Camp Mograph 2024 - Australia - Title Sequence

Camp Mograph 2024 - Australia - Title Sequence

Camp Mograph

55 лет назад

4,418 Просмотров

We are INCREDIBLY humbled and honored to have our first-ever Camp Mograph title sequence, directed by Duncan Elms. A massive thank you to all of the artists who contributed to this amazing piece for Camp Mograph 2024 Australia.

Directed By:
Duncan Elms - @duncanelms

3D Artists:
Hyunsup Ahn - @hyunsup.ahn
Ethem Cem - @ethemcemb
Mert Ercin - @mertercin.exr
Harrison Grant - @harrisongrant__
Thanos Kagkalos - @thanu_lee
Mehmet Kizilay - @mehmetq
Mert Kizilay - @mertkizilay
Renato Marques - @renatomarques
Daniel Moreno - @prpldan
Brandon Parvini - @b_parvini
Amando Rosales - @amando_rosales
Min Shi - @min_shi_art
Ilya Tselyutin - @ilya.tselyutin
Yeti Pictures - @tonyzagoraios (Yeti Pictures)

Jessica Ledoux - @jessicaledoux

Music + Sound Design:
James O'Connell - @jamesocmusic


##creativeevent ##titlesequence ##campmograph ##australia #motion_graphics #mograph #motion_design
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