The 2023 Strategies are INSANE! 20 Upcoming New Strategy Games YOU CAN'T MISS!

The 2023 Strategies are INSANE! 20 Upcoming New Strategy Games YOU CAN'T MISS!


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@GamerSoul4Ever - 25.08.2024 00:21

Great games pal ❤

@-Pxnos- - 07.07.2024 18:37

Game on thumbnail

@Pleksilasi - 11.06.2024 11:11

All real devs have a hair that looks like a birds nest. Bulwark just went to wishlist.

@Cedijoe - 17.11.2023 23:38

Homeworld is amazing because its originally inspired by battlestar galactica, also the sound track. Amazing! :D

@danbaltic9678 - 29.04.2023 21:18

Saunu, kad kazkas kuriama apie mus baltus. Pastaraisiais metais pastebiu nemazai uzsienieciu susidomejima Lietuva ir musu kultura. Galetume patys daugiaus savo kulturos vystyti ir kurti.

@bitreign - 29.04.2023 01:45

Turn based games are not RTS games.

@sucalaadonis8960 - 16.04.2023 12:05

To be honest i watched all your list and even i am a strategy fan i don t think i will enjoy any of it

@Space__Rooster - 09.04.2023 00:55

Storm gate should be a good one

@DGneoseeker1 - 13.03.2023 00:38

Ironically if you gave up SG-1 after four seasons because Egyptian theme was getting old, you probably should have continued.

The next couple of seasons certainly weren't going so hard on the Egyptian gods thing. The Replicators start being more of a problem. The Goa'uld were still the main bad guys but the new Goa'uld antagonists were unlike the others. These guys are under no illusion of being gods. They know they're just alien assholes.

Then even later on the whole cast ends up changing (not a good thing) and the mythology being followed is suddenly Arthurian. Merlin, Morgan Le Fay, etc.

Stargate Atlantis is obviously Atlantis focused and there isn't a Goa'uld/Egyptian in sight. Definitely worth watching.

Stargate Universe is set in another galaxy entirely so again no Egyptian stuff. But not that great and it ended a lot earlier than planned with a cliffhanger.

@DGneoseeker1 - 13.03.2023 00:31

Homeworld 3???

Finally something to look forward to.

Although I still need to complete Cataclysm.

@schlodim373 - 09.03.2023 14:58

famous estonian mythology XD

@owensthilaire8189 - 08.03.2023 22:27

Not really Dune looks pretty good actually.
The RTS in hell also looks cool. Tiddies would just be a bone... er...bonus.

@romanmaschak5052 - 08.03.2023 13:43

Age of Wonders 4

@kultj276 - 06.03.2023 22:06

thank you so much for the list, all my fancy style of games

@seltin1988 - 03.03.2023 05:18

dungons 4 looks... yea not good, the 3rd one is better grafixly

@anmarali9509 - 26.02.2023 11:50

Thanks for the video but this type of games just going to be worse

@Chuck_vs._The_Comment_Section - 24.02.2023 05:12

Some games were missing, though. Like for example:
Falling Frontier
Aliens: Dark Descent
Burden of Command

@KC_604 - 17.02.2023 14:39

That new terminator rts game actually looks cracked and. I can’t wait for it they dropped game play last year but I havnt heard anything since then

@TomasAPayer - 16.02.2023 05:25

whats the thumbail game

@bartosz8723 - 13.02.2023 00:50

Nothing worth playing

@thomasvanderplas3048 - 08.02.2023 02:22

When can we expect JA3?

@MrWhybull - 26.01.2023 21:59

Thank you for making original and researched content and giving your opinion. So refreshing in a sea of crappy videos of game trailers stitched back to back.

@5minutereviews296 - 23.01.2023 23:09

nice channel, subbed

@rockmonkeynut - 23.01.2023 12:42

how many potato salads did you eat whilst making this video?

@Ledz3p - 17.01.2023 23:25

I’m both sad and excited for the stargate game, they are cursed and it kind of looks lackluster but I’ll believe that it releases when it actually releases

@PaddyMcMe - 16.01.2023 17:11

'... Just a matter of time and greed.'


@matt25675 - 11.01.2023 10:15

What is the game in the thumbnail?

@nickjunes - 05.01.2023 18:36

It's amazing how airships are in so many games and movies have airships in them, but we don't have them. They are a technically viable product and we could easily have flying RVs if any company actually put in the work. Cross with drone technology and now you have maneuverability as well.

@nickjunes - 05.01.2023 18:35

It's amazing how airships are in so many games and movies have airships in them, but we don't have them. They are a technically viable product and we could easily have flying RVs if any company actually put in the work. Cross with drone technology and now you have maneuverability as well.

@thebiglo25 - 04.01.2023 02:02

any recommendation for rts games similar to Tom Clancy's End War and ruse beside the games i know from eugen

@pastamethis - 03.01.2023 23:21

Barkhan looks like a shameless copy of Dune.

I really want to look forward to Dungeons 4, but I want dark n gritty not soft and cartoony.

@BasementBerean - 03.01.2023 21:41

They're amazing. Laysara looks especially beautiful and maybe a good "chill" game, like the fabulous new Timberborn. I'm glad i9 PC's have finally become affordable. My excuse for buying a new computer (I tend to buy high-end machines every five years or so) is getting close.

@gavrilovdenis153 - 03.01.2023 06:56

Wow the Strategy games are really about to die ...

@vnm_8945 - 30.12.2022 18:18

looking forward for Manor Lords and Agony: Lords of Hell, Miasma Chronicles looks cool, too.

@Mitashade - 29.12.2022 21:22

I know there's no announcement date yet (that I know of), but I'm just hoping we see Frostpunk 2 soon.

@sadok6066 - 28.12.2022 15:18

What is the game in thumbnail?

@Dyna1One - 28.12.2022 06:41

The Great War looks good and interesting but I have no faith in Petroglyph after abandoning/rushing the release of Forged Battalion. Left a very sour taste personally

@awesomeindiegames - 25.12.2022 15:34

Space Menace is also worth looking.

@Mittke88 - 22.12.2022 15:04

Godsworn gives me Warcraft 3 vibes, nice.

@Gluosnis9 - 22.12.2022 00:38

None of these look of feel insane. Just some more of the same.

@michaelschneider1365 - 18.12.2022 17:05

what is on playstation?

@MrL0rn3 - 17.12.2022 03:32

"as wide as the bottom of yo mama" and no one even commented????? Take my upvote :)

@pipz420 - 16.12.2022 11:08

Embers Adrift. Best game to come out in 2022.

@LucieOzeol - 15.12.2022 17:39

knights of honor II

@iratevagabond204 - 15.12.2022 17:07

Homeworld 3 was already the most innovative scifi strategy game. I'll be perfectly fine with just updated graphics, and a more refined control system.

I just wish Stellaris, and other strategy/rts games made use of real-time 3D battles.

@gr0undk1ller - 13.12.2022 13:38

Great list, thanks.
