How to Play Fast My Career KEY GAMES in NBA 2k25 (skip/sim key games)

How to Play Fast My Career KEY GAMES in NBA 2k25 (skip/sim key games)

MVP Romania

2 месяца назад

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@Wallamawalla - 10.09.2024 14:08

I got 0 VC, why?

@djp631 - 11.09.2024 20:07

Appreciate it I remember this working last 2k I’m tryna help ppl get VC

@Ficklin2123 - 14.09.2024 06:53

Been doing this and then I’m on my second season and it worked but this one game they wouldn’t sub me out and I fouled out in the first quarter and said 🤷🏾‍♂️😂

@flashaban - 16.09.2024 04:27

I think they patched it

@MiracleGamingGG - 22.09.2024 15:22

5 foul & I got 0 VC...

@TheLaw_v - 26.09.2024 08:02

Don't do this until after season 4. Play it straight up you'll have a option to sim games after half if your up by 25. You get better VC and faster progression towards goat status. After season 4 or 3 since that's fiba. Once goat status is secure than do this because your just hunting for the championship and the second fiba tournament anyway. It takes like 12 hours of gameplay and takes you from a 60ovr to 85 legit way. Then cheese the rest and get to a 90
