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In this video I am demonstrating how I bore sight my rifle, conserve ammunition in the sighting in process and get in the X-ring in three shots. I am also demonstrating prone live fire while sighting in. This video goes hand in hand with the prone video link below.
At the end of this video you will understand how to bore sight your rifle using the fewest rounds possible.
NOTE: When ever handling firearms please handle your firearm in a safe manner. Although there are Manny different opinions about firearms safety rules, I would like to highlight the following.
Rules For Safe Gun Handling
ALWAYS-Keep the gun pointed in a safe direction
ALWAYS-Keep your finger straight and off the trigger until ready to shoot
ALWAYS-Keep the gun unloaded until ready to use
Follow the link to How to shoot Off Hand
Follow the link to sitting rapid fire the link to Natural Point Aim
Follow this link to sight alignment
Any coping, clipping or reusing any part of this video without the expressed written permission from 10XPowerUp is strictly prohibited.
#How_to_bore_sight_your_rifle #how_to_bore_sight_a_rifle #how_to_sight_in_an_AR15 #sighting_in_a_rifle #getting_a_zero_on_your_rifle