7 things you should know about HomeReady Loans | Laura Borja - Home Loan Expert

7 things you should know about HomeReady Loans | Laura Borja - Home Loan Expert

Laura Borja -Home Loan Expert

4 года назад

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@ramellyde6232 - 31.05.2020 20:50

Thank you for this information

@jkshippy - 16.06.2020 06:23

How are student loans calculated if you are on an income based repayment plan with a $0 payment?

@jo69817 - 27.06.2020 10:06

Can you use a home ready loan for an investment property?

@12Dama - 02.07.2020 05:39

Buenas, puedo yo tener este mortgage para un investment property la cual yo no viviria en ella tengo la mia propia. Por favor si me deja saber

@saqibwilliam - 14.08.2020 04:42

hey laura, what if i make $800 more than the income limit for my county. can i still be qualified for homeready program by fannie mae. i am a first time home buyer

@daylove6 - 01.09.2020 16:34

Hi great video! By any chance do you have this video in Spanish?

@richardpratts7011 - 23.09.2020 02:04

Great info thank you so much learned a few things for my next home purchase!! 👍😎
