I don't think that's what Vinnie meant, in my humble opinion. I know they didn't want Pantera to breakup and Phil was the difficult one. I think he blames Phil cause if they didn't break up this lunatic wouldn't have reacted the way he did.
I'm pretty sure that's where he was coming from.
Phil is definitely responsible for Dimebag's death. This is why this new tour is a joke. And it sounds horrible live, saw the video. Charlie's drums are not even close
ОтветитьRex sure has a lot to say after reading the Pantera book that dude all he does is talk shit on Vinny
ОтветитьEvery time you mention the thing about subscribing to the non subscribed watchers, makes me want to unsubscribe.
ОтветитьCool to honor the brothers but fuck rex and phil...
ОтветитьThe Nickelback tour is better, very good banter between songs, reminds me of Dave Grohl's stage style. Not that great of songs of course but overall enjoyable.
ОтветитьDefinitely wasn't Phils fault. But I can see exactly where Vinny would think that. It's a damn shame
ОтветитьI feel stoked for a new generation getting to feel the power that is Pantera and Phil sounds better now than he has in a long time but having seen the og lineup twice I prefer to keep it that way
ОтветитьNot recent interview. At the top it said recorded in 2020
ОтветитьWe all know that he wouldn't have anything to do with phil. Unfortunately if anyone really cared about the truth or you know things that happened Vinnie Paul was just being a supremely petty and disgruntled human being at the wrong person. And that hurts me to say as a fan of Pantera who grew up on Pantera and absolutely loves their music even to this day. But I've lost all respect for Vinnie Paul because he kepling the body of dimebag at Phil when Phil had literally nothing to do with what happened and it was just a crazy fan who snapped and decided to kill dimebag for some reason. Vinnie Paul was a great drummer and he deserves all the recognition and a claim and accolades that he has to his name. But it's kind of hard to think of him as a good person when for most of the time I've been alive which is 31 years all he did was lay the body at someone's feet who had nothing to do with what had happened.
ОтветитьA real tribute to Dime and Vinnie would’ve been by not using the Pantera name to line their pockets and feed their egos.
ОтветитьIt's a tribute to pantra not a reunion. They have said this repeatedly saw them in Mexico recently they said it on stage they are a tribute not a reunion so quit saying that.
ОтветитьI fully believe that interview influenced dimes murder. What reason would anyone have to kill him?
ОтветитьShould be called Panselmo. Bc that's the only way he was going to be singing for Pantera again.
ОтветитьPhil should have left Pantera alone, these shows are undeserved
ОтветитьI was fortunate to see Pantera many times. I was going to see them with Metallica next year but the tickets price is ridiculous.
ОтветитьOnce again Phil seems to slide on with out feeling the hate he deserves. F all y’all disrespecting Dimes and Vins wishes.
ОтветитьWhy do people keep calling it a reunion when Zakk said himself it’s more of a tribute
ОтветитьIf these guys were alive today, we’d still have damageplan and hell yeah but there would be no pantera at this point.
ОтветитьNo one likes to mention that Phil wasn't just a hardcore alcoholic at the time (as the abbotts were up until the day they died) but Phil was a heroin junkie and pretty much everything under the sun. Phil wanted to destroy his life and succeeded to an extent but even while Phil was going through shit that'd destroy anyone else. Not only did Phil front some of the heaviest bands to ever exist Pantera, Down, Superjoint Ritual. There were more projects out there people forget about probably the most unknown being a band called Necrophagia where Phil was on guitar and it's one of my favorite bands to this day.
Phil wanted to work on other things and other bands, the brothers didn't like the idea that much, so Phil just destroyed Pantera to get out on his own. Once out on his own people hounded him about Pantera until Dime died and Vinny disowned Phil. It sucks, wish we had both Dime and Vinny here still. I'm thankful we get to see Rex and Phil go out on tour with Zakk whom the fans had been begging for to step in for Dime since Dime passed away.
And on bass guitar, Rex "Rocker"!
ОтветитьI'm not saying he's doing a bad job and I'm as big a KISS fan as anyone, but I disagree with Paul Stanley. I don't think Zakk did his homework. Charlie did for sure. Zakk just kinda peeked over his friends shoulder to get most of the answers the answers to just get a passing grade.
ОтветитьNobody cares about Metallica... How Pantera an American band can tour as Pantera for their own shows outside of the U.S. and then only as Metallica's opening act at $315 is ridiculous..... I was hoping for a U.S. tour of just Pantera.... not being graped by the comingling and Metallica's absurdly high fees...
ОтветитьI think Phil DID inspire the result...I also think that he never meant what he said LITERALLY and has nothing but love for the brothers but it was all Gale needed to appease his own demon. It probably eats at him every day. That's why we have what's going on now. Healing.
ОтветитьYou don't publicly state that you want/wish to have a band member punished...
The hype,
Pantera brought was "Astronomical!"...
And fans,
Would do almost anything to do that they think would help(in their own Mind...)
Avoided surgery for his back...
Stayed F'n doped up,
And sometimes not showing up/or if he did.
Not performing at his best...
