Peter Schilling - City Of The Night (Berlin) (Remastered)

Peter Schilling - City Of The Night (Berlin) (Remastered)

Peter Schilling

4 года назад

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@lordvincenzoleonardocorleo9301 - 19.04.2020 03:01

The German Version is Mystic, Intriguing , Thrilling , Spectacular. Whereas This Version is Pure History, sad, emotional & reflective. Both are Perfect!! Epic masterpieces.....

@renatoogranaja5017 - 22.05.2020 09:36

I love Peter Schelling, great song.....

@genettacoleman8587 - 12.07.2020 03:01

Such a beautiful song...

@TheCadandbounder - 23.07.2020 00:41

As a child of the cold war, "strange times when two halves don't make a whole" is so poingent

@glucol4269 - 16.09.2020 07:37

Listen, can't you hear your crying heart?
My friend, oh I can see you're torn apart
I look to you thinking of you tonight
Old ghosts, haunt you and they won't let go
They know, the city can take time to grow
What's done is done but you are still young, Berlin
Tell me, what will be your final role?
It seems either side would sell your soul
It's such a high cost when dreams get lost
In Berlin, city of night,
You sleep between the East and West,
Along the left and right
Broken, kept from the light
You close your eyes and everything
Remains in black and white
Berlin, when will you fight
The mind that draws the border
No one crosses in the city of night
Strange times were to have thought make a whole
You'll find some old wounds cannot be closed
But I look to you, thinking of you
Oh Berlin, city of night,
You sleep between the East and West,
Along the left and right
Broken, kept from the light
You close your eyes and everything
Remains in black and white
Berlin, when will you fight
The mind that draws the border
No one crosses in the city of night
Today, in the world of freedom
The proudest post is "? "
Berlin, city of night,
You sleep between the East and West,
Along the left and right
Broken, kept from the light
You close your eyes and everything
Remains in black and white
Berlin, when will you fight
The mind that draws the border
No one crosses in the city of
Berlin, city of night,
You sleep between the East and West,
Along the left and right
Broken, kept from the light
You close your eyes and everything
Remains in black and white
Berlin, when will you fight
The mind that draws the border
No one crosses in the city of night

@martinmunoz242 - 11.12.2020 09:52

I love this song. Great music.

@frankfhuaman3440 - 07.01.2021 02:13

Amazing song

@kathygehring7226 - 15.02.2021 21:47

I will never get enough of listening to his voice, it is just perfect as are all his songs.

@darrindlc9513 - 19.06.2021 06:56

How I miss Berlin

@joseadriancentenoalvarez173 - 06.07.2021 16:30

Un bonito homenaje a Berlin.

@dougbrowne9890 - 17.09.2021 08:04

I long for death. But I cannot speed it up, because I made a promise to the woman I love.

Must make the best of it.

@al-ko-ga9873 - 15.10.2021 14:07

Großartig! Toller Song. Das ist Zeitgeschichte und verschafft mir irgendwie immer Gänsehaut wenn ich ihn höre. Danke Peter Schilling.

@xiaoxi3335 - 25.12.2021 13:50


@silviareyescastro7464 - 14.01.2022 10:00

Muchos años escuchando esta hermosa pieza, y el tiempo nos lleva de la noche al amanecer y a la hermosa luz del dia.

@Fazaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - 07.02.2022 09:46


@Barada73 - 02.04.2022 19:19

I remember being a teenager in the late 80s and the ever present shadow of the Cold War loomed over everything. No matter what plans you made or what dreams you had for the future, you always had to accept the possibility that WW3 and worldwide nuclear holocaust would eventually overtake everything. If you didn’t live during the Cold War, I don’t think it’s possible to understand it fully.

@terrygiles9969 - 19.04.2022 21:10

I might be English but this song is a work of art I adore it.

@terrygiles9969 - 25.04.2022 22:12

A great song for listening to driving home at night.

