Nimrod wasn't proud. He was greedy hence him having the head of a bull on his idol of molok. Atlantis came to him with atlantean cattle teaching them domestication and turned his greed against him. Atlantis started with aphrodite first in the west before they got the eastern part of the middle east. Hence harut and marut being cattle farmers using noahs boat to transport goods after noahs death.
ОтветитьThe Christian history of China?
ОтветитьI remember hearing about 250 human right lawyers disappearing on the same day. The Berean Call Dave Hunt. 2005 promoted to glory. D Moghan contines
ОтветитьThe first universal language was telepathy.
Because the humans got on their nerves, they excluded most from telepathy to have their peace from human profanities and sins. This being thrown out of telepathy triggered then (out of necessity) the developpment of audible languages and dialects.
So we weren't of the first covenant and then died and came back with the second covenant which is now Grace
ОтветитьGuess where the land of Shinar is, hint the name didn’t change much. Read the book of Jasher and get the real biblical account that has been hidden from you by those who want to present you a Disneyland God, without reverence to the real creator and Almighty God and his Annointed one the Son of God who we know as Jesus because of the Greeks, why not Yeshua? Why not Yahusha? These are more accurate names, anyway don’t believe the lies around you, instead read the Bible yourself and the books that the liars and hypocrites keep out of the Bible such as the powerful revealing book of Enoch and book of Jasher. Be blessed and be not deceived by the blasphemous deception of today, pray and seek the kingdom of God and eternal life with your energy and time.
ОтветитьEsimene Moosese raamat 11:Paabeli torn
1 Kogu maailmas oli aga üks keel ja ühesugused sõnad.
2 Ja sündis, kui nad hommiku poolt teele läksid, et nad Sinearimaal leidsid oru ja jäid sinna elama.
3 Nad ütlesid üksteisele: „Tehkem nüüd telliskive ja põletagem neid hästi.” Siis olid telliskivid neile ehituskivideks ja maapigi oli sideaineks.
4 Ja nad ütlesid: „Tulge, ehitagem enestele linn ja torn, mille tipp oleks taevas, ja tehkem enestele nimi, et me ei hajuks üle kogu maailma!”
5 Aga Issand tuli alla vaatama linna ja torni, mida inimlapsed ehitasid.
6 Ja Issand ütles: „Vaata, rahvas on üks ja neil kõigil on üks keel, ja see on alles nende tegude algus. Nüüd ei ole neil võimatu ükski asi, mida nad kavatsevad teha!
7 Mingem nüüd alla ja segagem seal nende keel, et nad üksteise keelt ei mõistaks!”
8 Ja Issand pillutas nad sealt üle kogu maailma ja nad jätsid linna ehitamata.
9 Seepärast pandi sellele nimeks Paabel+ , sest seal segas Issand ära kogu maailma keele ja sealt pillutas Issand nad üle kogu maailma.
Kiri heebrealastele 4:Jumala rahva hingamisse pääsemisest
1 Kartkem siis, kuni tõotus saada tema hingamisse on veel jõus, et
kedagi teie seast ei leita maha jäänud olevat!
2 Meile on kuulutatud evangeeliumi nõnda nagu neilegi, kuid
kuuldud sõnast ei olnud neil kasu, sest see ei
talletunud usu läbi kuulajaisse.
3 Meie aga, kes oleme uskunud, saame hingamisse, millest ta on öelnud:
„Nii ma vandusin oma vihas: Nad ei saa minu hingamisse!”
Kuigi Jumala teod on olnud valmis juba maailma rajamisest peale -
4 kusagil on ju öeldud seitsmenda päeva kohta nõnda: „Ja Jumal hingas
seitsmendal päeval kõigist oma tegudest”,
5 siin aga: „Nad ei saa minu hingamisse”.
6 Nii jääb nüüd võimalus, et mõned saavad sinna sisse. Ja et
need, kellele evangeeliumi esmalt kuulutati, ei ole sinna sisse
saanud oma sõnakuulmatuse pärast -,
7 siis ta määrab jälle ühe päeva tänaseks päevaks, kui ta nii pika
aja pärast Taaveti kaudu ütles, nõnda nagu varem on öeldud: „Täna,
kui te kuulete tema häält, ärge tehke oma südant kõvaks!”
8 Sest kui Joosua oleks nad viinud hingamisse, siis ta ei oleks
rääkinud pärast seda ühest teisest päevast.
9 Nii on siis Jumala rahva hingamisaeg alles ees,
10 sest kes läheb tema hingamisse, see hingab ka ise oma tegudest,
nii nagu Jumal oma tegudest.
11 Olgem siis agarad sisse minema sellesse hingamisse, et keegi ei
langeks sellesama sõnakuulmatuse eeskujul!
12 Sest Jumala sõna on elav ja tõhus ja vahedam kui ükski
kaheterane mõõk ning tungib läbi, kuni ta eraldab hinge ja vaimu,
liigesed ja üdi, ning on südame meelsuse ja kaalutluste hindaja.
13 Ja ükski loodu ei ole tema ees nähtamatu, vaid kõik on alasti
ja paljastatud tema silma ees - tema ees, kellele meil tuleb aru anda.
