Cam Edwards Responds to a Daily Kos Article About the NRA

Cam Edwards Responds to a Daily Kos Article About the NRA


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@shananagans5 - 10.05.2013 23:08

lol That Daily Kos article goes straight into tinfoil hat wearing territory.

@peshewa0529 - 10.05.2013 23:19

troubador, I don't know who you are and frankly could careless. I will protect and defend our Constitution and you and the rest of your anti-gun, anti consttution idiots are more than welcome to pack your bags and leave this great land and when you go take your socialist muslim president with you.

@kkaser04 - 10.05.2013 23:21

Trouby drank the obama crazy kool aid

@MrDjavaman - 10.05.2013 23:43

I went "article" web site and there was an ad from Optic Planet selling tactical belts lol

@PhoenixCustomPrimiti - 10.05.2013 23:54

???!! That boy is 7 ways to Sunday and twice on Sunday kinda crazy from way too much huffing the powder that makes Obama kool aid. I honestly can't say much more, otherwise it would look bad for me.

@FNG_Star - 10.05.2013 23:56

Now lets not get stuck on stupid...moron

@treizTUBE - 11.05.2013 00:27

Every time he says moron, I take a shot ... with my M&P!

@ShooterSD72 - 11.05.2013 00:41

That guy is a idiot. He just used a lot of words to say guns kill people. So if we get rid of them they're will be peace on earth. "Weapons incite violence" really? So those of us who like to participate in recreational shooting. Or choose to exercise our constitutional rights are the crazy ones? Maybe he would like us to rid ourselves of sticks and stones as well? Dumb ass...

@wildmanjeff42 - 11.05.2013 00:50

Troubador-- you are a moron--go to UK and preach your anti-gun agenda

@deemitch420 - 11.05.2013 01:21

Farrakhan, thats it. Thats what this guy sounds like. The Muslim guy who uses big words to say you have to use them in the proper context for the meaning to be there.

@ZDaySurvivors - 11.05.2013 01:34

im not done yet! more paper! lol

@GGsurvivor5 - 11.05.2013 02:41


@TripleThreatKris - 11.05.2013 02:41

The crazy is strong with this one!

@OneGenericName - 11.05.2013 02:42

All will be well once the BATF breaks up his still to keep him from drinking his own moonshine, the crazy loon.

@razogarzon3248 - 11.05.2013 02:48

I love it when Cam lets his sarcastic wit flow. It makes the mundane task of taking down halfwit liberals much much more entertaining.

@L3GN5RW9 - 11.05.2013 03:05

But seriously, is it really worth it to comment on low-profile things like this? We already know there are lots of stupid people out there, so if no one cares, then it might not be important.

@SaltyNationalist - 11.05.2013 03:08

OMFG Cam... I about pissed myself laughing at some of your wit... That was some funny shit... Hahaha.. {{moron}}.. What a douche that guy is even thinking what he was saying was anything American in any way.. You rock Cam.. Keep goin bud.. Lol.

@freedog632 - 11.05.2013 04:14

criminals probably dont buy guns in a way that a cut goes back to the gun manufacturers

@Longeno55 - 11.05.2013 04:50

Those involved with the Kos are all spineless douche bags that live to slam America's genuine values and hate on conservatives of any stripe. I wouldn't put any value in anything this fucked up organization says or promotes just as I wouldn't put any value in a pile of dung.

@Longeno55 - 11.05.2013 04:55


@derrickking8670 - 11.05.2013 05:28

never seen that guy pist off

@LeeG7953 - 11.05.2013 05:48

I would love to see puppies and rainbows around the world and everyone will hold hands and skip down the road. Yea that is going to happen. Their are evil people in the world and there aren't enough cops for one cop per person each in the US. I have known liberals (rich and educated) that got tied up in their home, at gun point, just because they didn't have a gun (they hatted guns, still do) and the bad guys knew this they had free rain.I guess you can't cure stupid!This happened in Tennessee

@dedzerg - 11.05.2013 07:40

There is no way Turdburglar could have a coherent conversation on the show. Cam would be wasting his time.

@GeorgeSemel - 11.05.2013 07:41

Cam all you need is a 3D printer! That guy is a fool.

@iewnauq7 - 11.05.2013 08:37

fuck gun control

@MrJffranco5777 - 11.05.2013 09:32

Wow, the manner in which you completely dismantled troubadors rants was masterful Mr. Edwards. This fools comments are a fine example of what is wrong with the liberal gun controllers. They base their rants on emotions and zero facts and substance. They're propensity to resort to false poll numbers or at the least bias ones blemish their cred as well. It really amounts to a small group of Feinsteins who don't respect the Constitution, or their rights, and crave a socialist utopian society.