@ПеризатАбилдаева-о8х - 15.05.2022 18:41

Peter Schilling N1 better singer!

@CarolinaHernandezLanz - 02.10.2022 23:25

Hermosa canción. Sonidos espectaculares. Bella. Gracias mi querido Peter Schilling 💕🌠😘🎧

@diegoacosta8168 - 05.01.2023 22:49

Uno de mis sueños es visitar Alemania, por supuesto, incluyendo Berlín.
Excelente canción del maestro Peter 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

@covadongaprice6149 - 11.03.2023 22:05

Nice song, beautiful,,,,,😃🥰💯👋👋👋👌❤🎼🎵🎶🎸

@phantom894 - 24.05.2023 18:09

Listen, can't you hear your crying heart?
My friend, oh I can see you're torn apart
I look to you thinking of you tonight
Old ghosts, haunt you and they won't let go
They know, the city can take time to grow
What's done is done but you are still young, Berlin
Tell me, what will be your final role?
It seems either side would sell your soul
It's such a high cost when dreams get lost
In Berlin, city of night
You sleep between the East and West
Along the left and right
Broken, kept from the light
You close your eyes and everything
Remains in black and white
Berlin, when will you fight
The mind that draws the border
No one crosses in the city of night
Strange times where two halves don’t make a whole
You'll find some old wounds cannot be closed
But I look to you, thinking of you
Oh Berlin, city of night
You sleep between the East and West
Along the left and right
Broken, kept from the light
You close your eyes and everything
Remains in black and white
Berlin, when will you fight
The mind that draws the border
No one crosses in the city of night
Today, in the world of freedom
The proudest boast is "Ich bin ein Berliner"
Berlin, city of night
You sleep between the East and West
Along the left and right
Broken, kept from the light
You close your eyes and everything
Remains in black and white
Berlin, when will you fight
The mind that draws the border
No one crosses in the city of
Berlin, city of night
You sleep between the East and West
Along the left and right
Broken, kept from the light
You close your eyes and everything
Remains in black and white
Berlin, when will you fight
The mind that draws the border
No one crosses in the city of night

@rosafitner9289 - 27.05.2023 00:10

Tenía 17 años la primera vez que escuché esta joya de canción, soy nicaragüense pero tengo sangre Alemana y me sentí muy unida al dolor de los Berlineses. ❤

@Vayesca - 17.11.2023 15:44

Mi sobrino Marvin estaba tierno, pues es de 1988, nos fascinaba a mi hermano y a mí.

@blacksnowg2296 - 19.11.2023 02:17

Ich kannte bis jetzt nur die deutsche Version und die ist schon extrem berührend, aber die englische zieht mir echt die Schuhe aus, was für eine schöne Hommage an die Teilung, und gut das wir diese düsteren Zeiten hinter uns haben. Am schönsten finde ich das er da auch JFK reingeschnitten hat. Ich liebe es❤❤❤

@shaunmichaels6801 - 06.01.2024 23:18

Pitch perfect voice and great catchy hits that tell a story ⭐👍😊

@jonaswcox - 01.03.2024 01:36

Peter Schilling, Peter Gabriel, and Peter Murphy, interchangeably, my absolute favs.

@TheSmallsister - 06.10.2024 23:16

Da mag ich die englische Variante sogaor mehr als die deutsche, natürlich unterschiedlich von der Bedeutung

@MigueldarioHerreraconrado - 19.10.2024 05:27

Peter. Schilling the Best german singer ! And all europe!

@LoriNevins-v3b - 08.11.2024 04:26

Love, love this.

@alstefanini8918 - 01.02.2025 04:36

What a great song, but Peter never sings about Jesus and the fact that the planet will be here as long as he wants it to be. Thank you Peter for your songs. Night buddy

@JulioantonioLainez-k8o - 05.03.2025 23:40

Quien en pleno 2025

@Amylovessadie - 13.03.2025 09:03

One of my favorites ❤️
