Hit A PERFECTLY STRAIGHT Drive With 1 SIMPLE Tweak! ( Golf Driver Swing Tip)

Hit A PERFECTLY STRAIGHT Drive With 1 SIMPLE Tweak! ( Golf Driver Swing Tip)

Matt Fryer Golf

10 месяцев назад

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@starks1974 - 12.04.2024 06:47

I’ve been hitting off the area and hooking massively…needed this for the new season. THANKS!!!

@alexanderbell3498 - 12.04.2024 14:35

Thanks Matt. This is a great drill, I've just practiced it down the range. I've never hit 50 balls so consistent and straight

@josetakapele - 12.04.2024 21:04

I’ve been catching it smack in the middle but end up slicing anyway. I’m thinking the face is open on impact.

@whiskers762 - 13.04.2024 17:56

Day 61 can I have it now

@whiskers762 - 13.04.2024 18:03

Driver tips are great just saying longer distance means more potential for error lol

@whaleshark2625 - 14.04.2024 14:27

Face angle = start line, path = spin. A couple of times you made it sound like face angle = draw or fade spin, which night confuse folks.

@roncarlton1882 - 15.04.2024 04:35

Good tips. In my case, the problem was more with path and swinging across the ball. I’ve made swing changes to correct but the most improvement has been hitting more fairways by keeping head from moving. More consistent ball striking and keeping the club on plane is producing more shots on line. I’m not young being over 70 but I play from the regular tees 6400 yards. Typically in the 70’s with a 7.3 handicap.

@jakebrandt5882 - 17.04.2024 05:01

This exact thing was suggested to me about 6 months ago, and since then I have just been spending 5-10 minutes a day doing that 1-2 drill in the house with a wedge, and already this season I have noticed a ridiculous improvement in my striking consistency. Just keep doing it until it becomes habit, and tattoo it into your pre-swing thought.

@scubart - 17.04.2024 18:44

The putter is your least lofted club

@ronj9460 - 19.04.2024 06:27


@andrewgilmore9054 - 19.04.2024 16:41

Great drill, I've been working on the first stopping point and will incorporate the second check point. Really enjoy your videos Matt, Thanks.

@kevingilliam9287 - 21.04.2024 04:43


@James-if4zw - 24.04.2024 15:23

Amazing lesson man. I think most people get this wrong

@jasencampbell7739 - 25.04.2024 13:03

Great tip Matt.
I always use this when I’m struggling. But I take it back, stop and check. Then finish the shot from there and hit the ball.
20 balls like this each time at the range. It really works

@derekinertiak2067 - 25.04.2024 23:53

You talk more about what not to do rather than what you should do. Similarly, a great caddy never says don't hit it in the water on this hole. They simply say the target and distance. Get to the point brother!

@mikestrauser2944 - 26.04.2024 16:13

Wait Justin Thomas does this! I’m out

@johnmadden5536 - 27.04.2024 07:14

Hello I'm from Gainesville FL I play golf and I would like to play golf hole lat better

@St.B4949 - 27.04.2024 21:02

There’s only one thing he said in this video that was true or worth anything. “ go the the driving range “ and practice. If you think a video will help you , you’re mistaken. Only practical practicing will help. Stop thinking a video is your miracle it’s not . Working on your golf swing will do a lot more .

@jaguarfarewellday - 01.05.2024 11:25

Great tips and something that I do not checking out position of club head. Thanks, could you please do a video of the best 5 / 10 drivers for high handicappers.

@Imknottshore - 11.05.2024 05:37

Isnt it carreening? Never say dont do something

@DavidMiller-pl6hk - 22.05.2024 19:49

To much talking.

@ABigGom - 25.05.2024 13:10

Class drill, especially checking the club head on the way back down. Hadn’t thought of that. Subbed

@mossy723 - 27.05.2024 04:47

Does he mean “ careening “ into the woods at the beginning, or is careering a British term?

@mrbluemancheese - 28.05.2024 03:14

Make sure you have the correct length. I had 2 inches too much and couldn't stay away from the heel. This neutral plane is the final key.

@billgibson2334 - 30.05.2024 21:32

It was a pre swing habit that, for some reason, I stopped doing, resulting in poor strikes. Thanks for this great reminder and tip.

@billbkr32ify - 31.05.2024 02:49

Face position means nothing if your swing path is not correct. You can have a dead square face at impact every time and still slice the ball. The swing path is the 1st thing to make sure that is correct

@touristguy87 - 03.06.2024 04:47

it's "careening"
but you have to start somewhere

@touristguy87 - 03.06.2024 05:06

Talking about timing, it took you 3 minutes and 25 seconds of video to regurgitate one of the OLDEST chestnuts in golf, that hitting is all about TIMING. It has nothing to do with timing, it has EVERYTHING to do with the ONE thing that matters. Hitting the ball in a controlled manner. Whether you close, open or square the face at impact. That does not matter at all. You just need to know how you're going to hit the ball and adjust the rest of your swing accordingly.

