while, you don't want to listen to any more music after an hour or so. I can listen to vinyl all night long. Sometimes it's scary real like the musicians are in the room especially on the vocals + choruses. But the main thing is you have to have a good pressing to begin with , the music sounds only as good as the source Japanese pressings are the way to go but there are some jewels and great recordings on just some good first pressings regular Lps.

@anthonycapucci9403 - 05.05.2018 16:09

A WELL-MASTERED CD>>>>>> than vinyl.

@icekng456 - 01.09.2018 06:26


@tomglorieus6385 - 14.11.2018 11:25

Hey... Peter Frampton...

@richalderson6069 - 13.02.2019 08:23

" Hey, Peter Frampton ". What a find!

@Vattenballong128 - 21.01.2020 20:39

Vinyl records didnt even exist in 1915

@พัทธะพลปานกล่ํา-ค9ฟ - 02.02.2020 08:45


@lennon_9dream133 - 21.04.2020 20:32

Could someone tell me a website where most of the classic rock vinyl covers appear in real size?

@ThePoreproductions - 16.06.2020 05:45

Maybe one day, VHS will make a comeback.

@SaintMartins - 04.01.2021 11:51

CD's are still more popular. They say vinyl is out selling CD's in 2020 but statistics are misleading. CD's sell more individual copies than vinyl. The reason "vinyl financial sales" seem bigger is only b/c CD's are $9.99 to $12.99 compare to new vinyl which sell for $25.99 to $40.99.

@mikecope736 - 15.12.2021 02:51

Vinyl Records are EXACTLY 100% MORE DURABLE than Digital Compact Discs!!!

@floorjazzrecordings6647 - 09.03.2022 09:37

hopefully they dont sell me warped records

@bisket2003 - 29.09.2022 18:06

This is the worst part of the vinyl resurgence......the media trying to convince people that their goodwill dribble is now worth something. Just takes the base price on all vinyl up.

@jerrywcarman1483 - 20.02.2023 17:29

Forget CDs. When my Amway business takes off, I'll be able to afford record albums.
