ОтветитьI love this idea. People will whole heartedly swallow a story of Christ and God through selected scripture based on stories from a small percentage of locations and designed for a narrative which allows the church to control people through belief.
I find it easier to consider a theory based on archeological and scientific findings globally.
At least these people don't have the audacity to call it gospel or start wars over it.
Did he say with his Annunaki grp around 39 :07 ...please elaborate Mr Carson
ОтветитьWhere is this coming from?
ОтветитьWhat he talks about is written on numerous tablets and has been researched by scientists. If people knew the true history, there would be panic. The bible tells only some of the truth!
ОтветитьSo i KNOW i have heard carsons name before but i dont keep track like i used to...i am 54 and too old for my bones. Anyway i decided to give it a listen and i gotta say i am not even halfway through and his understanding of these events is spot on accurate to my on. Eager to listen to the rest, but he has EnLil and EnKi solid...idk why he inserted Isis in the role of their sister but....still very impressed.
ОтветитьBilly Carson asked a question do you think Jesus would have said something like that A slave must love their Master as they would love me
I think it's actually a little bit shorter it might not be but I'm pretty sure that there is a Bible verse that says to obey your master
Do I think you would have said something like this yes I do was he supposed to be of light and love and all of this no matter who Jesus was whether he was the Christian savior that the Bible says he was or whether he was somebody of alien DNA who knew a whole bunch of secrets and decided to teach a whole bunch of people these secrets and give people the truth and then he disappeared
Weather either or is the case he grew up in a time and place where slavery was the norm of the day
Not only was slavery the norm of the day
Enslaving and making lesser than yourself those who you conquered was also the norm of the day
Oh but look in the Old testament and see how cruel that God was telling the Israelites to be and all of this and all of that
Do I believe a lot of your theories a good chunk of them yes I do
do I think it was all in Lil and it was the devil and the devil is a lie at least the devil we know and the devil is actually in Lil and then inky is actually God and this and this and that
I don't believe that for a second
Know what I do believe though is that in little and enki might have been extra terrestrials they might have even had influence they might have even tricked people into giving them offerings
Sacrifice unto me your finest cattle
So that I might eat the finest steaks oh I'm sorry I mean so that you might have mine blessing upon you
I'm sure they did that but was all of the war and the conquering of the Canaanites in the Bible all because in little said to do it
I'm sure he was the driving influence behind the start of it but was he behind all of the cruelty no
What was behind the cruelty of the time was that they lived in an era where if they wouldn't have the holy conquered these people these people would have rose up another day might not have risen up against them but they would have rose up against their children
and that fight would be fought again so what did they do they took down their walls they sold their men into slavery and their young boys into slavery and they took their women as their wives
They burn the cities to the ground and they killed all the animals they basically wiped the culture away so that those people wouldn't have a culture to fight for
Extremely cruel extremely cruel extremely cruel indeed
But it didn't just happen in biblical times it happened all the way up into the medieval times
Hello young Scandinavian do not fear me I have come to bring you the good news
Look in behold before I tell you that there is a God whom all men must kneel to
He has given his life on the cross for you and if you would only give your life over to him and smash your heathen idols then he will accept you if you do not you will burn in hell forever and the armies of my people will come down upon you with the fury of my God who is very much real unlike your gods who are demons lying to you false gods that don't exist
And then Rivers ran red with blood and certain people were killed in their sleep because they couldn't be swayed and all of this other stuff happened
Because even as a heathen and as much as I hate what was done to my people I can still admit that I know full well why they did it
Because if they would have left us alone especially as heathens would have found a way to fight we might not have been able to rise up against them but we would have definitely come to the right amount of power in enough time to rise up against their children and slay them
Falling to the ground in a Red Cross open sleigh
You close your eyes today your lifeblood fades away hey
Go to hell go to hell you killed my father dead
And in response to that I swung an accident to your head
So yes I know why they did what they did do I like what they did know I hate what they did
But I can understand why it was done
Even if some parts of me still can't get it
Everyone is killing Carson because of the huff debate. But what about all the tablets that are before Christianity
ОтветитьMr billy, you dare the creator of heaven and earth. The infinite merciful gracious GOD ALMIGHTY. You are given the honor of creating the world to demons and their written, I pity the day you take your last breath. GOD have mercy on you.
