Walking Boystown/Northalsted—Chicago LGBTQ+ neighborhood—in this late April afternoon, I took delight in the agreeable weather, the charm of the architecture and the peaceful vibes.
Boystown is a small town—a charming small town with a lot of retro buildings. The ubiquitous low buildings are a marked contrast with Chicago Loop that is full of skyscrapers. I am crazy about tall buildings, but walking Boystown, I was equally attracted by the low stone-and-brick architecture, from residential buildings within the community to those with businesses along the borders. Their antiqueness was so charming!
Rainbow signs were here and there—on the crossroads, flags/banners and posts. The neighborhood in general was quiet.
I passed three churches and one public library within the neighborhood. Next to it, right across Halated Street, there was a Whole Foods. Numerous businesses were located on Halsted Street and Broadway within the neighborhood or next to it.
My impression of Boystown/Northalsted Chicago from this walk is that it is peaceful, attractive and livable.
0:00 Title Page
0:15 Buckingham PL
09:04 Broadway
32:13 Halsted Street
57:11 Belmont Avenue
01:07:18 Broadway