Wrong Side Of Forty_Channel Introduction

Wrong Side Of Forty_Channel Introduction

Wrong Side Of Forty

55 лет назад

104 Просмотров

Hello, I’m Kyle.

This channel is where I document my guitar progress from beginner to?

I started to learn to play over 30 years ago……..but never actually learned to play, by that I mean I never learned the notes, chord names. I have not played since 1995 and have decided now to actually teach myself to play.

I am a husband and a dad in my late 40's and with 2 children, my time is limited so driving a 1/2 hour each way to take a 30 min lessons from a guitar teacher is really not an option……nor is online courses due to the expense. Money needs to be spent in other directions right now, so self teaching using YouTube it is.

YouTube has a lot of experienced guitarists showing us how to play so I am going to experiment with learning on here, I plan on attempting to practice for at least 1 hour per day. The purpose of this channel is document my progress from the start no matter how bad it is,


#Guitar #Learning_Guitar #Self_Taught_Guitar #Learning_to_play_guitar
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