Lemon Squeezee
We have 21 properties and your list is my list. I would like to add, clogged condensation drains, clogged aerators, and thermal fuses tripped due to dryer lint traps not being cleaned out between loads.
ОтветитьYou missed one of our most common: Batteries fail in electronic door locks. Have to enter with a master key and then check for battery corrosion/clean and install new batteries. Check codes OK or reprogram. Love your channel.
ОтветитьWhen the wife and I moved into our current apartment (less than a year at time of writing this) the first thing we bought was a basic plunger. Best $2-$4 ever spent. And the only fix we've had to do, was, one day our water heater (small in unit tank shorter than I am) wasn't heating up. We decided to turn the breaker off, let it rest for about an hour and turned the breaker back on. IF that didn't work we'd call for a maintenance tech. Luckily it worked and we haven't had any issues with it since - just one of those flukes? Moral of this long winded ramble: always have a plunger, know where the breaker box is, and look for the water valves under the sink(s) and toilet. Oh and know when to make that call when working on something is outside of your comfort zone.
ОтветитьThank you for all your informational videos. They have helped me tremendously. Please continue making them!
ОтветитьMy toilet calls went away after changing them out to Gerber Vipers with Glazed 2" line . Also, I used to use plastic flush handles until they started breaking. Went back to metal, No more problems.
ОтветитьAnother one I have seen in my 20 years is the entry door's door latch or deadbolt is loose. You should check out this internal door repair called ReSecure Latch.
Found them on YT. What's nice is that it replaces that ugly metal cover that ruins the look of your door and the stick and putty mess.
I am always surprised people make maintenance for clogged toilets in bought my own plunger it would have to be pretty bad for me to need maintenance.
ОтветитьWell dang! My maintenance man sure doesn’t look like that 😍.
ОтветитьI used work in aparments and now i working for hospitals but believeme i realy miss aparments.good video .
ОтветитьGood video. I’ve been a fitness equipment technician the last 5 years. Switching to apt/hotel maintenance next week
ОтветитьVery well said sir. These are the most common maintenance request in my previous property.
ОтветитьGood lord, Billy Bob Thornton is in maintenance!?!
ОтветитьI bought a new toilet seat the other day. A fancy one that lets you remove the whole thing with a push of a button. Naturally I had gotten the wrong type. The toilet looked elongated to me! It is longer than it is wide FFS! That is the definition of "elongated"! Anyway, so I order the right kind but different brand from amazon and as I'm opening it I notice the hardware bag is opened and I quickly realize that one of the two mounting bolts is missing so I get the original hardware but the new seat uses a proprietary system so it won't work. I can't even get the one side bolted down right using the proper hardware because the plastic nut just pops off the plastic bolt when you try and tighten it. What's worse is that the new toilet seat is damaged too. The hinge for the mount on one side is very very hard to move and it makes a crackling/crunching noise when you do. Plus the hinge has a much bigger gap then the other side so something is definitely wrong. Anyway, I used the fancy toilet hardware to mount the seat. It doesn't lock in like the proper ones and is really just a rubber piece squeezing down but the seat doesn't move so that's fine. I did disassemble the hinge and spray some wd40 in there but it didn't help. It's the "soft close" mechanism, that's broke. If you are wondering, no, I will not be returning the fancy seat minus the hardware and screwing someone like I got screwed. I boxed it all up and one day someone will need an emergency toilet seat and I will be the hero then....assuming that they have an elongated toilet and their old hardware works for the seat. Every project goes just like this for us DYI dickheads.