If you believe Venus was once a planet covered in forests and jungle and was ruined by runaway greenhouse gasses, i have some beachfront property in AZ for sale.
ОтветитьUhh - Sputnik was about as Russian as borscht or the hamburger - The technology that sent the radio signal from the hunk of metal going around the planet was not invented in Russia. The technology behind the rocket that got it into space was perhaps at best 10% Russian. Dr. Goddard (American), the V2 rocket (German), and then a little bit of extra science (probably from Ukrainia - same as where their borscht came from) is how that happened.
ОтветитьSure am glad we found that out before some genius invested billions in a resort
ОтветитьWe need another space race…
ОтветитьLittle known but one of the probes sent back an audio recording of the surface (you can find it online) and its absolutely facinating to listen to
ОтветитьI remember Venera because the Six Million Dollar Man based an episode on it? I think? I was a kid okay.
ОтветитьNext time in the morning if you see very bright star near the sun, just remember that several pieces of russian metal junk lie there, as in your nearest garbage dump. Brings me weird thoughts
ОтветитьThe Soviets can land on another World.
But can't grow enough food for their Humans........
@megaprojects9649 - I'm surprised this video has no index in its' description.
ОтветитьU actually believe what these commie marxists say?? 😆😆😅
Ответить"The pre-digital age"--? Turn off the precious electricity for a month and see what's left of 'today'.
ОтветитьYou have to give Russia credit they landed a probe on Venus well before the US landed on Mars.
Ответить35 miles up from the surface of Venus is the most welcoming climate for humans: 70-90 degree F at 1 athmosphere of pressure and shielded from radiation at 0.9 the Earth's gravity. And any baloon with nitrogen and oxygen at 1 athmosphere will float in that air. A cloud city would do the trick...
ОтветитьThose darn Venusians. Their cars and carbon fuel based economy created globull warming and doomed their planet. If only they had a Greta Thunberg to shame them into green energy.
ОтветитьActually Venera 11 and 12 lens caps did release, its what they saw that made them classify and the pictures and the audio from landers. Due to Venus spinning so slowly, all the larger lifeforms stay in the darkness and travel with the night. These lifeforms are 100% alien to anything we know of. There blood would be acidic like the xenomorphs and breathe supercritical co2. Imagine deep underground caves where the temperature is still the same but safe from the dangers of Radiation from the sun, hellish beast exist . Like the movie pitch black. We have wanted to find literal alien life that is almost unfathomable that it exist cause it differs so much to our understanding of life, we are so fortunate as to have a planet next door to show us what is possible. This knowledge gained will prepare us for whatever we may encounter later.
ОтветитьCan’t wait till the Venetians dig up the probe
ОтветитьGreat informational video
ОтветитьBy using resources on the planet and heat, pressures to have our probes
to survive hostile environments.
you sound like your lips are getting tangled up
ОтветитьThe Soviets did something besides trying to blow everyone up. Admirable. Lol.
ОтветитьOMG I had no idea!!!😮😮😮
ОтветитьThe Soviets wanted to one up the Americans by landing on Venus, but once they saw what it was really like it was a case of, “Well so much for that idea.”
ОтветитьIt seems not worth it to go back so many times. But cool achievements.
ОтветитьVenus may have been like earth what unscientific drivel
ОтветитьSoviet scientists are the bestest
ОтветитьThe Reds really made some significant achievements with the Venus probes back in the 1970s. Its really amazing considering the harsh environment in which almost nothing can survive... the closest we can get to this today is leaving your car parked in Oakland.
ОтветитьImagine how embarrassing it must have been for the Russians that the lens cap did not come off 💀
ОтветитьHow were they able to capture and transmit digital images in 1960s??
ОтветитьIsn't it funny how we never have anyone claiming the Soviets never landed on Venus, and the Venera photos were all faked? Why is that I wonder..?
ОтветитьMotormouth Whistler has gone from warp 5 to warp 6. Someone given him a lude or take away his amphetamines!
ОтветитьThe Soviets were amazing competitors in the space race. I like how much respect nasa and the soviets had for eachother over the common ground of science
ОтветитьThank you very much for this interesting and well made video.
Just one remark: I do not think the Russians did think in Imperial units 😀 Also most of the scientific folks nowadays do not. You could contribute to and rise up to the overall common scientific level giving SI units first place 🙃
1966 and I had no idea
ОтветитьEvery time i hear about Venus being hotter than the melting point of lead, I'm grateful that scientists decided not to make the spacecraft out of lead. Good call 👍
ОтветитьThat probes melted after 30 min temp 465 c big pressure maybe in future nasa have rover who will drive two days on venus
ОтветитьAmericans are from Mars; Russians from Venus
ОтветитьMore impressive than landing on mars or the moon imo. Better get on it nasa and land on saturn or something.
ОтветитьUnlike the moon landing, this actually happened!
ОтветитьIf it wasn't for the Russians we would know nothing about Venus. Like we would know a little bit. But it was the Russians that gathered all the data. So that credit goes all to them
ОтветитьThis has been a grossly underrated feat and mostly because of the ideological-political war of back then and also because it was non-American.
ОтветитьMoon landing grofl 😂
ОтветитьThe man-made robot managed to survive on the surface of Venus at a temperature of 460°C and a pressure of 92 atmospheres of the Earth for 2 hours and transmitted sound, photographs and soil samples.
ОтветитьI could listen to Simon talk about literally ANYTHING
ОтветитьI can't explain it but the way it looks makes me feel so creeped out, it's a very eary feeling
ОтветитьAlways fascinating to see surface of another world.
ОтветитьWait it's only been like this for 300 million years? I've always thought the Carboniferous was interesting but now when I imagine it I have to remember we may not have been the only planet with water/life in the solar system. We may have been more alien then our closest planet.
ОтветитьCapitalism or Communism idgaf......regardless of political ideologies there were insane brilliant and hardworking people on both sides who made these remarkable scientific achievements possible i have as much respect for the Soviet Cosmos program as NASA...wish their Moon landing program also worked imagine American astronauts and Soviet cosmonauts shaking hands on Lunar surface just like Apollo Soyuz on 1975...that wud be epic❤🔥❤🔥❤🔥