#julian_alaphilippe_world_champion #julian_alaphilippe #alaphilippe_world_champion_2021 #julian_alaphilippe_world_champion_2021 #julian_alaphilippe_tour_de_france_2019 #julian_alaphilippe_yellow #julian_alaphilippe_flanders_crash #julian_alaphilippe_strade_bianche #julian_alaphilippe_attacks #alaphilippe_celebrates_too_early #julian_alaphilippe_descent #julian_alaphilippe_crash #julian_alaphilippe_2023 #alaphilippe_giro #julian_alaphilippe_giroКомментарии:
Discount Kwiatkowski.
ОтветитьLaurent Brochard in 1997!
ОтветитьGreat rider, got me back into road cycling with his 2019 Tour and been a fan ever since but the crashes and perhaps age have taken their toll. Would be great to see him get some more big wins next year though
ОтветитьJulian has always been and I feel for a couple more years will still be exciting to watch in single day and short tours. His injuries have been his undoing recently.
ОтветитьNo ones going to talk about the correlation between the goatee and his improved results?
ОтветитьProblem is, that team does not believe in him.
ОтветитьGreat review and thank you for the upload CD...Well appreciated my man. I'm reading some of these comments about how age and crashes caught up with Julian and I'm blown away..One has to remember the man is a RECENT back2 back World Champion hes only 31years old.
ОтветитьYou left out how he got screwed by Mother Nature @ the 2019 TDF..if that had not happened he would of won the tour
ОтветитьHe needs a new enviroment without Patrick Lefevre..
ОтветитьWhat happened to Loulou? He was on a contract with Quickstep is what happened 😓
Breaks my heart to see him as a makeshift super domestique for Remco.
I wish he would go to FDJ or somewhere else where they'd appreciate him. Such a likable rider.
The thing about Quickstep is that they are such a confused team. With too many big names.
Do they want to be a classics team, a grandtour team, or a sprinter train?!
I totally understand how it can be hard to make a descision when you have a variation of world class riders in your roster.
Merlier and Fabio for the sprints, and then top names like Remco, Loulou, Asgreen, Cavagna. But ultimately it's like too many chefs in the kitchen.
Interesting video, crap and disrespectful title (the WTF part).
ОтветитьFun fact: Julian Alaphilippe is married to Marion Rousse, who is a former french road champion herself and the race director of the TDFF.
ОтветитьGreat vid
howewer, Jalabert never won the world road race. Laurent Brochard was before Julian the last French rider who won WRR, in 1997. Jaja finished second in 1992 and he also won ITT world race in 1997 !
He was my impressive. Would like to see him back In top form
Ответить2019 tout the best tour in history for france.
ОтветитьGye had a few ups and downs in his private life, then he became a dad so maybe that's why his victories are less
ОтветитьHis career has been about 5 years so think he might be cooked. Also, Lefevre has lost his mojo so it coincides with that. Whatever Lefevre had, he seems to have lost and the results follow. Sagan though, has had a much longer career which goes beyond the five years so he's a lucky boy; 5 years seems to be the golden peroid :)
Ответитьgreat video👍
ОтветитьWatching this . What happened to all the Columbian riders
ОтветитьGreat rider and most importantly amazing human. He gets less opportunities now as more time is now spent supporting others. He needs a new time to find his mojo and opportunities again
ОтветитьMaybe vaxed himself
ОтветитьI would love to see him return towards the top. He’s such an enjoyable rider to watch when he’s on form
ОтветитьStill a top tier rider, we'll se him back at the top of podiums, loved the vid but jumping to conclusions a bit too quickly by implying he's in his twilight years.
...yes I am biased by the fact that he's so fun to watch....even this past year when he didn't have the form he'd attack and try to stay away...indomitable spirit indeed!
alaphilippe just got the same problem than remco when you have not one but 2 crashes with broken bones you need 1 or 2 years to recover same thing for pantani in 94
Ответить"the verge of almost being forgotten" Lol, by who, m8? I suppose by people who arent watching much pro cycling?
ОтветитьJulian Alaphilippe has always been among my cycling heroes.
ОтветитьHe became a father? Maybe his family means more to him now than cycling. And that's the way it should be. Family first.
ОтветитьJulian Superstar, genuine SUPERSTAR ❤❤❤
ОтветитьI think he was suffocated by those stupid masks.
ОтветитьBetween being a Alaphillipe & Roclic fan I seem to be holding my breath a lot.
ОтветитьGood career overview. But there were juat EIGHT SECONDS explaining what happened to Alaphilippe, including the illumination fact that he had set-backs. WTF?
ОтветитьHe thought he broke his back in that crash. It takes years to recover from that if ever.
ОтветитьWow I never saw a video summering the carrier of a cyclist so detailed! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼You should change the tittle and review other cyclist as well! Congratulations!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
ОтветитьHe had a good run. What I don't get is how a light weight rider who has the power to hang with the heavies in a 300km classic and TT with the gc guys isn't on the podium in every gt he enters? He's 62kg! Well, he's only 31 so he could bounce back and podium in the Tour or Vuelta. He really reminds me of Jaja but Jaja was dirty....
Ответитьafter 23 minutes of a recitation of palmares.....i still have no idea WTF happened to him.....
ОтветитьI for one have not and never will forget this total legend. Always animates a race or a stage … a kind of modern day Tommy Vockler.
ОтветитьI believe his baby and wife took his attention away from focus riding 😢 he had multiple nasty crashes as well He can still rise again Same as Sagan 👍🏻🇮🇸 plus i believe he won the Tour de France not E Bernal
ОтветитьThat crash with WVA and MVP in the sprinhg classic was the mark of his decline.
ОтветитьAlaphilippe is the sole reason I got into pro cycling. Even now when I have a favorite team and love other riders, he is always my favorite. I could watch a compilation of every mountain descent he's ever made.
Ответитьgets injured every year 😂😂😂
ОтветитьThat was his destiny,he’s in the cycling world record books 📕 for life
ОтветитьValverde was the biggest doper in the last 20 years
ОтветитьCouple of bad injuries if he gets a good winter this year he can be competitive 2024 season
ОтветитьJalabert didn't win the road race in 1997. He won the time trial.
ОтветитьJulian could have won that 2019 Tour if he was on his old rim brake bike.
ОтветитьIt’s called age.
ОтветитьTo many crashes
ОтветитьHe's back!!! ❤
ОтветитьThus dud nit age well.
ОтветитьHe’s like the hot girl at the airport. Shows up and it’s crazy and then disappears and no one talks about him