Starcraft 2: Epilogue - Brutal Walkthrough - The Essence of Eternity

Starcraft 2: Epilogue - Brutal Walkthrough - The Essence of Eternity


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@ShadowProduction2013 - 23.11.2023 10:10

Thank you Jay for the tips and tricks of this mission. Completed every brutal mission as of today. Spear of Adun and this mission is the hardest among them. I dont want to play Brutal anymore.

@hoofhearted4life - 09.11.2023 03:03

so at no point did you really need ALL those turrets. didnt hurt and you had the money, but they werent the make or break.

@miptzi - 15.09.2023 20:35

Using Kerrigan is easy, I'm a little stuck at the Hard achievement that limit her kills to 15 tops. Kinda hard....

@Arthit1199 - 12.09.2023 07:07

Thank you for this homework brother I’m finally completed this mission because of you ❤

@atomicdynamite1937 - 29.08.2023 14:57

This has been the only mission in the whole campaign i struggled to complete on brutal. Thank you for this.

@leesasuki - 29.07.2023 17:47

recently replayed Starcraft 2 and man, this mission is hard as hell even thou I only play on hard difficulty. I completely ignore planetary fortress and that result my allies die before my tank even killed anything...
I ended up having the enemy literally right on Kerrigan just like the cinematic scene after multiple retries lol

@st4ndby - 28.05.2023 01:38

I went Full on turtle mode and sacrifaced to protoss. But with a ton of tanks, turrets, planetary fortress, scvs, Engineering bays and a well considered placement it wasnt even that hart anymore, but really fun.

@adfggffffffddffd - 21.05.2023 19:15

lol Yeah, Zeratul really does have a death wish on this mission. You can't even wall him in because he has that dash ability that shoots him passed your defenses anyway so he just dies early no matter what. Also he loves to just dive ahead of all of his own units and try to take the waves solo so he just looks dumb af on this mission. You're probably right about this being unintentional by the developers for him to suicide like this.

@MilitaryBuff - 24.04.2023 18:34

Whenever we all defend as Terran we spam siege tanks 😂. Nothing else works I try bunkers and get wrecked.

@MajorCooke2 - 29.03.2023 02:53

Several other suggestions (I'm aware people have said this before but for the sake of emphasis):

- Need more Vespene Gas? Blow up your allies Vespene buildings and mount your own on them. Your allies never actually use them and they don't actively consume resources.

- Use science vessels to be economic with repairing, especially for units. Costs energy instead of minerals. Anything that's mechanical - and you'll want an army of mechanical via siege tanks, banshees & vikings - can be repaired that way. Buildings can only be repaired by SCVs though, but you can probably reduce mineral waste by half as long as you have some vessels flying around.

- Go ham killing big units with Kerrigan, but don't waste them on the small fries because, eventually, you'll get your ass kicked. Generally speaking it shouldn't be too hard, just make sure to hit the big guns.

- Medics can heal Kerrigan, I think. Keep a few around her for emergencies if you have to deal with a nightmare wave attacking one end over the thrashers, but don't let that stop you from removing those threats. The thrashers deal a lot of damage to Kerrigan, and the longer you wait, the more strain you put on healing!

@brianwhorf4378 - 19.03.2023 23:05

This mission I scattered an suv and my marines to collect drop-offs quickly. I finally had enough resources to build tanks and Vikings to defend Artanis. The banshees I built next to clear out Amon's advances. I started to build command centers on both sides of base to upgrade to planetary fortresses. In the final minutes I moved 15 tanks to the West side and 9 banshees to the East side to take out Amon's forces. The 7 Vikings and Mercenaries I had left held off the sky attack. I got the Purity of Purpose achievement to 100% Into the void.

@chrisidore023 - 08.03.2023 10:08

I like the fact you decided to save all your allies in this mission.

