Hey all, using this fun team by our friend Giga_Watts94, featuring Bronzong! Similar to with Andy's team, Bronzong didn't really find it's moment, but we still got some good matches. The Vine Lash indeed was over in last turn of game 2 so it couldn't have saved me. Super close game either way.
Check out Giga's Channel!
5 team vid:
Feel free to join my Discord too!
Team Overview (00:00)
Match 1 (03:25)
Match 2 (26:06)
#PokemonSwordShield #VGC22 #PokemonSeries12 #PokemonVGC #Pokemon #Kanto #CompetitivePokemon #MasterBallTier #VGC #Play #LegendaryPokemon #Yveltal #Groudon