@utubesgai - 11.05.2013 10:53

Maybe he ran outta crayon... Awesome!

@jayhawkman60 - 11.05.2013 12:17

one of the black helicopter crowd lol dummy (not you cam :))

@30plus1 - 11.05.2013 18:05

Great points Cam! But remember the saying..."Be careful arguing with morons...."

@GeorgeSemel - 11.05.2013 20:20

The cat is out of the bag, there is nothing anybody is going to be able to do about it, you would have to put personal computers out of business and they would have to put the likes of Apple Micro Soft and the internet out of business and still it would not matter a wit, That fellow had 1000000 down loads of his program before the Feds shut him down for the time being.

@SWVA2TX - 12.05.2013 01:26

Dude, you do realize that YOU are the idiot here, right? The provision against a registry was not worth the paper it was written on. These scumbags in Washington are willing to trample THE BILL OF RIGHTS. Do you REALLY think they would give a damn about overturning that provision? NO they would not.

@SWVA2TX - 12.05.2013 01:30

When the "universal" background checks didn't work, which they would not, Feinstein or Schumer would say something like "Well the National Institute for Justice says that the only way these checks can accomplish anything is with a national registry. For the record, the NIJ said just that. And once again, only 4% of the NRA's money comes from gun manufacturers. The rest comes from its members. I think you're really "Troubador" under another name. How else can you explain YOUR lies?

@tartredarrow - 12.05.2013 02:08

The NRA opposes background checks because they don't impact criminals. Why would you want more hoops to jump through when criminals don't even jump through the first one?

@TheMrKrause - 12.05.2013 09:19

Well handled.

@rubbersole79 - 12.05.2013 10:06

No, the main reason we didn't want UBC is because we didn't want to have to go through an FFL to hand down a family heirloom to our grandsons, and pay for the "privilege" to do it. Once again, over regulating law abiding citizens while criminal do what they do, regardless of the law. We have over 20,000 gun laws now. You really think one more will do anything?

@nikoshoji2993 - 12.05.2013 10:29

and he ran out of crayon.. it explains all that he stated.

@iewnauq7 - 12.05.2013 11:23

I bet you never read the bill did you? Here's what it would have done. 1. It would have been illegal to leave your firearm at home for more than 7 days with anyone else, 2. It would have been illegal to fail to report a lost or stolen firearm with 24 hours, meaning if you lost a firearm while hunting, and it takes you more than 24 hours to get back to civilization, you would be a criminal. 3. It would have been illegal to let someone else shoot your firearm at a range. 4. It would have let the

@iewnauq7 - 12.05.2013 11:24

attorney general set whatever amount fees he wanted in order to transfer a firearm, so basically, it would have been legal for Eric Holder to charge you 2,000 dollars to sell your firearm.

@bigrebnc1861 - 12.05.2013 11:37

I am an NRA member and I just read about the NRA supporting some gun legislation THAT THEY SUPPORT IS IT TURE?

@theoldgods7453 - 13.05.2013 12:35

Please don't feed the Troll.

@gsxr1eater - 13.05.2013 17:43

Did you get all that MORON!?

@jacobew2000 - 14.05.2013 11:13

First of all, In order to have background checks to work, you have to have a National gun registry. We have already seen what a state like CA does with a state gun registry. They declare someone who was not a "violent offender" suddenly be someone who no longer can have a gun, and suddenly you get a Swat team raiding your house, and YOU had no idea that you were no longer legal to have a gun. Its not about money, its about freedom from government!

@jacobew2000 - 14.05.2013 11:15

Everyone is a crazy guy shouting "black helicopters are coming after me" until Black helicopters are actually coming after you. They are no longer a "nut" on that point.

@CodeMasterPhilzar - 14.05.2013 16:34

Troubadour is either a troll making light of a serious issue or he is seriously, and I mean seriously disconnected from reality.

@chris27289 - 15.05.2013 21:41

Only 1 dislike, must be Troubadour.

@tensecond67 - 16.05.2013 05:55

the choice is yours, moron, choose wisely

@2004done - 17.05.2013 16:08

It is a precept of unfounded argument to repeat, espouse, and/or conjure "talking points" that advance the point of view. Without opposition, the blather seems real and will be accepted by those who can't, won't or don't know reality. So, unfortunately, we must point out the fallacies and realities of any opinion to prevent the so-called "Spiral of Silence."

@jameswest4521 - 18.05.2013 21:02

It would be funny to see the looks on peoples faces if We NRA members indeed turned our guns in and the Criminal gunmen went on a rampage. They would Cry out loud for us then. Then they would wonder "where are all the Good guys at" Where Are The Sheepdogs?! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD,, WHERE!?

@meandale - 31.05.2013 16:53

I think that there might be a whole new level of stupid...
