Still The Best German Battleship in World of Warships Legends!

Still The Best German Battleship in World of Warships Legends!

Spartan Elite43

7 месяцев назад

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@blmareterrorists - 03.08.2024 19:55

I love making dds and light cruisers totally shit themselves when i come around an island and give them suprise butt secks. To make them 🤯😰

@whokinson5314 - 03.08.2024 20:06

Yes. It is. Had a good game in old krusty kurfurst this morning but queefen is the best.

@labaguettetra1854 - 03.08.2024 20:17

I love Schlieffen but I think that the main BB line is easier to play because they have icebreakers and Turtleback armour. If you know what you’re doing then the BC line is better

@GhostKnight5 - 03.08.2024 20:20

Day 35 of asking Spartan to make a video with a meme gunboat build Shimakaze

@jacksontractor4268 - 03.08.2024 20:29

Thanks spartan you help me learn new things in the gamr

@cooperfage - 03.08.2024 20:29

Schlieffen is the only legend ship for 30 mil or 5k dubs that I think is overall worth it, with Zao very close. Vermont I just don’t think is all that amazing in our game, and I’m not a carrier main, so.

@johnfarrand7099 - 03.08.2024 20:32

Still learning, thanks

@flyinghulk7463 - 03.08.2024 20:32

Update on Monday will be my last one after 4 years of this game if they don’t fix all that rng and „we don’t let you send broadside cruiser back to port from 6km“

@petoobri8853 - 03.08.2024 20:35

How can i get this Ship ??

@harakaz007 - 03.08.2024 20:58

let the goose loose

@DS-wl5pk - 03.08.2024 21:00

After nearly 300 games in the Azuma and about 1.1 million xp in it…. I can definitively say, without any doubt in my heart, that the thing NEEDS a mobility, AA, sonar range, and superstructure saturation buff.

Maybe give it sticky shot too. These changes only make it more viable and not over powered.

There’s no reason it needs to have the second worst turn time of all battleships, there’s no reason it should get either only AA boost for its mediocre AA, only fighter craft, and a 4.1 km sonar as another option. If that’s all you’re going to give it, then make them either recharge faster or see farther.

Make the booster better and buff the AA so it can be more then just a stat on the card.

Then the super structure…. It’s already massive, shots go in from the top and often penetrate the deck… that’s fine, but I don’t also need people just no skulking my face with their low caliber 203 mmAP because wargaming thought it was funny to make the armor thick enough for it to fuse….

It should be just a bit better then it is. It’s held back by really dumb design choices

@Nariko96 - 03.08.2024 21:08

Tirpitz is the Best ❤ Acceracy, Torpedoes, armor and History of existing and decent AA .... the only gimick of schlieffen in that case is..... secundarys... yeahhh... works out nowdays with farming carriers and stealth torp dds.

@gerardoramirez7998 - 03.08.2024 21:31

The best battleship is the prince ruppteaght

@gerardoramirez7998 - 03.08.2024 21:31

FDG is a monster awsome she’s worth the price

@reesetheisoking3502 - 03.08.2024 21:55

Honestly it’s the fact they’re just to easy to counter at higher tiers why I stopped playing them

@rabidgiant4102 - 03.08.2024 22:22

187k dmg and still whining about RNG? Victim

@jimmiemacd3603 - 03.08.2024 22:59

Still on the Koniq, the cruisers I was shooting were splitting my shells like Moses and the Red Sea from 8km. Go figure.

@skillslikejcray3932 - 03.08.2024 23:13

I totally agree with this statement. Schlieffen is the king of the german BB's but i have to say Brandenburg is a close 2nd for me

@yukotani7871 - 03.08.2024 23:22

Bruh Bismarck is a literal imperial storm trooper cant even shoot straight

@yukotani7871 - 03.08.2024 23:26

Oh and master Spartan if you still play modern warships the yamato got a buff on that game she got an accuracy buff

@uniraptor9168 - 04.08.2024 00:09

Good game Spartan! Schlieffen is pretty strong in the right hands for sure. I truly think that at T8/LT Agïr is battleship that identifies as a cruiser lol.

@mikeyzuoks7377 - 04.08.2024 00:23

Anyone else notice how spartan was on exactly 111,000 damage before engaging the Yammy and Musashi

@Evilestkhan - 04.08.2024 00:24

do some T 5 BB how many months did it to take you to get that ship?

@araarashinigami - 04.08.2024 00:34

The problem with these German BCs is they give up way too much defense for more offense. You can easily kneecap them by just burning them down. One surviving till the end of the match is a rarity. They don’t even have good armor like Soviet BBs.