Jeesusest kui suurest ülempreestrist
14 Et meil nüüd on suur ülempreester Jeesus, Jumala Poeg, kes on
läbinud taevad, siis hoidkem kinni usust, mida me tunnistame!
15 Sest meil pole niisugune ülempreester, kes ei suuda kaasa tunda
meie nõrkustele, vaid selline, kes on olnud kõigiti kiusatud nii nagu
meie, ja siiski ilma patuta.
16 Läki siis julgusega armu aujärje ette, et me halastust saaksime
ja armu abiks leiaksime parajal ajal!
You should read the Boogk of Jashar. There is a lot of information about Nimrod. He died before the tower was built.. So all of the speculation is false .
ОтветитьBabylon is destroyed in the end Many think it is only papal Rome or the USA but I think it represents man creating his own kingdom and religions and forms of worship apart from the kingdom of God and true worship of God it is both spiritual and physical.
ОтветитьThank You.
ОтветитьWhat god? Jehova-Satanas the Demiurge is Satan.
ОтветитьBabylon is a actually known as the gateway of the universe and many species of bngs dwell in the center of the earth where a back stone there a black hole is the resonbof gravity of the planet. When God confounded the language the people who have remain there have kept it a secret kept it's where many people also gather in.
ОтветитьArmed with Armageddon
ОтветитьEnoch 1:1
ОтветитьIn the Haj arewhen men who 😢want to enter
Babylon from the surface of the Earth
Babylon is where we people forgotten God's Love
ОтветитьIt's crazy that Babylon hasn't recovered from the curse. Iraq has been destroyed for centuries now
ОтветитьGod believes in different races of people but all I see in this video is white people the story is the word of God but the images are just white people are Godly and in his presence even the angels what does the Bible say about the people seen in heaven in Revelations
ОтветитьAmerica is about to become the Tower of Babel. Our cities are crumbling evil everywhere abominations running the government
ОтветитьThe Jesus Book is blasphemous
ОтветитьEvery man in this world right now has the mark in the hands religions is the mark of the beast in the forehead
ОтветитьThe Jesus Book is the mark of the beast in the forehead it's a religion
ОтветитьThe children of Canaanites that's who you are religions
ОтветитьBlasphemous you speak
ОтветитьTheir intention was to defy God and build something to withstand another flood in case God tried to destroy them again.
ОтветитьWrong interpretation.
ОтветитьMay God open our minds to follow the truth of his way. Amen
ОтветитьGreat video.
But, who narrates this ,or the voice is computer generated
He Created Us To Be Good People ,What A Mighty God We Save.
ОтветитьThis video is truly captivating and provides deep insights into the rise and fall of Babylon. The way you retell the biblical stories of figures like Nimrod and Nebuchadnezzar is both engaging and easy to follow. The themes of ambition, pride, and the consequences of defying God's will are presented clearly and meaningfully. By blending biblical history, prophecy, and spiritual lessons, this video not only delivers knowledge but also inspires viewers to reflect more deeply on life. It's a valuable piece of content for anyone looking to explore ancient stories and their relevance in today's world!
ОтветитьAmen. ♥️🙏
ОтветитьIt was Eridu. Why would the Tower be built so far from the sea?
ОтветитьPraise Jesus. Forever
Bless Israel forever ❤❤
All of you can you spot a counterfeit?it then stop ✋️ foolishness simply in 2nd Timothy 3:1-4,now it's a,strange deceptions many be displayed either riches or something else be downfall and be quiet you traitors and lies lies lies repeat prescription occurring maybe illusions in deuteronomy28:15-69&or quotation by,v,v,many auntychristians heated these quotation deuteronomy28:15-69&that of Romans 1:18-32&letters of jude vv1-25 son of thaddeus letters ✉️ many people ignorance of the letters of jude thaddeus v quoted especially v8&9 and about prophetically Enoch as idris secret weapons of God Allah judgment awaiting many more counterfeit circles of Tepid&bulwark vehement type both implying so called churches and mosque 🕌Muslims,god Allah is not a partials indexed of any circumstances comple
ОтветитьThe Bible has always had interesting explanations regarding historical events.
ОтветитьHere iam NEBACHNEZZAR
Ответитьno more remnant americas operation desrrt storm bombed/ destroyed iraq coz of saddam husein iraq's palace was the ancient babylon
ОтветитьGod destroyed evil
ОтветитьBabylon was steeped in wickedness spiritual physical and mental corrupted to the core temples ruined and marred beyond repair the spirit of Babylon REBELLION still exist today.... this is why God hates Babylon... is a BLIGHT on his creation that in due time will be REMOVED when the Word of God comes back and Yeshua is his NAME!
ОтветитьI only got what was stolen from me god gave it to me what or who do you worship.❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьYes the stories are informative ❤❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьI've heard the base of the Tower was possibly something like the size of a U.S. state could you imagine? The nutters were trying to reach the Firmament... and I guess try to fight God?..🤔... yea these people were evil and insane
ОтветитьIs this also projection? Because this is the same today.
ОтветитьThe bible is full of sht. Religion is the most evil. A god who threatens to burn 🔥 you in hell is evil 👿.
Grow up humanity, you’re like annoying little children worshiping gods and money.
We are just little people. May God grant each of us to put aside our pride and obey Him.