Pay a visit at Kasten stand in the Tampere Logistiikka Fair; 17-- 19 April 2013
The Logistiikka 2013 fair is for professionals and companies involved in materials handling and storage equipment, the related services and solutions, storage and racking systems as well as warehousing and logistics services.
Kasten will be demonstrating numerous ways of optimising your warehouse and saving space and/or time. With clever ways to reduce your inventory and to reduce your costs we are sure you will want to come and talk to us. We are "Thinking Inside the Box" for You.
We will present our Tornado storage machine, our CWIS analysis tool for optimization of warehouse logistics and our Satellite Racking system.
We look forward to seeing you in Tampere at our stand C130!
#logistiikka_2013 #kasten #kasten_tornado #pallet_shuttle