Amateur VS Pro Photographer - Camera or Skill?

Amateur VS Pro Photographer - Camera or Skill?

North Borders

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@JeiCos - 12.06.2024 08:10

Kinda upset that the title is a lie. You don't get to call her an amateur, when photographer is literally her day job. Since we no longer can view dislikes, I'm just gonna hope this video has a very high dislike ratio, because that's what you deserve for lying.

@demonslayer3655 - 13.06.2024 02:01

Can we forget the cameras for a second, and talk about the car?? Is that a r33, or r32? and dam, who it belong to?

@sogoth9592 - 15.06.2024 00:58

Where is this amateur photographer, person doing studio photos? you could at least try, pathetic.

@mansonandsatanrock - 19.06.2024 04:02

Issues with this is, she wasn't really an amateur, she is already a photographer with knowledge, just a different type of photographer.

Would've been interesting to see someone with no photography knowledge at all.

@pou7151 - 20.06.2024 07:37

The camera is all the deal if youre shooting actions, especially low light, a shitty camera wont even make barely "acceptable" results

@gavishaubeeluck7599 - 22.06.2024 22:34

That ain't $ 5000.

@BLACKWEBBABACOM - 25.06.2024 07:54

What is the girl name im falin love with thes girl

@bencevarga6304 - 26.06.2024 18:51

The guys doing the B rolls are cooking. By the way I feel like Mike was trying to create a nice images as a whole, but the pictures weren't weighted on the car, while Hayley was photographing the car itself actually.

@TheLopez2617 - 27.06.2024 00:24

Do this but with shit cars too

@AlanHarid - 27.06.2024 07:13

I have the exact same camera as the male photographer. It’s 13 years old haha😂

@MRHOTCAKE - 07.07.2024 04:04

Where can I get the Taken pictures? I would use them as Wallpaper

@blacksheep6888 - 10.07.2024 02:05

I have no idea what this actually proves, I have seen photos taken with a box brownie that are just as good

@MidasOP69 - 15.07.2024 11:54

Editing wins

@jstrang01 - 15.07.2024 17:23

I feel like this test would of been more better if he atleast had an entry level canon DSLR camera

@lassehorneburg5653 - 15.07.2024 21:36

ZickZack v4

@ImnHazzz - 16.07.2024 15:30

What’s with that long ahh hat bro😭

@aron2922 - 17.07.2024 23:31

Why do people put on a reversed lenshood

@SingularityEngine - 18.07.2024 14:49

"Let me free you of this burden bröther I would like to scquire this optical device" is a hilarious opening buy pitch

@valeuudiste4664 - 18.07.2024 15:02

She's so annoying

@Pause_the_film - 18.07.2024 21:26

I knew it was a bad one when you said "Nikon"

@tuquanvinh - 19.07.2024 01:14

Very misleading. Thumb down.

@Yahs232 - 19.07.2024 12:15

Goofy aah cap

@alexdon74 - 19.07.2024 16:15

На фотоаппарат круче конечно

@skinny_sam - 22.07.2024 17:49

How are you not ashamed of yourself? You could easily made that title true but decided to be deceiving and make a video that’s so obvious that’s it’s pointless « yeah : take 2 pro photographer , one with professional gear and one with poor gear and what a surprise ! The pro with the pro gear looks better » 😑

@cristiamalejandromurciacor2575 - 23.07.2024 00:19

I fell in love not only with the car but her too

@hdemolish - 23.07.2024 12:52

canon r5 with beautiful photographer :))

@CoffeeAndHomework - 24.07.2024 04:45

I was like, oh she's a hobbyist then. But no, she does this for a living.

@anthonyderuyver6995 - 26.07.2024 20:05

Immagine soending thousands on a camera and still just have a canon LOL

@anthonyderuyver6995 - 26.07.2024 20:10

didn't know it was possible to find 2 pple that are probably more annoying when together

@captaindelta43 - 28.07.2024 14:16

So no amateur then 😂 .....i loved the challenge

@Sairus. - 30.07.2024 17:09

Both are pros 🌟
professional photographer with extensive experience can often produce better results with mid-range gear than an amateur can with high-end equipment. Knowledge of composition, lighting, and post-processing are crucial skills that can outweigh the advantages of expensive gear.Gear however High-end camera gear often offers better image quality, more features, and greater durability. This can be important in challenging shooting conditions or for specific types of photography (e.g., sports, wildlife, low-light situations).

