【Hiyama Kiyoteru】クロックワーカー-追想のオルゴール/Clockworker - Recollective Musicbox【Fanmade PV ft. @ryusouta】

【Hiyama Kiyoteru】クロックワーカー-追想のオルゴール/Clockworker - Recollective Musicbox【Fanmade PV ft. @ryusouta】

Mario GaGabriel

54 года назад

506,219 Просмотров


I started working on this video long ago but did not have time to finish it.
I wanted to make a simple video because it's a peaceful song, but in the end I added an explosive start. Use Im ryusouta's cover because I like more than the original song :D
Feel free to add your own subtitles, just remember to give me credit for the video.


Empece a trabajar en este video hace mucho pero no tenia tiempo para terminarlo.
Quería hacer un video sencillo porque es una canción tranquila, pero al final le agregue un inicio explosivo. Use el cover de Im ryusouta porque me gusta mas que la cancion original. :D

Im ryusouta: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdtw9ORjlEKM9Cr8FjLWkjg

Music and Lyrics by Mothy
Illustration by Ichika ; MarioGagabriel
Cover: ryusouta ( https://www.youtube.com/@RyuSouta )
Video by MarioGagabriel


#クロックワーカー-追想のオルゴール #Clockworker #Recollective_Musicbox #Hiyama_Kiyoteru #kiyoteru #iroha_v4 #megurine_luka #v4x #miku_v4x #evillious #chronicles #akunop #mothy #original_sin #kiyoteru_v4 #survival_ma #cover
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