27 Woodchuck Drive, South Fork, CO. Log home for sale

27 Woodchuck Drive, South Fork, CO. Log home for sale

Dee Plucinski - Luxury Home Broker

54 года назад

116 Просмотров







The towns of South Fork, Del Norte, and Creede are located along the Rio Grande River in the San Luis Valley in Southern Colorado. These gorgeous mountain towns are close to hiking, mountain biking, ATV and Jeep trails, snowmobile trails, and Wolf Creek Ski Area. Located roughly halfway between the Great Sand Dunes National Park and Mesa Verde National Park, this area of Southern Colorado gets roughly 315 days of sunshine per year and is PERFECT for off-grid solar living. Are you looking for a getaway to camp in your RV? We do have lots/land that are perfect for this. Are you looking for a bug-out property to get away from it all? We have both homes and land available that may fit your needs. Most neighborhoods have either wired high-speed fiber internet or great views of the southern sky for internet services such as Skylink.

It's crazy to think about, but South Fork is on the same latitude as Northern Africa along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. I'm SERIOUS. It's our altitude of 8,200 feet above sea level, not our latitude that allows for such incredible winters with champagne powder and gorgeous, sunny blue skies.

It's a place like no other. These small Colorado mountain towns still have the affordable homes and land you are looking for without all of the touristy expense and hubbub of other Colorado towns.

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