BOUNCE BACK 'C' upper primary (video 5 of 6)

BOUNCE BACK 'C' upper primary (video 5 of 6)

Pearson Australia

2 года назад

43 Просмотров

Videos to support Bounce Back! from Sprout Wellbeing:
These videos are aimed at middle to upper primary students and support teachers to:
- introduce and teach the BOUNCE BACK acronym of coping statements
- build students’ resilience and coping skills
- generate safe classroom discussions
- develop shared class language and understanding about resilience.
They can be used to generate general discussions around wellbeing and resilience, setting the scene for the curriculum units.
It is recommended that teachers pause the videos where indicated, or as often as needed to generate robust classroom discussions. Each video also includes activities for resilient skill development.

C – Concentrate on the positives (no matter how small) and use laughter.
This video is about finding something positive or even funny in difficult situations, rather than focusing on the negatives.

Key vocabulary: concentrate, critical, difficult, hope/ful, laugh/laughter, negative/s, perspective, positive/s, positive tracker

Learn more:


#bounce_back #resliience #wellbeing #primary
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