@catt1416 - 03.08.2024 02:03

Why so long hat

@MrGridStrom - 04.08.2024 14:46

The car should have been moving at 150kph around a proper race track at night. Then you both take photos of the moving vehicle. I'm guessing that new Cannon can shoot about 30 FPS raw, with extremely fast auto focus, whereas that nikoncoolpix would just melt. The experience matters, but the gear matters more.

@ESCAPEEDITS123 - 05.08.2024 07:01

no way my bro called nikon "knee-kon"

@BrianHallmond - 07.08.2024 15:35

Deceptive title. Two pros.

@andrescastro5027 - 09.08.2024 21:36


@Nickphuj01 - 11.08.2024 18:59

So now i know that i'm suck at photographing =)))

@SoloTravelPacker - 11.08.2024 20:41

I find this topic about the camera not being the source of the quality of the work but rather the photographer very interesting! Ordinarily by habit and observation I have noticed that people feel like they can replace talent or creativity with an upgraded camera.

When you see the commercials we almost start thinking like it is more of a magic box rather than a tool. Like we just point it at something and push the magic buttons and money shots start filling up the SD cards or everything they point the camera at converts into the perfect picture inside the focal point. I have never thrown a hammer 🔨 at the wall and suddenly my HDTV was mounted while playing America’s Got Talent show on NBC 🏆 If I keep seeing videos like these I might have to try it 😂

Most people forget or never understand that if you take the camera out of the equation, what has and always will be the most important thing is planning your shots and having a good imagination!

You see the shot before you take it. Photography isn’t exploratory unless you are out doing nature, street, travel or experimental photography. Coming from the gate as a photographer we should be formulating our thinking around a structured set of formulas and protocols to optimize our results.

The difference between a pro and a noob is a pro is calculated and prepared and a noob is trying to figure out what to do and completely random. Which is why it will never matter what kind of camera a noob has because basic fundamental knowledge and a good imagination will always beat a better camera.

However if you are serious enough to know the basic fundamentals at least, you need and a deserve the best camera you can get. Just never forget that innovative creativity can never plateau like a camera can.

Just keep things interesting or dare to try something new before buy a new camera like it’s a subscription or thinking that the quality is primarily from the hardware.

Unless you are a professional or trying to be one, you probably shouldn’t get rid of your current camera for a better one. Not until you have at least mastered it and got all that you can out of it and you genuinely want to upgrade from a heavily used camera.

Don’t be like some guitarists and think buying a new guitar makes you a better player just because it sounds a little different. Just use the one you got.

Likewise for the cameras. Just buy newer lenses, props or tickets to go to places that would be interesting for photography instead. You would be way happier than buying a new camera every single time a new one comes out.

@kisamkisa7389 - 17.08.2024 17:15

Про это тот кто зарабатывает деньги . Остальные это любители. Вы встречали репортажников с мыльницей? Я нет. Если увидите мне напишите. На мыльницу не снимают для глянца. Там большие белые стекла и Овер прайс на тушку! Если вам говорят иначе . Они лгут!

@user-qc6kq4bf2r - 18.08.2024 00:39

I would pick up a Sony rx100 m1 for about $100 and make a stunning pics

@lukefullerton509 - 18.08.2024 02:44

this video is weird. I mean it is not a bad video but there is so many things that just don't make sense. Like what on earth are those hats? Why is the title a complete lie? Why not take the same idea and make the title: "Can a pro photographer get good pics with a garbage camera?"

@Aaronvellience - 18.08.2024 03:40

she's kitty cute right 😂 her voice so cute😹

@petchberry4456 - 21.08.2024 03:54

Kinda fun ❤

@MarcoMacias-t5o - 21.08.2024 04:12

So the camera does make the photographer

@dharmathenature3509 - 21.08.2024 11:49

Before I even started the video: definitely skills. What's the point of an expensive camera if you don't have an eye for good subjects?
I also took my best pictures with the cheapest camera and also analog

@ciebeng-beng9447 - 22.08.2024 04:48

didn't know that kind of hat is exist 😮