@redditfacts4783 - 07.12.2022 18:15


@ricardocastro1436 - 28.11.2022 17:14

Thanks man, I know it's hard to concentrate while narrating, so don't worry, squicky landings still count

@VirgateCrawdad - 10.10.2022 04:31

thank you man, I was stuck in this mission and this is very helpful

@AcTpaxaHeu - 02.09.2022 02:23

tried this misson with spectres, they have permanent cloak upgrade. just leave them on ramps with hold command and they will block any land unit except for apperation and collosus.
works out. it is easy to secure two ramps with them so only air and abberations will cause troubles. i'm bad at micro and macro, so i didn't manage to win this way, but it is a way to try

@JDRhoads09 - 02.08.2022 10:09

"town halls" ha

@Thrifty032781 - 01.08.2022 18:46

I don't know how you did this. I can't get past maybe 50% on Hard without getting utterly and completely overwhelmed. I just can't react quickly enough. I'm pretty good with Shift Clicking though.

@gutfriedvonguttenberg5614 - 08.02.2022 17:37

Your allies can do darn well by them self?
Started to hate the epilog at this point and with that the entire legacy of the void campain
Allies are god damn useless! These missions would be better without them!

@cheato1163 - 25.11.2021 12:41

For those still doing this and using this video for help, not all waves timed to Kerrigan, I used her as much as I could and got infinite waves by 35 minutes in. Avoid using her after the early setup and it will be easier.

@Novocane23 - 14.11.2021 07:56

I just galls me to no end that your allies are utterly useless in this. Like bruh - I got my own double ramp to defend. Max out your supply and be a pain in the ass to them like you were to me throughout my brutal play through.

@farseer2043 - 03.11.2021 16:08

Thank you, Jayborino! Your strategy worked. And I modified it slightly and killed creep tumors near the ramp to build a planetary fortress. This helped to defend the Zerg base greatly.

@swapertxking - 25.08.2021 20:44

if i remember correctly, those rifts are expansion of the death fog from The Host.

@alexandersjogren5163 - 01.07.2021 02:54

im drunk as F ive been on this map for too long even with tutuorial haha il try again tomorow

@JDRhoads09 - 11.04.2021 03:12

ughhh I don't know why but the planetary defense spam really annoys me... Its so outside the norm of what I am used too and so expensive ha. But I keep trying to change my mental state playing the game because it always seems to pay off watching your videos!

@nathanbender6640 - 21.03.2021 08:21

Outstanding work :D

@benniedegooijer5198 - 16.02.2021 13:28

desire escence of kerrigan
desire kerrigan
desire bennie te sacrificen
desire sweet sacrifice
desire alle movie`s
desire poltergeist
desire alle characters
desire alle desire`s
desire poltergeist

