Master Jun Hong Lu is the World Renowned Chinese Buddhist Leader and World Peace Ambassador. Master Lu is well known internationally for his work in promoting traditional Chinese Culture, World Peace and helping people through Buddhist Teachings. In merely a few years, there are over 10 million people following Master Lu’s teachings with the spirit and compassion of Mahayana Buddhism.
#观世音菩萨 #心灵法门 #卢台长 #卢军宏 #master lu #白话佛法 #五大法宝 #大悲咒#放生#图腾#成功人生秘诀#智慧人生#禅语智慧#佛言佛语#三大法宝#guanyin#礼佛大忏悔文#释迦牟尼佛#南京菩萨#小房子#佛教经典组合#太岁菩萨#关帝菩萨#周仓菩萨#关平菩萨#放生#风水#广播讲座#东方台#佛陀#lujunhong#junhonglu