When I was in school, there was Print shop class, so kids got a better idea on how a printing press works, but with the commonality of the home computer printer, I wonder if they still offer Print shop?
ОтветитьMy history teacher sent us this we are Serbian only three people in my class know English
Ответитьyo who can help me with this question i got in my project
Background Information: Who/What/When/Where/Why/How was this invention created? What problem or issue did it solve?
I sense your lies.. I know you came here from school.
Ответить80% of people are here cause their prof sent them
The other 20% are here from WBW
My anthropology professor sent us here
ОтветитьmY TeAchER sENt mE hERe!!!1!
My SChoOL SenT Me HEre
i was just genuinely curious how the organized all the letters into words cause my goodness that must've been time consuming....
My graphic designer teacher sent me here hi pals 😂
ОтветитьWell, why im watching this
ОтветитьAscendance of a Bookworm brought me here
ОтветитьWhat’s y’all’s grade in world history
ОтветитьI have gotten this as homework, and i'm literally hating every single bit of it. :'(
ОтветитьPaper was very important. For a long time skins and such were used.
ОтветитьWho else is watching as an assignment? *sigh*
ОтветитьOne row of the darani gyeongmun 8–9 are printed in the form of a roll. Tripitaka Koreana was printed between 1011 and 1082. It is the world's most comprehensive and oldest intact version of Buddhist canon.- WIKIPEDIA
Ответитьwatched nutted rewatched and renutted
Ответить200 years before Gutsnberg printing press was invented, Korea invented printed by carving the stone in rectangular shape. The origin of printing press is Korea.
ОтветитьPrinted books? Save a tree buy a Kindle.
ОтветитьAm I the only one reading this out of personal curiosity?
ОтветитьI want the history of Korea to be known Just as Gutenberg went to Europe and introduced the printing press after seeing the Jikji made with Joseon's first printing technology, the Gutenberg Bible was not made for the first time. I can't find any information about it. In the West, it is recorded that the Gutenberg Bible changed human history, which needs to be changed.
ОтветитьIm sure thousands of people thought of this or similar idead...good luck getting the banks...kings...emperors and priests to apprive it
ОтветитьThe Chinese might have also invented some sort of printing press, but just like Vikings "discovering" America before Columbus - it had no ramifications for the course of history. Gutenberg is top 10 most influential people ever, just decades after his invention thousands of books and pages were printed.
ОтветитьThe movable type metal printing press was invented in Korea in 1234 by Chwe Yoon Eyee during the Goryeo Dynasty -216 years ahead of Gutenberg in 1450.
ОтветитьThis guys accomplishment is officially useless in this day and age
ОтветитьIn my opinion... Germans are the most inventive and ingenious people on our planet... Purely brilliant people!
Ответитьthis video sucks
Ответить@Benton Blanchard
Lol yah that’s facts
I'm just here so I don't fail history<3
ОтветитьGutenberg wasn't the first person to invent the printing press china did he just invented it in Europe
ОтветитьApparently 13th century Korea was already aware of moving metal type
ОтветитьBlacks and women cannot create things like this.
ОтветитьMost people couldnt write or read until 500years ago. a written word had a authoritarian status for the first time. this made me realise the value of books . Printing press was a great revolution to the mankind. education for many, advancement in human intelligence.
ОтветитьKorea invented metal movable printing before him. Some speculate he imported the technology from Asia. Please google it.
Y los préstamo
ОтветитьSa lá atá inniu ann, déantar Priontáil Dhigiteach ag baint úsáide as printéirí inkjet agus léasair. Níl aon chostais socraithe ann seachas printéir agus cartúis tonóra a cheannach.
ОтветитьGreat video, thank you
ОтветитьWho else is here for world history for L4L
Ответитьאפשר להוסיף תרגום
ОтветитьI regret not caring about school, so much.
If you're here because a teacher wanted you to watch this... dont take it for granted. The more knowledge you aquire, the more powerful you become.
I wish so badly I put in effort in school and didnt just skip every day... life is so short, school will be over before you know it and then youll miss it someday.