ОтветитьBilly Carson is a proven fraud
ОтветитьIf they were so advanced, why write on tablets ?
Isn’t that a bit primitive?
May or may not be true
ОтветитьExposed bullshiter billy Carson get this dude off your channel or your getting unsubscribe also , he hates god 😔 he makes fun of poor people he boost about being stupid rich so he can go off to his sunset ..ill never listen to another line of his trash
ОтветитьSo he is a son Neil da grass Tyson ...😅 ... Both talk shit
ОтветитьRegarding Jesus and Slavery:
1. Biblical Context:
- Jesus never supported slavery
- Instructions to slaves were about:
* Surviving under Roman rule
* Living faithfully in difficult circumstances
* Maintaining Christian witness
2. Jesus Actually:
- Taught human dignity
- Promoted equality
- Emphasized spiritual freedom
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free..." (Galatians 3:28)
Regarding the Name "Jesus":
1. Historical Facts:
- Original Hebrew name: Yehoshua/Yeshua
- Greek translation: Iesous
- Latin form: IESVS
- English: Jesus
- The 'J' sound evolution doesn't change who He is
2. Biblical Truth:
"At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow" (Philippians 2:10)
- Power is in who He is, not spelling
- Name means "Yahweh Saves"
- Consistent meaning across languages
Claims About Zeus:
- No historical connection
- Different etymology entirely
- Different language roots
- No linguistic relationship
Historical Evidence:
1. Early Church Documents:
- 1st century writings
- Ancient manuscripts
- Archaeological evidence
- Historical references
2. Non-Christian Sources:
- Josephus (1st century)
- Tacitus (early 2nd century)
- Pliny the Younger
- Other Roman historians
Biblical Warning:
"See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy" (Colossians 2:8)
1. Study Truth:
- Know your Bible
- Understand context
- Research history
- Seek wisdom
2. Stay Grounded:
- Focus on Christ
- Trust Scripture
- Seek solid teaching
- Maintain
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8)
"Lord, help us discern truth from error, stay grounded in Your Word, and grow stronger in our faith. Guard us from deception and keep us focused on You. In Jesus' name, Amen."
This guy brings nothing new, whatever theories he has hes just repeating...has not contributed anything new
ОтветитьSo god don’t exist then or what?
ОтветитьFor the Black Knight, don't play with technology that you have no understanding of , its not bothering You , Just look and leave, there is craft on earth that are over 5,000 years old , and the security system is still working, Hey where did those people go , ? Its called a time well , you just transported to a new location in time and space , good luck , and Why are you being sent in , how about the person that gave you the order , he or she should go first , because they know , and give orders to experimenttal , disposable, humans , ? Opps
ОтветитьThis is a excellent interview, and rite on track , except for the mars thing , Humans can't be helped , they are so foucsed on destroying each other , and steeling form each other , they have no concept on the larger picture, i personally , think that the Human experiment has failed because of the corruption of the DNA , and control from a negative out side source , over 90 percent of humans , will most likely be terminated by 2030 , by a natural out side source, because , no preparation has been made , to adjust to this event, because of the narcissistic , Psychotic controling , people , not really humans, that rise to power, and control the population, and use people as slaves, these alliens use people , failed experiment , as a energy sources and food source, and when I say food source, think , of a tasty hamburger , over 1 million humans disappear ever year in usa , does any one ever wonder where they go , ? .?
ОтветитьYES....... Please Mr. Billy Carson keep lying to me about things YOU'RE AN " EXPERT IN '!!!
So is Jesus an annunaki?
ОтветитьWhen you see a man walking in front of you about 6ft. And he vanished where did he go, real life information.
ОтветитьThis was an amazing interview... Thank you ❤
ОтветитьSend me the photo of mars
ОтветитьChaco Canyon is in New Mexico
ОтветитьLife has changed for you Billy boy …😂
ОтветитьWilliam Tyrone Karlson (Billy Carson) sounds intelligent to ignorant people.😂
ОтветитьDo you know why there's so many ideologies in the alien community? Or why there's thousands of religions out there? Because, the more options you have, the easier it is to deceive you.
