【买房卖房,投资,贷款】Hey folks! 我叫若伊,英文名是Zoe,欢迎来到我的频道😊我是一名生活在南加州的房地产经纪人,初中时来的美国,除了我的工作,我平时的爱好还有探店吃美食,一切跟神秘有关的事物(比如未解之谜,灵异事件等等),我是一个热爱生活的女孩,我会定时更新我的频道,给大家带来更多好房源和分享一些专业知识来方便大家购房,同时我也会分享一些美食和小故事给屏幕前的你们哦😜谢谢亲们的关注🙏 想联系我卖卖房子的朋友们可以拨打热线 949-742-5261 或是扫码加我微信! 谢谢大家!
【Buying and selling, investing, lending】Hey folks! My name is Zoe, welcome to my channel! I am a real estate agent living in Southern California, and I came to the United States when I was in junior high school. Besides my job, my hobbies are dinning in different restaurants ,everything related to the mystery (such as unsolved mysteries, supernatural events, etc.), I am a girl who loves life, I will update my channel regularly to bring you more good housing and Share some professional knowledge to make it easier for you to buy a house. At the same time, I will also share some food and short stories to you in front of the screen. Thank you for your attention. Friends who want to contact me to sell houses can call the hotline 949-742-5261 or scan Add me on WeChat! Thank you all!
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