Another example I like to make about strong female character done right are Maomao from Apothecary Dairies. She is not physically strong, but she is smart, resouceful, and humble. She also quirky, hardworking, and has an addiction to poison herself. Even though she can be silly, she can also be calm and serious when the story goes. The male lead, Jinshi, is written quite well in my opinion. He is charming, playful, smart, humble, and have a deep to Maomao. Their chemistry together is entertaining and funny, but I won't say its perfect.
Great anime 9/10
Video games and anime have some great female characters.
ОтветитьThe Danger of a Single Story - Chimanda Ngozi
ОтветитьWhen I see a female led movie, I walk away, because I don't want to see a female acting like a man.
And always using sexism as an insult for not liking this movies is conterproductive and can create real misogyny...
Hollywood's main problem with the female characters is that those characters were NOT written by men.
ОтветитьLack of male & female romance could also be from the depopulation agenda.
ОтветитьAnother classic Romance ❤ film was Natural Born Killers which was a coming of age / romance between Mickey Knox & Malory..where two twin flames / soul mates find other at last.
ОтветитьGame of Thrones had Many well written female characters.
ОтветитьTrinity from the Matrix was both a strong female lead & love intrest.
ОтветитьI find most of the current female characters don't have room to grow. Whether that's worse or better, they stay the same with the same principles when they started. I also think it's a problem for movies in general, there aren't many genres being applied today with the exception of action action adventure action adaption or horror, I don't see comedy's Sci fi romance drama like I used to.
ОтветитьYou may have grown up as a tomboy, but you certainly turned out very cute!
ОтветитьRipley was a great character, i have seen those movies so many times...
ОтветитьModern day "strong female characters" are just gender swapped male action heroes from the 80s. Those are not known for being deep or interesting characters lmao. And the kick is - many times the classic male action hero actually have arc and weak moments and real challenges. Stupid action movies from 40 years ago have more character development than a modern day writing that claim they WANT to write deep female characters hahaha
ОтветитьIn this day and age people want to blindly throughout the word misogynist. But in terms of how our world is, the term misandrist (hatred and prejudice against man, the male gender, and masculinity) doesn't exist...
And a lot of media nowadays in some capacity would be considered misandrist.
Also what you said at the end is absolute truth... There should be no set parameters for how we portray male or female characters... At the end of the day we are exploring their humanity or even possibly whatever lack thereof is there a villain...
And even villain characters can be complex but still if they actually present a challenge for the hero to overcome it makes it good... And yes they can eventually be redeemed... Or a hero can fall... All the all these fictional stories whether presented on page or screen explore one aspect... The diversity of The human condition.
I love videos like this because im a man and trying to write a strong female character as the main focus in my book.
Videos like this remind me to show what makes her stronf, but also ground her. And never ever surround her with stupid men solely to make her look better
If they stopped emphasizing she's a "female/woman" and put more focus on her "character", then we'd be swimming in strong female characters.
ОтветитьOddly enough, if you want ACTUAL strong (or perhaps more accurately, good/interesting) female characters, video games are the best media outside of books (and if you want them in books, the Earthsea series is your bread and butter). RPGs in particular always seem to nail great female characters.
ОтветитьJohn Rambo was a traumatized war vet who faced persecution upon returning home. After being harassed by the police, he's forced to relive his trauma in his own personal war.
He k*lls himself at the end of the book that the movie is based on.
I've been waiting for females to start realizing this since 2016
ОтветитьHonestly my issue with "strong female characters" is they are female looking men not girls, women or trans men. Like have nothing agains't a well writen charcter who being a man or woman does not matter being a 50/50 on who they cast... But yeah this isn't that this is some twisted idea as of late that men must act like women and women must act like men... Like I have no idea how this toxic idea got so poopular like I get that men could be more touchy feely and woman more tough and stoic... But like everyone be gender swaped? like what that isn't how humans are... Like case in point most comabnts in history aren't woman becuase most woman don't want to like most men don't want to be nurses but they don't want to... Like men were the hunters and wmoen berry pickers becuase of how most peoples eyes work... Men on large detect motion better and woman colors... Like yeah a classic exemple of the stong woman are first ladys and founding fathers wives... Miltary wives as well... Are they in the spot light? no becuase they didn't want to.. Like liked playing house with the white house and housing guests and interacting with chikldern at shool... Like how is that a bad/weak thing?
