7:50 Am I missing the context? I thought the narrator is saying it's strange how a death threat is taken so lightly, which makes sense to me, death threats are never to be taken lightly, even if it's a justified one
ОтветитьNice people have incredible patience, but when they finally snap, there must be a good reason! I’ve always been curious about that moment when someone who’s usually kind and tolerant just can’t take it anymore. Is it the result of years of being taken advantage of? Or just one moment where they completely lose control? These stories are bound to be shocking and full of valuable lessons!
ОтветитьThat ending was insane! 🤯
Ответитьthis video was really well put together, I appreciate the storytelling! but honestly, I think it’s interesting how we often label someone as a "nice person" until they finally reach their breaking point. it makes me wonder if we’re sometimes blind to the signs leading up to that moment, or if we just ignore them out of convenience. what do you all think?
ОтветитьDo you think anyone in this video deserves punishment?
ОтветитьIf it were you, how would you handle this situation? 🤔
ОтветитьThe closest I've ever come to losing my crap. In junior high, my classmates were a special kind of insufferable (made worse by the fact that they were good people on their own, but total dickheads in a group). Like, I spent grades 8 through 9 listening to them make porno noises. All day. Every class. Some of our teachers just gave up.
I was the quiet kid. I liked learning. I liked school. I wanted to succeed, and these adolescent jerks were causing me monthly breakdowns. So when i got hit in the head with a volleyball in FRENCH class, something snapped. I jumped out of my chair and locked eyes with the most frequent offender. I must have looked pretty scary, because he backed away with an alarmed "Wasn't me". Total silence for the rest of the class.
For context, I'm normally not very intimidating. I'm a very petite lady. However, I am apparently terrifying when angry. I think the only reason I didnt start wrecking people was the fact my mom taught at the school, and I didn't want her to get in trouble.
Don't touch my family
Ответитьthis bad gameplay background is annoying ;_;
ОтветитьStory 54- Um, excuse me, why is he an ex??
ОтветитьOfc Chad is the bully
ОтветитьI was the quiet little blonde girl in a class, I had missed a day of school and had a test to make up so I had to go to a different study hall, which was filled with other kids that had missed the test along with the regular study hall class. A few kids were being loud, excessive, and what started as bottle flip tricks turned into launching the water bottle repeatedly across the room. At some point, they throw it and its hit me HARD in the back of the head. I turned around so fast and just chucked it right back into the face of the guy that threw it. The entire class went quite and the guy stared at me in shock. I just stared back at this frozen guy and without saying anything I had just turned around and sat back down. Someone made a light hearted joke about "wow that was intense" followed by a few giggles. But afterwards, everyone finally just calmed down and did their work. The teacher never said anything the entire time
ОтветитьI was the nice person.
I'm not necessarily nice, but not typically mean, either. It takes a lot to anger me, and this one kid, lets call him Q, is being a bitch one day and insulting my friend's race. He also liked to pick on me for being able to speak German and called me a nazi on multiple occasions.
So I punched Q and started cussing him out in both English and German. My teacher was standing right there and she just gave me a thumbs up and walked away. Half my grade was scared of me before, and that day it turned into a bit more than 2/3.
I think there has to be AI involved in this channel. At the very least, I think the stories are generated by AI. I’ve never heard a “repeat” recorded and read by another channel. And they don’t link to the original posts on Reddit. My suspicion is comes from the massive amount of content they push out. Enjoy it either way.
ОтветитьI feel so bad for some of these people. Most of them were just standing up for themselves and they got in trouble, and everyone wonders why kids don’t stand up for themselves:/
ОтветитьIs there one on people thinking back on doing dumb things when they were kids or younger that you stop think. Wow I’m lucky I didn’t put myself 6 feet under doing that
ОтветитьHomie stop giving your opinion or stop narrating, dunno what your deal is but you somehow manage to make the least popular take without fail.
ОтветитьBy the gods, for some odd reason with Story 8 I envisioned N from pokemon being the one described even though I know it wasn't him XD
ОтветитьI know I’m a month late but I have a story. I’m the quiet/chill kid.
I was in my creative writing class when this happened. I want to note my class only had 3 sometimes 4 people in the room so the teacher just lets us chat and do the project (creative writing thing) we were working on. Well there was a kid “W” who always did his work last minute, talked all class, annoyed everyone including the teacher, and was just a complete a-hole.
Well one day an amber alert goes out for an elderly lady with Alzheimer’s Disease.
Hearing this news hit close to home for me as both of my grandparents died of this disease and when this people wonder they can go pretty far.
