I’m without a job for past 11 years and looking for part time still
Can’t do morning jobs because of chronic insomnia
Thank you ❤
I want positive my life to change completely
Believe and received Ameen
❤tThank you!
ОтветитьThis woman is 🔥🔥🔥
ОтветитьSag ascendant Pisces moon ... probably sag predictions are better for me since house placements are different
ОтветитьSpot on, been a tough year for me on relationships especially with my wife
ОтветитьThat is all very well so long as you know when you were born.
ОтветитьYes, commuting a LOT! And boy oh boy, I sure hope for a move by May. Thank you, Joni and Happy New Year to you.❤
ОтветитьI tried to do the free one for as or mo but my country was not on the list!
ОтветитьI love you god please listen my prayers and the wish I made I love you Jesus Christ and I wish all many blessings
Ответитьpatrice i like ur channel and im in South Africa you products is super expensive we trade in Zar the doller is quite high for us to be honest.
ОтветитьFirst, you have absolutely turned everything i thought I knew upside down and I love it. goodbye western tropical and hello VEDIC!!!! I've been losing sleep over you're channel lol but I think I need to book a reading cause that 23 24 degrees taurus video has me asking "WHEN????" i have 24 degrees Taurus IN the second house. Currently living in my moms garage 🥲🙃
Second, I've been sprinting with astrology for just about 15 years now so I like to say that I'm a pretty seasoned astrology addict... my question is, I've always wondered, why is it that we watch the sign for the rising and the moon? Both of mine and I'm sure a good amount of others have those placements in 2 different signs which means different houses... so when I watch the video for my moon sign (spoiler its Pisces and with an Aries rising) the transits you mention are not in the houses you say. So I'm curious why not only you but other astrologers as well usually tell you to look at the moon for transit videos along with the ascendant.
oversharing rant complete, thank you <3 and happy new year!!!
I'm Pisces in Western so I listened😊This is really nice😀So many changes. Family,health,relationships,family expension(why not?). This is extremely nice. Mental changes too.This is nice. I don't mind changes. Moving too.Traveling.This is good. Great for siblings. Relationships with them,talking. I will see them on the 1st😁. Thanks Joni. This is great. Happy New Year! 😁 Lots of health and joy to everyone😀
ОтветитьI take it that a politician of a pisces ascendant will or may feel the impact greatly. It might not be of any significance to a pisces ascendant living in the Gaza strip. Correct me ?
ОтветитьThank you Beautiful Woman 💫💫🎉🎉✨️✨️😘😘
ОтветитьI can’t figure out if I’m in Pisces on this I’m dense 😊 I see another chart at the bottom.
ОтветитьThat's true it is been a great awakening! Healing yes! Yes my looks ! Yes everything is changing. Blessed love Sis.
ОтветитьJoni looks amazing!!!
ОтветитьI have been commuting alot.. spending time with my sister and brother... ready to move..
ОтветитьAs regard to the theft potential, my wallet was really got stolen, although I try my best to prevent breaking in, but it got stolen in the store 🙃
ОтветитьLove your videos, can you do a video on winning Lottery, placement s.
Please .
Yes!!! I brought a house moving end of January!! Right on target! 🎉
ОтветитьI've been worried about my 2 dogs. They're 12 and 14, and the vet said this will be their last shot cycle. 😢 thank you for making me think of my dogs health.
I want to move so bad I have terrible neighbors. Thank you for making my day.😊
I do t understand if your ascending and moon signs forecasts are opposite which is true?
ОтветитьAstrology is another form divination, and superstition, Stop this practice =, it's of the Kingdom of darkness, Repent, and follow Jesus Christ that you might have life, and have it more abundantly
ОтветитьI'm Sagitarius, Pisces, Pisces
ОтветитьWOW!! I WILL BE CLOSING ON MY HOME HOPEFULLY END OF JANUARY ❤ its been a craxy journey, going to my 2nd hotel on 1/3. Im also a realtor. Im focusing on my businesses and my family strengthening ideally getting married and us creating a wonderful environment for us and our daughter. More kids? Idk possibly but wow.
ОтветитьPisces ascendant. Scorpio moon vedic. See what happens.
ОтветитьYES but I DON'T know the time of my birth !!!!!
ОтветитьI'm sorry but the second guy made nothing into something, that could have ended badly for him
ОтветитьYes Joni I'm Pisces Ac. Sidereal 2° I've just gotten my DL and my Sibling one older lets me drive his car . But he is over an hour away. I'm feeling nervous/anxiety because I really don't know my way around and I'm not used to all the road trips. I am working on getting my own car. It may not be a big deal to most people but it's a big one for me.
ОтветитьThank you so much!!! Happiest new year!!! 2025 and 15 years of abundance!!! Thank you, God!!
ОтветитьThank you so !! much for the information !❤
ОтветитьI want to move to Huntington Beach California! And with the Lord's help, it will happen! 🙏
ОтветитьIt does not resonate 😢
ОтветитьWow this is so accurate for me. I’m going to listen to this again. Thank you go all that you do. I’m grateful.
ОтветитьIs this also for sun in pesces people?
ОтветитьThank you this is spot on! 🩷🩷 I know that I have to wacht my health it's in my head for a while . This past horror year. Relationship wise. And my eldest son was having a health crisis. A brain tumour to be precise. I was in extreme survival mode.and two months in the hospital every day. My ex abandoned me emotionally during this Time and was extremely cruel and I was shattered into peaces and still discovering big lies from him. Lies about the house he bought and I spend a lot of my money in. I have no rights. He lied and I trusted him. Discovering who I thought was the love of my life is a lying narcist and I left last april after 14 years. I'm in a big Change at the moment. Neglect my health a bit because of all I went through .You have given me the exact little push to do what I know to do health wise. Quit smoking, exercise. Eat more healthy. No gluten etc. Picking up my yoga. Continue my home study that I have been postponed and live the life I suppose to live.
ОтветитьThank you for this insight. You hit many nails on the head!
Ответить'Particularly the mother' holy moly, you couldn't be more wrong.
Narcissists only care for themselves, she's basically dropped all contact with our son who decided to move back in with me when he woke up what his mom was. (as I wasn't around anymore to take all the flak, so now he was exposed to it)
Ugh. I have always been a Libra. This is SO weird.
ОтветитьSo much confirmation! Im moving, will be decorating a lot for my new space, and joined a hiking community where we will hike together. I will be blogging again and have a couple new hobbies I'm into. Definitely buying a car as well. 😊
ОтветитьThank you for this beautifully accurate. I claim this reading and sooo ready for all past to be lifted and allow myself to live more authentically and harmoniously and be financially secure .
ОтветитьI'm so happy Pluto is in Aquarius
ОтветитьThank you Joni.
With my pisces moon, I pray to be healthy, strong, mentally stable, and to have enough abundance to help our communities and our environment. Dear Lord, please help me be the best human I can be. Amen.
TV again. Yeah!!!!