ОтветитьHollywood only has self absorbed narcissists now, who can only make their boring self insert fan fiction.
ОтветитьYou didnt mention woke in this video and seem to be talking about the outcome without discussing the cause.
ОтветитьWomen can’t be villains unless men make them villains. This is how it works. Character flaws or inherent evil are not allowed.
ОтветитьAdd Wonder Woman there she is a terrible character
ОтветитьWhat about female anime characters?
ОтветитьI liked Margo in the Tarzan remake, now Captain marvel acts like a angry lesbian, and that was their goal.
Ответитьmaybe a great female-character is a better title.
ОтветитьAMAZING VIDEO, amazing!!!
ОтветитьI'm surprised you don't cite Sylvie from Loki among these awful characters. Sure, she's not a Sue because she does genuinely bad things and characters around her admit that...but the writers still tried like hell to make her a protagonist/rebel who committed a bunch of murders because she was a tormented little girl and was, therefore, justified. As if Loki wasn't tormented and did the same things but got all the punishment because he was a guy.
Sylvie, I believe, still falls in this category of unbelievably awful female heroines because she gets away with literally all her crimes and gets to f**k off to McDonalds after everyone sacrifices AROUND her without any repercussions of her own. She never corrects her flaws, she expects everyone to work around her, she verbally abuses Loki (her alleged love interest), and she is never expected to take responsibility. Everyone else on the Loki show works for HER happy ending.
Horror movies (especially slashers) are a goldmine of well-written female characters. Sydney Prescott from Scream, Nancy Thompson from Elm Street, Laurie Strode from Halloween, and so much more.
ОтветитьI have literally been told by multiple people, both online and in real life, that Alan Ripley is not a strong character because "she's a cliched mama bear trope, her strength is derived solely from motherly instinct and therefore she isn't truly strong or a good role model." Which, I just got to ask what these people think strength is good for or what a role model is
Ответить"Strong female characters" mean not strong, not female, and certainly not a character.
ОтветитьYou know, if we are being totally honest about it, not all that many male characters are really role models either. You can admire some for their accomplishments but often they are too weighed down by serious flaws to for them to be worthy of emulation. And there is nothing wrong with that really.
ОтветитьYou want to have great women characters? Get rid of the activist writing these shows and movies. I don't see them ever changing because soon as they write the women that would make them great again people bash them on line saying how dare they write women that way. I hate to say it but other women are doing to they great written movies and shows cause you are not allowed to write women that way anymore cause you need to woke and bow down to what they want. As long as the woke mind virus is out there and they keep hiring actvist instead of writers it will never change and eventually Hollywood will die
ОтветитьFor 10 years, I dropped Hollywood (it's all about the message) - for French and European films (which at least give the impression that it's about fun and storytelling).
ОтветитьClaire Frasier is another example. She's strong, smart, emotional.
ОтветитьStill blaming men.
ОтветитьThe mother ftom 'Animal Kingdom' was well done. And the one from 'Malcolm in the middle.'
ОтветитьI think Hollywood has always the same problem with female characters: unidimensionality. Whether they only are a distressed princess only there to be rescued by a Prince Charming, or only brut4l warrioresses only there to give a b3ating to whoever crosses their path, it always is a badly written character having just one characteristic.
They should move on, and be able to write more interesting, multidimensional characters which run a good gamut of emotions and motivations. Otherwise, no one will ever be interested.
A character who has no weaknesses isnt strong, theyre just a machine. Its only through overcoming ones weaknesses that a character can be truly strong.
Ответитьthey should take lessons from Hayao Miyazaki I guess
ОтветитьI would love you to do an analysis of Jem and the Holograms from the 80’s. Including the creative lead writer. So many people listen to the theme song and never get past that. They see the fashion dolls that the show was meant to advertise and think that was all there was to it.
ОтветитьI actually have recently started wondering if these Girl Boss characters are projections. I know I've tried far too many times to be everything despite having an amazing support system. A lot of my friends put this same pressure on themselves.
ОтветитьHollywood is sexist
ОтветитьI first thought u were a beautiful man, but no, what a disappointment...
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