desire speelgoed

desire bennie te sacaficen

desire bennie te sacrificen

desire alle speelgoed

desire poltergeist

desire een desire te worden

desire alle desire`s

demon souls

als een demon je soul heeft dan word je ook demon

desire als een demon je soul heeft dan word je ook demon

als een demon je soul heeft dan word je ook demon sacrifice

als een demon je soul heeft dan word je ook demon sacrafice

desire alle desire`s

Demon soul

Desire demon soul

Desire Annabelle demon soul

Desire soul

Desire bennie demon soul

Desire poltergeist

Desire deze computer

Desire alle spullen

Desire alle speelgoed

Desire alle spullen van bennie

Desire alle speelgoed van bennie

Desire poltergeist

Desire vampiers

desire alle computers

desire demon soul

desire bennie demon soul

desire poltergeist

desire alle televisies

desire alle movie`s

desire alle anime

desire alle tv serie`s

desire alle games

desire alle boeken

desire alle rituals

desire alle schilderijen

desire een desire te worden

desire poltergeist

desire love

desire soul hackers

desire alle x men rogue powers absorptie

desire deze computer desire dat de computer een desire word

desire alle schilderijen van bennie

desier alle sacrafice`s

desire bennie te sacraficen

desire alle movie`s

desire alle sacrafice`s

desire alle desire`s

desire alle sacrifice`s

Desire demonic art d20 d2 d4 d6 d8 d10 d12 d100

desire Demonic kunst

desire Demonic art

desire Demonic kunst

desire Demonic schilderen

desire Demonic tekenen

desire Demonic schilderijen

desire Demonic schilderij

desire Demonic Kleien

desire Demonic houtbewerking

desire Demonic beeldhouwen

desire Demonic antiek

desire Demonic antieke

desire Demonic antique

desire Demonic spullen

desire Demonic speelgoed

desire demonic handvaardigheid

desire demonic keramiek

desire demonic relieken

desire demonic voodoo

desire demonic hoodoo

desire demonic music

desire puppet master

desire alle televisies

desire poltergeist

desire alle Powers

desire alle spullen een speelgoed

desire alle spullen een speelgoed van bennie

desire alle deuren desire alle powers

desire alle rituals

Desire demonische art

Desire alle boeken desire alle powers

Desire alle boeken

Desire bennie te schilderen

desire alle schilderijen van bennie

demonic sacrafice

desire alle spullen en speelgoed van bennie desire alle powers

Desire alle schilderijen van bennie te sacraficen

Desire demonische art d20 d2 d4 d6 d8 d10 d12 d100

desire Demonisch art

desire Demonisch kunst

desire Demonisch schilderen

desire Demonisch tekenen

desire Demonisch schilderijen

desire Demonisch schilderij

desire Demonisch Kleien

desire Demonisch houtbewerking

desire Demonisch beeldhouwen

desire Demonisch antiek

desire Demonisch antieke

desire Demonisch antique

desire demonisch handvaardigheid

desire demonisch keramiek

desire demonisch relieken

desire demonisch voodoo

desire demonisch hoodoo

desire Demonisch spullen

desire Demonisch speelgoed

Desire alle rituals

Desire bennie te schilderen

Demonisch music

desire alle televisies

desire poltergeist

desire alle Powers

desire alle spullen een speelgoed

desire alle spullen een speelgoed van bennie

desire alle deuren Desire alle powers

desire alle rituals

Desire demonische art

Desire alle boeken desire alle powers

Desire alle boeken

Desire alle spullen en speelgoed van bennie desire alle powers

desire alle schilderijen van bennie

desire puppet master

demonisch sacrafice

Desire alle schilderijen van bennie te sacrafice

desire alle desire`s

desre alle sacrafice`s

desire alle rituals

desire alle sacrafice`s op deze computer

desire een desire te worden

desire poltergeist

desire alle poltergeist

desire alle desire`s

desire demon soul

mysticism of desire alle desire`s

desire mysticism

desire mysticism of sexs

desire mysticism of music

desire mysticism of love

desire mysticism of baptisme

desire mysticism of Baptist

desire mysticism of desire

desire mysticism of bloed

desire mysticism of blood

desire mysticism of Goblet of blood

desire mysticism of art

desire mysticism of kunst

desire mysticism van alle boeken

desire mysticism van alle powers

Desire demon soul

Desire alle desire`s

desire ziel van bennie desire soul van bennie desire poltergeist

desire poltergeist

demonisch sacrifice

demonic sacrifice

demonic sacraficen

demonisch sacraficen

Desire alle schilderijen van bennie Desire alle spullen van bennie Desire alle speelgoed van bennie