Not precisely, not down to the minute of arc-degrees. Just HOW you're hitting it. Closed or open face, draw or cut face to path, toe, center or heel, up, level or down. You're never going to get any of that "right" down to even single-digits. Because your swing, your strike and your ball-flight all depend on how you actually hit the ball, not how you WANT to hit the ball. Just as if you reach into your pocket and find that you have 75 cents, your spending is guided by the fact that you have 75 cents in your pocket. You don't try to reach into your pocket time and time again and come out with 50 cents and plan your entire swing around finding 50 cents, no more and no less. The more precise you try to be in your swing, the more trouble you are going to have with your shot-placement. You have to hit the ball with the swing that you have at impact, not the swing that you want at impact.

The key thing is to recognize how you actually hit the ball and manage your follow-through accordingly. Just as if you intend to drive from Point A to Point B, you can't get there by pretending that the path that you want to take actually exists as you think that it does. You have to deal with the real road, not your fantasy road. Most importantly if you are trying to hit a high shot and you don't start it off at the right angle with the right spin to even get it back into play much less land it where you want, you need to learn how to rescue the shot so that it's at least playable. Just as you have to learn how not to ruin a good strike with a bad follow-through.

@gordonkane5867 - 04.06.2024 08:11

Great tips. Thanks for the simple and logical advice.

@dennislindberg2589 - 04.06.2024 22:06

Matt the weather should we do a video?
Nah let´s wait for the wind the microphone won´t pick up the windnoise

@Fake-jake - 07.06.2024 02:01

Most annoying video ive ever watched

@NoThanksCryptoScammer-BTC_only - 07.06.2024 21:55

Too tooooooo many words!

@bentleytheboxer2441 - 09.06.2024 20:02

Johnny Vegas is looking good 😂 just kidding but good vid & nice drill thank you.

@ronaldvanegas1974 - 12.06.2024 08:19

You talk to much just show us how to hid it

@dennymckenzie3688 - 19.06.2024 04:50

Thanks again Matt. I love your videos ⛳️🏌🏾😊

@tompem - 20.06.2024 15:45

Notice how JT's face does NOT match his spine, but is straight up to 12 o'clock....

@CASSIUSleedy - 21.06.2024 18:56

Great content, but it can be condensed down to about 3 min

@pmdwyer274 - 23.06.2024 13:48

Speak english.

@james352 - 02.07.2024 04:04

Too much talking

@AlpineMeister - 03.07.2024 08:56

I haven’t yet heard a golf coach talk about shoulders. I make a case for the connection of arms shoulders. No rotation takes place without shoulder turn. You shouldn’t even move your club without shoulder turn. Sometimes it’s tiny but it’s important. The coordination of every other muscle follows a good relaxed shoulder turn.

@detroitbadboy9802 - 03.07.2024 15:12

Too long winded. Only tells you what not to do.

@mem30075 - 08.07.2024 15:35

Great tip...and will practice it. It is so easy to get in some bad habits especially with the driver and this tip will help correct that.

@matfryer5914 - 14.07.2024 02:43

Thanks legend

@ricoabaricia - 27.07.2024 18:46

I normally play 9 holes hitting from the back tees walking w pull cart and it's 5 min away from my house and be done with it. Someone joined me riding a golf cart and hit w me from the back which is fine w me. I just noticed that he has pre drills and took so long before hitting the ball-I said to myself ,no wonder I played by myself. Let alone 4 some and 18 holes. At the end of the game, he told me he did not played well because he felt rushed.

@chrisroberts8739 - 29.07.2024 16:05

Great vid,
I have a hard time with always slicing the ball. I started to hit with my rear foot way back and hit at an angle with my club way closed. This works to get it to go straight or even a draw.
But, I would love to hit flat with a straight shot with both feet aligned for better distance and accuracy.
You mentioned that at the halfway backswing, the clubhead mirror the angle of your spine, not vertical, but, then in the rest of the video, it looks to be vertical with the ground. Did I get this part correct?

@bille9995 - 30.07.2024 05:04


@ittybitbobo7657 - 11.08.2024 16:41

Another video just like the hundreds of other videos saying the same thing

@rusco88 - 20.02.2025 03:12

great tip! subscribed it is! 😀

@xxHEADSHOTTxx - 26.02.2025 06:20

Johnny Vegas' windy brother