It doesn't matter. Pick your poison.
Aliens may be real, but they're not the truth. They're a cheap excuse that say things like: (We created humanity not God. You don't need God. There is no Sin. There is no Hell. Jesus was just a profit. Nothing more.) You don't want to hear someone telling you that all your wrong doings will have consequences. You've chosen to turn away from the idea of God, and to use Aliens as excuse for truth.
You're believing what you want to believe.
But Billy Carson Said.... But The testimonies. The evidence? So what? There's way more stuff coming that you haven't seen yet. A more powerful deception. Yeah aliens are real. But they're not aliens. They're demonic. It's all a deception. They've been here before, they'll be here again. Everything about them is demonic, they've come to deceive even the very elect, yes you. Oh you thought demons were little red horned creatures with pitch forks only found in folklore? ...Wrong.
Believe whatever you want. Do what thou wilt, right?. (Satanism's one commandment)
As long as you turn away from God and reject him. That's all that matters, and the god of this world i.e. Satan, wins. And the reality that you don't want to hear, is that, you're sinful. You enjoy it. You're desensitized from it. And little by little, it kills you internally inside, over time. You're not the person you once were. And sin has slowly taken a toll on you as a person and will continue to do so.
But, the street preacher tried to warn me of my sin and he made feel bad. Boohoo. Grow up.
Go-on, keep believing that your aliens are going to save you. Turn away from God. Keep listening to this bullshit. Because the moment you die, and you pass into eternity, you'll know that you were wrong.
The reality is that each and every one of us is heading for hell when we die. You chose to reject God. Its what you want. And when you realize that you're wrong, it'll be too late. Your choice is made here and now while your still alive. There is no forgiveness of sin without the shedding of blood. Someone else needs to pay that price, because you obviously can't.
Jesus is your only way out. The only Truth. And the only one that really cares about you.
He's not asking for you to be a good person. He wants you to come as you are.
Whosoever, Shall Call upon the Name of The Lord, Shall Be Saved!
It's not too late, but your time is running out.
Ответить👍 billy enki called his iPad has a virus jk man i are the best
ОтветитьTo bad will is full of shit
ОтветитьI’m gonna go out on a limb here so let me get this strait. The anu where smart enough to build an interstellar craft, get here, but they had to manual labor gold mining? That makes no sense but ok. Next it took them how long to get tired of it? Thousands of years ok, and then they used their super tech to make a new being? Why didn’t they just build a fucking mining machine? They had thousands of years!
ОтветитьWhen i google this it mentions the anuaki is mythology like Zues and them it doesnt mention they were really here on the planet then if you google who was here 400 billions years ago it just mentions just creatures in the water like fish. So either somebody is lying. And yes if you google anuaki it means ancestors. But once again we know who built the pyramids. Because and how did they know to build the way they did. And they had to be strong as hell back then what tools did they use and all that. Just think about it.
ОтветитьThis is incredible
ОтветитьThe Jedi and Sith is a more convincing story, cool story bro….
ОтветитьI wanna reach out to someone bc I had a rlly scary experience and I was stuck inbtween this void when I was pulling my self out of a dream it sounded like really fast like going back-and-forth in between my head and I got stuck there for a little bit and then also and I just opened my eyes in the ringing like went away. It was like a ringing, but it was like the sound of like like going really fast back and back-and-forth
ОтветитьSo fuckn TRUE there was a Nuclear war with some craftss and then they came And taught are women and then they mixed thereDNA with are earlier EÑKI and tff and thèy got the
I people shake the foundation of abrahamic religion
ОтветитьLove❤ from Haiti paradise ❤ nice show for dr billy carson & danny jones . 45% truth . Nice job ❤
ОтветитьAnunnaki is not god's at all . Lies
Ответитьwho is this guy ❤i just learned something krazyyyy
ОтветитьOh this guy is good
ОтветитьOne of the dumbest people on the planet right now. ROFL. I love how much bullshit you can put into an interview if no one challenges you at all. Nice softballs Danny. You are complicit.
ОтветитьFake ass billy