Vinnie and Dime wanted to move on,
Started "Damage Plan!"...
And the rest,
Sadly un folded in Ohio...
Abbott Brothers!
Can’t blame Phil for Dime’s death, but I will say he was the reason the band went on hiatus. He kept doing side projects (most were great), while the abbot brothers were forced to form Damageplan, who tbh weren’t that good. With that said I love Phil to death and wish he would have just stuck to Pantera his whole life.
ОтветитьDamn rock feed you still talking about the Stuff that has been talked about a million times on social media,, I think it's pretty shitty move to do just to get likes an comments!!! Come on bro!!
ОтветитьThis is why nobody likes Ohio.
ОтветитьPhil is singing his ass off. You can tell he cares and wants to do his best.
ОтветитьProps to Rex for being classy about it.
ОтветитьPantera gets back together after kanye starts loving Hitler an nazis...coincidence? I THINK NOT!! 😅
ОтветитьThey said they recorded that in 2020 with Rex.
ОтветитьGet a pop filter, Slosh Mouth...
ОтветитьMy son said Pantera was on tour and I said no way that would ever happen. But then I saw it. Im surprised how the significant others of Dime and Vinnie that should have their parts of Pantera would allow this to happen. I think its the best possible option to do the show. Still feel a little off about the shows w/o Dime (aka Diamond, originally) and Vinnie. Seen them in a club for Cowboys from Hell as well as Far Beyond and they were incredible.
ОтветитьIf people only knew....REALLY KNEW... how Dime and Vinnie really felt about Phil and even Rex they wouldn't go out and support this tour.... Phil and Rex never spoke to either of them since Pantera disbanded.... And now they're calling it a reunion... Honestly it's a slap in the face and a cash grab
ОтветитьIn my opinion Vinnie blamed Phil, not for being responsible directly for Dime's murder, but if he had not been the cause of Pantera's break up, Dime wouldn't have been touring with Damageplan. The loon that killed him would never have gotten the chance. Love Pantera, but Phil is a jackass regardless of his singing ability.
ОтветитьI love Pantera but I feel this is a bit too late rest in peace dime and Vinnie
ОтветитьI met Pantera after one of the shows they had now. It was tense, there was a lot of issues and I am not sure for how long they can go. It was a great show tho.
ОтветитьDamage plan had an encounter with the assassin at another show prior to that dreadful night. This fact is often not mentioned.
ОтветитьEveryone needs to let this one go.
ОтветитьScrew Vinnie. Blaming Phil for Dime’s death is horse crap. Vinnie should have been taking better care of his heart, instead of the continuous hate he had for Phil.
ОтветитьWell, hes dead so its pretty irrelevant lol. Alot of bands have issues between members. This is just more anti pantera "reunion" hate. And it is a reunion since only two of the founding members are still alive. Go ahead and say it. Im just waiting so i can put you in your place because NOBODY counts the glam days so cowboys was their first real album.
ОтветитьRex Brown Nose!
ОтветитьWell, I was waiting to hear what Paul Stanley would say. Now that we have his blessing, it’s ok to like Pantera…
ОтветитьPantera is something special because it happens once in a lifetime. the Stars alligned to have these 4 unlikely characters all in one place at the right time.
I always knew pantera wouldnt last and later reunite. Music and a band Like that can only come when a human being would give 101% out of themselves. The whole band lived worked and toured on kerozine and all 4 cylinders (members) were spewing fire.
That spark that ignited them, all 4 of them in the same time wouldnt and couldnt be recreated after the break up.
To be able to have such a band requires:
1. 101% Work, practice
2. 101% TRUST between members
3. 101% Dedication to only music and the band and nothing else
4. 101% Belief in yourself.
5. 101% All members should follow rules 1-4.
Once Phil went down the spiral, there was no band practice, no trust, he had 2 other bands and he lost all his belief in himself...
Its rare when all 4 members of a band all fire on all cylinders at the same time.
this is why we see many bands fail becase either 1-2 members are in this mode.
Also u cant live at this tempo 24/7 for a long extended period. Its just physically impossible.
So What Ima say is Pantera showed us what a band is.
You break up the band. They form a new band. Yes, it’s phils fault and security that dime was killed.
ОтветитьHe is scapegoating Phil and Rex for the demise of dime and the band which Vinnie and dime actually ended
ОтветитьPhil put his foot in his mouth said something in anger I get that we have all been there but what pisses me more than anything people putting on Vinny he was there and watched his brother his band mate shot 4 times in the back of the head nobody has any right to judge Vinny for how we feel about that Vinny is my personal role model having the courage to play music again after all that took Balls nobody has the right to dedicate how he feels about that we weren't there we didn't see it happen for that reason alone I stand by Vinny 100 percent and the rest of world should to take that into consideration next time u all want to jump down Vinny ass
ОтветитьMy favorite concert I went to went Deftones Pantera And Black Sabbath original Sabbath
ОтветитьWe used to say severely beaten as a joke. It was a recurring gag on Adam Sandlers ‘they’re all gonna laugh at you’ album. I doubt Phil actually wanted anyone to hurt dime, maybe other than the two of them working it out themselves