If you're a California contractor with a business entity structured as an LLC, you'll need to purchase a special type of surety bond called an LLC Worker Bond. Learn why this bond exists and how you can get your bonding process done fast and pay less. #suretybond #contractorbond #llcworkerbond #californiacontractors
00:13 - LLC Worker bond introduction
00:20 - How bond requirements become law
00:39 - Why the LLC Worker bond exists
00:58 - How is the LLC Worker bond price determined?
01:58 - The 3 factors that determine the price
01:36 - How to save money purchasing your LLC Worker bond
02:00 - Example pricing of the LLC Worker bond
02:28 - How to purchase the LLC Worker bond
02:53 - Renewing your LLC Worker bond
03:26 - Get your pricing today and get this process done