@nateh7437 - 04.08.2024 01:52

If only the Kurfurst could have a fraction of the Schliefens power. Its secondaries are better, guns are arguably better, torpedoes and speed is a huge benefit

@Batholomeos - 04.08.2024 02:09

Yesterday I had a round with the Bismarck and scored 367 hits with the Secendary😂

@Jordan-gh6pe - 04.08.2024 02:10

I respect spartan,he actually live streams and brawls,and doesn't do ehat the other content creators do,only posting videos they choose ,keep it up spartan.

@landerandrewarguidas1425 - 04.08.2024 02:32

Why don't you play the GK

@stotgunvsface5092 - 04.08.2024 02:38

It’s kinda weird how, imo, the best secondary ship is Schroeder. Those secondaries account for 70% of my kills with that ship. That 32mm pen shreds everything. And the stealth allows for devastating ambushes.

@timbrower6806 - 04.08.2024 02:59

Bismarck needs a upgrade so it seems

@VERTEXXX. - 04.08.2024 06:18

The one that really deserves that title is Anhalt. It has torpedoes in every corner, it is resistant, it does a lot of damage, it has many triple turrets, it is fast, agile and the best thing is that it is a tier VII Premium so a good battle with it ensures you a good profit and even more so if you have days of premium.

@moonytheloony6516 - 04.08.2024 13:26

Hey how 'bout that?

Two comments from Moony...

In the spirit of the Olympics....

Let's pretend this game is an Olympic Event.

If you the reader were charged with putting together a 9-member dream team to represent the U.S. of A , who would ya pick?

If you're from another country, go ahead a weigh in on players from your country as well.


@moonytheloony6516 - 04.08.2024 14:33

They say things "run in three's"

So with that being said, what are the best German ships period and why....

1. the Marvel Universe it could be Galactus.

2. Prinz Rupprecht.....this thing is a Tier 8 juggernaut....guns, secondaries, torpeedies, speed...sheesh.

3. Brandenburg....i feel empathy for those who don't have this ship. It's good. It's better than good. Limited by 305's a bit, but that will make ya a better player, ya just have to aim where it can hurt, again secondaries, torpeedies, armor, speed and a manual V-8.

4. Tirpitz.....a brawlers' brawler out there....with torpeedies!

5. Scharnhorst.....a great cruiser killer, with torpeedies, speed, armor, fun fun and fun.

6. Bayern....the original brawler. This floating anvil will teach ya how to brawl.

7. Bismarck.....plenty of buffs have improved this ship to be very competitive, a great brawler, capable secondaries, wonderful armor and speed. Main guns are capable of causing a variety of damage.

8. Hipper.....may be one of the very best, if not the best Tier 7 tech-tree cruiser, it hits hard, it can brawl, and it can torp ya, babydoll. VII Hipper has a LOT of content devoted to this ship as demonstrable evidence.

9. Siegfried.....the Empathy Express will stop at every station with a lonely passenger who failed to acquire this ship in that campaign. Biggest guns on any cruiser, hoo-boy it can brawl, and it's got torpeedies and good shot down 38 planes with it in a Kraken game for me.

10. Mainz....The Darth Vader of Tier 7 cruisers because it's the plainly sadistic...just look at those stats...

11. Tier 4 cruiser...and it's very fun to play.

12. Prinz's said that it needs a buff and may but I still find this ship to be quite effective. It's lost in what is a very crowded Tier 7 German roster of cruisers.

13. Yorck......don't sleep on the Yorck, it can F**K up your shit if ya disrespect it out there with a smart player. I've seen Yorcks to bad things to deserving opponents including myself.

14. Prinz Heinrich ......very underrated battlecruiser. It can punch. above its weight class.

15. (Tie) Zieten & Gneisenau.....both misunderstood ships. Firstly let's address's fast, it has very good armor, it has torpeedies, it loves to brawl in tight spaces so 5-8 km's is where ya want to live in this thing for those main guns to work for ya. Try a speed build on this'll find the red team gets nervous when you go right at em and it's a great cap stealer.'s a very big Nurnberg....great for kiting, it will brawl, the guns hit hard, armor is good BUT ya need to be a bit careful with Zeiten, great secondaries, good speed, and it's got those torpeedies baby! This thing will abuse both DD's and CC's very effectively and cause a lot of damage NOT ever chase a Zieten when it's kiting.

16. GrAf SpEe......This baby is fun to play, gotta be careful with it, it must brawl strictly on its terms, but it will wreck cruisers, upsetting DD's, and hurt BB's who foolishly dismiss it.

17. The DD's.....frankly I think the tech tree from Tier 4 through L is very, very good and the second tech-tree is also very good. The only one's I did not care for is the Z-39 and Z-44, but I do say that the T-61 and Z-35 are fantastic DD's.

