How to calculate CCTV camera Storage

How to calculate CCTV camera Storage

Engineering Network solutions

3 года назад

740 Просмотров

Storage Space (GB) = Bitrate (Kbps) * 1000/8 * 3600 * 24 * Cameras * Days/1000 000 000
*1000/8 = to convert kbps to Bytes
*3600 = to convert from seconds to hour
*24 = to convert from hour to day
Cameras = total number of cameras
Days = total number of days you want to record
With the above CCTV storage calculation formula, you can now be off to calculate CCTV camera storage or the hard disk capacity for CCTV.
CCTV Storage Calculator Formula ExampleIf you have 2 cameras whose maximum bitrate is 1024 Kbps and want to record for 7 days nonstop, according to this CCTV camera storage calculation formula:
Required storage space = 1024(MP) * 1000/8 (kbps to bytes)* 3600(mints*sec)* 24(day) * 2(number of cameras) * 7/1000 000 000(days/Gb) = 154.8288 GB
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