How To Create A Free WordPress Website For A Restaurant | [For Beginners]

How To Create A Free WordPress Website For A Restaurant | [For Beginners]

Wouter Postma

4 года назад

2,042 Просмотров

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@moriomakterjui3272 - 26.12.2020 09:41

Ok i will give you the link of my website. Really you're such a good learner. Thank you so much for this video lecture. Hope that you'll update like such videos soon.

@israelfowks396 - 20.01.2021 08:59

I've just watch your video. Thanks, is very educative, and you know how to explain it to beginners. It help me to to put order in my dashboard. Right now I'm working in a directory proyect, do you have any info about some free theme or what plugs in do I need? I'll really apreciate your help, thanks in advance

@osamakamilkamil178 - 05.02.2021 22:27

great video love it . see more videos

@osamakamilkamil178 - 10.02.2021 11:37

Please check the website im make it that is my first website

@heliokatsube2174 - 05.09.2021 04:12

BBQ theme astra please! Vídeo tutoriais!

@pradeeprajha - 27.09.2021 22:14

I followed your step..Vegan menu is not working under Menu, and Calendar also not working, how to rectify that..
please clarify..

@singhgujjarwall4000 - 18.12.2021 04:04

hi,shortcode i draged there is no i have to preconfiger some thing?