18. The Weimar Debacle ......

Shoulda kept the damn thing at Tier 6, it's still dangerous at Tier 7, however it lost its luster when sharing space with the Mainz at that crowded Tier...At Tier 6 it was a floating demon that reigned supreme in hellfire damnation. If ya missed it at Tier 6, then you missed the horror movie that was Tier VI Weimar. It was a classic.

Those were the days.....

Honorable mentions go to......

1. Odin....very underrated ship, to me it's a supercruiser that can kick BB's square in the nuts. ouch.

2. Pommern.....If Bismarck were re-imagined, it could be in THIS form, very good ship to play, secondaries are effective, main guns are good, armor, speed and torpeedies, lousy Type 9 camo though.

3. FdG.......My highest Tier 8 game is with this particular ship at 240,000 damage. I think it's a very good BB, ya got all the stuff to brawl with it and its fun to play. The thing is that the battlecruisers offer more variety via options so it got curb-stomped by the community, but German mains will appreciate the FdG for what it can do, which is plenty.

4. The Gee Kay......big, powerful, kinda slow and clumsy, well-armored, good secondaries, 420's can obliterate, recent buff has helped for certain, but...what is with the sub-par sonar??? It needs another adjustment, but with this ship, it's a higher skill floor because of the attention it can attract out there. I like the G.K. but it's a situational kinda ship, at least for me.

5. Munchen.....a severely forgotten and underrated Tier 6 premium cruiser. She's a damage warrior in high heels...

5. Nurnberg.....yeah, it can be blown up, but many many cruisers can be blown up so what else is new? This ship can deal damage at any Vegas casino faster than Ocean's the right hands. It requires a very good cruiser player to maximize its output and my opinion.

So there ya have it...
uh no, no ya don't....
I forgot about the Agir.

I'll put it this way, if you have the Agir then the Schroeder may have looked less desirable to you, it sure did for me. But if you didn't acquire the Agir, then the Schroeder may have contained some appeal...the thing is the Schroeder isn't the Agir, so one is in a better state of mind who has the Agir me thinks.

This just explained nothing about the Agir, so we'll go with a visual....if the Agir was a boxer, it would be Roberto Duran. If Schroeder were a boxer, it would be Oscar De La Hoya...

I prefer the hitter who has the hands of stone.

@Heizman360 - 04.08.2024 15:51

Why was that Venezia using HE instead of SAP uncle Spartan?

@thej3389 - 04.08.2024 16:14

Spartan I don’t know if you have but give anhalt a chance (if you have it) when you have hood traverse and reload on the main guns they are monstrous, the best bb DPM at tier 7, the AP shreds superstructures and broadsides and the HE does massive damage with each salvo

@sgtstr3am785 - 04.08.2024 18:38

Schlieffen gives me an average 200k and 2 kills every game. It's soooooo good

@BB-eu6py - 04.08.2024 19:05

A little off topic but I played a match in the Colorado today and it ended in a draw, first time in two years or so that I’ve ever drawn in a battle

@howardbursee307 - 05.08.2024 04:24

I will soon have this one. Poor tier economics will keep it not played much. But it will get played.

@lillpete64 - 05.08.2024 05:58

David what are the differences between the commander you're running and sillyaxx she's the one I did not get unfortunately

@charliehill7076 - 05.08.2024 07:42

I do good in Bismarck. So to me its play style .

@charliehill7076 - 05.08.2024 07:45

Plus, I notice you post videos where your team is a team . Most people play with randoms, so it's hit and miss on how a player can perform due to team participation or lack of team participation.

@charliehill7076 - 05.08.2024 07:47

Also, you rock hide, not assualt with the team . So the best ship for hiding behind rocks does not equal best german battleships in general.

@drakelance7182 - 05.08.2024 08:10

My Bismarck your sh*tshow and you going back to port early 😂😂😂😂😂

@CallsItLikeISeizeIts - 06.08.2024 04:25

To be fair, it’s best at each tier that maters 😂

@wastelander89 - 08.08.2024 01:57

I just pulled ba Montana on my 18 crate lol im so happy

@jay_volpe - 09.08.2024 18:43

the best german battleship is schroeder. its without question.

@jaseedits7575 - 10.08.2024 19:44

Pls play gk

@MatthewMcKee-y9b - 27.08.2024 12:25

I’m a us main , but I recently been playing Germany , I can’t stay alive nearly as much as us ships I know there different but I just can’t understand lol how to play German ships

@TheKroyle - 12.09.2024 10:34

Found the video with the Bismarck commander , thx spartan

@BrawlDayLong - 11.11.2024 06:40

I don’t have one but the Schrōder is my jam. Already spent the steel on legendary secondaries. 9 more blue slips for all the way legendary az Bismarck then done.