Well W decides it’s a hilarious thing that’s happening and decides to make fun of the woman and the disease itself. I snapped and raised my voice of how horrible this disease is and how painful and terrifying it is. And how my grandmother didn’t even recognize her own son near the end of it. Everyone went silent including him and the teacher. I don’t think he ever expected me to blow up (granted I didn’t scream but I never really talked above a whisper most of the time) like I did. He quickly changed the subject and the teacher gave me a holy sh*t/are you ok look. Poor guy
I’m the “nice person” in class and I’m chill from September to march but when there’s 3 months left of school I’m just tired of everyone being stupid.
ОтветитьPeople need to understand that even the nicest person in the world has their limit.
ОтветитьHere's a story i got for you guys. I was friends with this one Italian kid from 8th Grade in 2022. He was chill but was kinda of an a-hole to teachers and students (me included). Otherwise he is usually chill. Fast forward to 9th Grade. He gets into a fight with some random kid in the bathroom stalls who i think was Jamaican. My friend lost the fight and both were suspended. Right after that, i haven't saw him that much anymore because he was in and out of school. Last time i heard from him he goes to a different school now and is happy and doesn't use social media much.
ОтветитьUs quiet ones are dangerous.
ОтветитьI actually have a story like this, I was the quiet kid, I was tall, but somewhat chubby, I was picked on a lot, but it was never anything too bad, but one day, my bullies started to get physical, (Mind you, this was like 4 years ago) and one of them tried to STAB ME with a pencil while the teacher wasn't in the room, not poking, straight up pinned my hand to a desk, and tried to stab it. They did, and when the teacher came back, they asked what happened, and the bully and his gang of idiots claimed that I stabbed MYSELF and wanted to blame it on them. I told my side of the story, and we both got punished, however, I got suspended while the little craps only got a small talking to, they knew they could get away with it, so they tried to get more violent, and when they did, I just got so angry that I blacked out, I was later told that I punched one of the guys face in relentlessly and without mercy. I felt bad afterwords, but even I have to admit, that guy had it coming. Especially considering he was only 3 quarters of my height, or at least somewhere around that area (I can't remember the exact number because I had a less than ideal memory) everyone saw both incidents (Except teachers) and everyone took the side of the bullies when the teach came back and pried me away from the prick. Everyone knew that this guy would relentlessly bully me and harass me and even tried to seriously injure me more than once, and yet, everyone called me a monster (Except the teachers) and I was expelled directly by the higher ups. Yeah, my old school sucked ass.
ОтветитьYou making a whole ass podcast in between these stories
ОтветитьWhy do people hate this narrator? I kinda like him
ОтветитьStory four it is always the second person who gets caught.
ОтветитьAs a nice person ive had several moments where i wanted to just snap but i didnt because i knew it would be a while till i got to leave. Oh boy i lost so many chances that one friday where i was homeschooled again
ОтветитьOh. Well i stayed to see exactly wtf people were upset over but yea that's probably the absolute worst take in any if these vodeos I've watched and there's narrators with opposite morality than mine. That you could read that story and feel that way about it says a hell of a lot about your character and I don't think i can follow this channel anymore. Someone edited this, heard you say that, and decided "yea that's fine let me upload this bad boy".
ОтветитьBrendan is that you?
ОтветитьDude, HOW TF DARE YOU! You don't know what that man did to her. You have no fkn clue what it's like to be sexually harassed by a man. I seriously doubt you would be harassed by anyone. This is if you are a man. With AI I have no clue who is behind these dam videos.
ОтветитьOmg the Kay one was amazing
ОтветитьI remember I delt with a bully back in middle school, well multiple, but she was the ringleader. She would talk about how poor I was, would take my things, passing them back and forth between her and her friends, and would even shove me. My siblings were well known through the school, especially my brother due to him fighting and messing up his own bullies. No one ever made the connection that I was their little sister though... and that I also had hands. At this point, I was in seventh grade and my siblings were now high school, so I was truly on my own.
One day, I was in the girl's locker room when she came over with her clique and starts messing with me. I ignore it at first until she mentions my younger sister who wasn't even yet attending our school. "I'll slap the fuck outta [sister]" Say anything you want about me, but my siblings are off limits. Before I knew it, I snapped and slammed her into the locker, holding her against it with my arm pressed firmly against her neck. Her friends started begging me to let her go as she couldn't breathe. One even got bold and hit me on my back, so I turned around and pieced her up. Then, one of the other friends jumped in. I don't remember if bully recovered enough to fight or what the fourth girl was doing, maybe I blacked out, but we were all suspended. I had a bruise on my arm and stomach, but my face was untouched. Their faces, however, were busted and brusied.
I saw her during our suspension and felt bad because I don't like to fight. She looked so helpless. I asked why she bullied me and she broke down crying, revealing their dad was abusing the mom (as well as she and her siblings) who depended on drugs to numb the pain I guess. I told her I understand since I also had an abusive dad, which not many people knew since he was a great actor, but it wasn't a good enough excuse to bully people. She eventually dropped those friends, due to them trying to get her into more drama and we got close. We would even stand up for people being bullied together.