Shooting the BSA R10 SE Walnut Air Rifle - Sometimes Classic Airgunning is the way to go!

Shooting the BSA R10 SE Walnut Air Rifle - Sometimes Classic Airgunning is the way to go!

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@scottdarling1036 - 13.03.2025 09:36

A gun with a foot pound limit like in the UK is just a toy.

@226eagleeye - 27.09.2024 03:49

Are you planning to review the Umarex Zelos?

@heithwatkins - 27.09.2024 02:39

I have one in 177cal. It's super accurate and stone reliable. Excellent consistency out of the factory reg. I wouldn't trade it for anything. My stock is beautiful as well. 🎯👍
I had to add. The reason it pushed harder towards the end, is because you have greater reg pressure in relationship to hammer spring tension. You can flatten this out by increasing hammer spring tension. Or decreasing reg pressure, which I won't advised you try with this rifle with a factory reg.
But be advised, if you increase the hammer spring tension. You may have to shoot heavier pellets because of the increase in power.
I hope this helps.

@le3045acp - 26.09.2024 18:25

ive had a couple of bsa's and in my experiance they always seem to pop a seal and leak somewhere but that is only 2 guns i also do not find them very efficient the r-10 you have with a bottle only 30 shots i have a cheap snowpeak that shoots 32 ftlbs with the 18.13s and it gets 102 shots on the same size bottle but they are beautiful rifles and precision made and i am sure i havent had enough to lay judgement and yes if i see one in the future that catches my eye im sure ill give it a try

@timmy4539 - 26.09.2024 00:26

Looking good, Rick ! How are you feeling ??

@jabidkhan8961 - 25.09.2024 23:11

Now i using fx crown mk2 black paper laminate. 22 FAC

@jabidkhan8961 - 25.09.2024 23:10

It's my first choice pcp of my life ...that's great pcp❤

@greg4161 - 25.09.2024 21:07

Great rifle and super accurate!

@heathhalfhill6401 - 25.09.2024 19:37

Love the .22 cal PCPs. I have a Nova Vista Liberty sold by ATI out of Florida several years ago that Hard Air Magazine had a 20% off promo code on "HARDAIR20" IF I remember correctly. Wood stock tack driver for about 280$ if memory serves....from a factory tune...18.13 grain pellets @ 904-907 FPS Dime sized groups at 75 yards with 4 - 10 round magazines from a 230 cc cylinder giving me 90 shots from a 4351 psi fill and regulator at 1800-1900 psi, but at 100 yards Rick...the group opens up to a tennis ball sized group with the same 40 rounds....For the life of me I can't get the groups tighter than that, and in my mind they should be a Nickle, or at most a Quarter. I don't know if this is the nature of pellets or is there something I'm missing or doing wrong. I'm using good optics, a good solid rest, good technique, and can only get these groups on a very calm day. It is that last 25 yards from 75-100 that much harder??? I'm a 58 year old USAF veteran, life long shooter, and I am baffled by this. I should be able to tighten up these groups on paper at 100, but just can't seem to no matter what I do. I have other PCPs that hold tighter groups at 100, but with slugs not pellets, and they were a LOT more than 280$. Same optics, same rest, same conditions...IDK what I'm doing wrong or am I not doing anything wrong? Not complaining, but asking for advice, or a suggestion sir. Of all my PCPs this is the one I shoot the most at paper. Sorry for the long read. Stay blessed and thanks for a reply if you have time.
