Lighting Solutions for Model Train Layouts

Lighting Solutions for Model Train Layouts

Pete's 3D Scale Models

5 лет назад

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@martys8349 - 28.03.2024 16:05

I purchased a few cheap LEDs off the net, but they warn not to use anything over 3v. Will the Woodland Scenic Just Plug system run these without burning them out?

@Eclipse1988 - 15.03.2024 02:22

Do you need resistors in each line for the led's? Also what if you're trying to light something opposite the layout or on a large layout, can you solder additional wire to extend the length? I'm not good with wiring and still learning lol.

@GreatBowlsAfire - 17.09.2023 23:37

Hands down the best vid on this idea.. you rock 👍

@josephcosta5161 - 15.01.2023 02:17

Pretty cool . I think I'm going to get them

@redwoodcityintheuknscalera7179 - 11.10.2022 18:25

i reverse engineered the just plug can control 20 lights for less than the price of one just plug hub

@virginiafry8991 - 26.06.2022 20:36

Are the warm LED's bright enough to use with fiber optics? I like this system but sometimes I want to have just a few very small lights, like a naked bulb or maybe oil lamp hanging in a stationary (like decommissioned) caboose.

In this specific instance there is an abandoned caboose by a pond and some folks are fishing for bullhead off the steps of it...all I need is a dim light in the caboose and one by the water. Just a strand of warm yellow fiber optic light will do.

@jtmonsman - 28.04.2022 13:51

I absolutely LOVE your fire house. In fact, I want to do a copy cat. You wouldn’t happen to know the exact cit you bashed, do you? I looked for sand and gravel companies and can’t find similar to bash.

@manofthehour6856 - 05.03.2022 01:06

Thank you, Pete. I greatly appreciate your effort in sharing this information! I've invested some money in the Just Plug system, but yes, costs spiral rapidly when you want to add more lights. You hit the target exactly about the issues you have regarding the realism of some lighting, like the Menards products. The brightness is overwhelming, yet somehow unrealistic. Many thanks for the tips and commentary!

@grantfuller5011 - 25.01.2022 02:06

So each hub can control 4 lights? How many lights can you link up to each connection using the link plugs? Cool video 😎

@danielwilliam4306 - 01.01.2022 04:36

use resistors!

@williamwatson840 - 14.12.2021 06:30

Thanks I have a town to light up as well as a harbor .

@charlesmitchell487 - 17.07.2021 17:25

This seems like a great solution for n scale. As you can imagine most of the lighting there is too bright as well. Do you know of any other ways to black out the walls of a structure than black electrical tape? I'm just getting into the hobby and I was wondering how this was typically handled. Great video BTW! Thanks

@DKuzzin - 13.07.2021 16:33

Nice video! I find the system easy to use as well. Hopefully folks will check my site as well. @

@seniorpz1969 - 27.06.2021 22:31

"you can see this thing from space".....thats pretty bright.

@richardobryan2067 - 18.05.2021 00:24

Very informative. Could not locate what you called "shop lights" on the internet. Can you provide any additional information?

@medwaymodelrailway7129 - 23.04.2021 12:28

Great update enjoyed it very much .Hope there more.

@kimolsen3297 - 18.04.2021 20:28

Hello, the video was excellent. Could you possibly add links to those cheap led's you purchased on the net?

@bear42geo - 21.03.2021 02:47

Did you know that your Menards buildings can simply be modified to use woodland scenic's light kit to dim the lights in those buildings.

@erikhanson6239 - 21.01.2021 21:02

Love your videos but I wouldn't want to meet that cat in a dark alley. He's the size of a bobcat!

@BurlingtonNorthernModeler - 21.01.2021 06:42

Wow this was very helpful. I am just getting into the woodland scenics just plug stuff myself. I have a lot of leds that I’ll be able to use this with, thanks!

@CloverValleyNorthern - 04.10.2020 00:46

The Menards hobby shop that i have the sign should blink on and off. nice layout.

@neonGawdzilla - 08.07.2020 08:34

This is exactly what I've been looking for. Thank you for this! :)

@equake9 - 11.05.2020 06:45

Hello, Thank you for the video. I have been wondering if you could use just regular LED 1.8 mm lights with the just plug system. I was wondering if you had to stick a resistor on the LED or did you just attach it. Also did you happen to test how many of the 1.8 mm LED's you could but onto one plug-in location? Thanks again for doing the video.

@ggollrad - 18.02.2020 13:55

This was a nifty video - thanks for posting! It covered a number of lighting strategies I’ve been curious about. Could I ask for a little more detail on the LED “shop lights” you used (small strips)? Searching amazon I’m bombarded with so many other LED items I’m lost!