Desire alle sacrafice`s

Desire alle sacrifice`s

Desire vampire sacrifice

Desire strigori sacrifice

Desire alle huizen van bennie

desire een bed

Desire alle kamers

Desire alle deuren

Desire alle deuren desire geesten

Desire alle spullen een speelgoed

Desire vampire sacrifice

Desire strigori sacrifice

desire bennie te schilderen

desire alle tattoo`s

desire bennie te sacraficen voor alle tattoos

desire bennie te sacraficen

desire demonic schilderij

desire demonic schilderen

desire alle schilderijen van bennie

desire demonic schilderij bennie

desire prescence desire alle deuren

desire leren

desire lezen

desire schrijven

desire studeren

desire alle realms

desire alle powers

desire klopgeesten

desire alle schilderijen van bennie te sacraficen

D20 D2 D4 D6 D8 D10 D12 D100


Rogue power absorptie

Rogue power absorption

desire poltergeist

Rogue power water absorptie

Rogue power water absorption

Desire rogue power absorption

Desire rogue power absorptie

Rogue powers absorptie

Rogue powers absorption

Rogue powers roken

Rogue powers water absorptie

Rogue powers water absorption

Desire rogue powers absorption

Desire rogue powers absorptie

Desire Rogue powers absorptie

desire Rogue powers absorption

desire Rogue powers roken

desire Rogue powers water absorptie

desire Rogue powers water absorption

Desire rogue powers absorption

Desire rogue powers absorptie

desire alle powers

desire bennie te schilderen

desire demonic schilderen

desire demonisch schilderen

desire alle schilderijen

desire alle schilderijen van bennie

desire deze computer desire dat de computer een desire word

desire power absorption

desire power water absorption

desire power absorptie

desire power water absorptie

desire alle spullen een speelgoed van bennie desire alle huizen van bennie

desire alle schilderijen van bennie te sacraficen

demonic schilderij

desire demonic sacrafice

desire alle boeken

desire all books

desire rogue powers roken absorption

@Mjsmecha - 18.12.2020 07:17

I managed hard based on your recommendations

I criminally underestimated planetary fortresses and that splash damage they do. I'll make sure to keep that in mind if I go for a brutal playthrough. Thanks a ton.

@jebes909090 - 23.11.2020 01:06

I dont get why you suddenlu switch to the terrans. Thats some bs as you've been using protoss for like 10 hours before this.

To top it off, the protoss dont even try to defend?!

@theholyasdf3593 - 14.11.2020 14:08

Didn't think about using siege tanks, thought my army had to remain mobile defending allies (MMM, goliath, viking, science vessel, all the mercs). The last wave was basically impossible to stop without tanks, so I used like eight nukes which was barely enough to make it to 100%

@SkyLordPanglot - 08.11.2020 12:58

"Your allies can do pretty darn well by themselves". Artanis dies to the very first damned attack.

@albrown7977 - 11.10.2020 07:02


@llSuperSnivyll - 18.09.2020 21:31

I didn't like that this mission (and the following one) don't let you use units that were introduced after their respective campaigns.

But then again, if that were the case, this mission would have turned into a Liberator-Planetary-Turret spam.

@211tfahey - 27.07.2020 07:58

This was my last mission on brutal and I just beat it (excluding covert ops). I didn't get an achievement or a portrait unlock. Can anyone confirm this is the case?

@davegregory791 - 06.05.2020 04:48

I know this is old but had to comment I've been trying several times to do this as shown with no luck lol the waves they send you seem way smaller than what I get. The waves you got at the end is what I get sent when she's near 68% done and it continues till they clear everything and kill her and it's too crazy to keep up with lol she gets to 93% but then it's over. I'll keep trying but geez idk if they updated or made it harder.

@edburdo - 11.04.2020 21:56

"The Liberators will fly over and die. That's exciting." :)

@anawa0832 - 12.03.2020 05:46

Nice Video even after 3 years later, only suggestion I didn't see an armory, not sure but it would help those tanks

@InternetSupervillain - 01.08.2019 06:40

You sound like a race track announcer.

@Moshthun - 08.03.2019 03:35

I'm wonder, couldn't you destroy the creep tumor at Zagara's base with the attack command, so you can build on that side?

@LordArravis - 23.12.2018 15:41

Very helpful, thank you, I had not considered using so many planetary fortresses but it makes sense since we never need to venture out. Made the mission a lot easier

@huned786 - 20.10.2018 10:14

beautiful strategy thank you

@bigsaij6162 - 02.10.2018 02:10

Lol “your allies are pretty darn good” when they die before 50% without help

@nelsonw1267 - 07.05.2018 01:39

Thanks for this video. I now finally understand the optimum angles of the siege tanks, fortresses and turrets to succeed in this mission.

@VChong1991 - 24.04.2018 02:28

Artanis and his protoss base are utter garbage in this mission lmfao

@betowolfstarheart8636 - 10.04.2018 21:17

pretty lousy that Artanus dies so easily. though while Zagara can respawn they didn't bother doing the same for Artanus. llike have a warp kind of thing like Nova

@republicof1470 - 02.04.2018 07:20

Thanks for the succor! Being intransigently stuck on this mission for a very long time, I beat it in 1 try after watching this.

@mimszanadunstedt441 - 23.02.2018 03:00

Like, i use TheCore hotkeys, i cant use C and it doesnt let me change it
