HUGE MEDIEVAL HAUL | Clothing, Weapons, and more

HUGE MEDIEVAL HAUL | Clothing, Weapons, and more

Mo Mo O'Brien

6 лет назад

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@katiegrace556 - 19.06.2021 15:15

How are you suppost to take all those weapons on a plane ;w;

@elliot7457 - 23.06.2021 23:49

your long bow probably has too heavy lbs. the limit for the pulling strength is 25 lbs for larp I think. I do archery as a sport and I shoot with 40 lbs and lemme tell you, that is very much more difficult to get the string pulled out than 25 lbs. You probably know this by now bc this video is 2 years old, but I just wanna share my knowledge as an archer :3

@sara62988 - 15.07.2021 16:06

I can't find your Bicolline video, has it been taken down? :0

@melodyofpsalm9468 - 17.07.2021 18:58

Every warrior woman needs a cat!

@JudithOpdebeeck - 24.07.2021 23:33

Mo Mo rocking facemasks before it was cool

@noellevelasco8584 - 27.07.2021 21:37

Where did you get your green ranger dress?

@fauxmarmorer9544 - 30.07.2021 18:33

It's two years late but yes, irons did exist, they were just a bit, simpler, it's an iron shaped flat piece of metal with a handle that you'd heat up on your stove or fire, and use that, to iron

@SheeshMaster64 - 10.08.2021 08:46

Where did you get the short green outfit that you wore to Bicolline? Or did you make it yourself?

@ily5513 - 13.08.2021 18:40

noooo because now I'm going to go spend all my money on medieval garb and I have zero regrets

@Kaffeeisresting - 19.08.2021 16:09

wait you're from Quebec?? and while I'm very late to this, have you went to the Terres de Belenos Larp?

@WanderingHobbit12 - 24.08.2021 21:55

Girl's don't have to wear dresses for stuff like this do they?

@cortex6065 - 25.08.2021 22:40

As someone who does competitive archery all things archery is just real cool. Longbows are no joke, they are so powerful it literary changed he course of warfare.

@yalepimiskern1037 - 27.08.2021 01:50

Watching this in August 2021 and this video makes me want more Haul videos for sure 💙 Absolutely Amazing products!

@elekkitty - 22.09.2021 02:29

This was such a beautiful video :00 watching random haul videos always shows me stuff I didn’t even know about. I wonder if there’s any more casual Medieval places to go because I’d definitely go

@elekkitty - 22.09.2021 02:29

Also, I just wanna take a moment to appreciate your end card. It’s so beautiful.

@zoeyfoster184 - 22.09.2021 21:47

ugh im so jealous its so cute the moment i have more money my closet will be full of it 😍😀

@Irriadescent - 26.09.2021 05:27

I think that the feather 'these thingies' on the end of the arrows are called Fletching, I could be wrong so don't quote me on that, and the stick 'these thingies' of the arrow is called the shaft. also, I agree with you, there are never too many pouches.

@karengerber8390 - 05.11.2021 23:54

Thank you. Very interesting!

@leahraji3244 - 09.11.2021 23:47

"Holy" is pronounced Ho-Lee, opposed to Holly, which is whag you were saying

@oldsoulyt4757 - 31.12.2021 05:39

Okay but I NEED that green dress

@liambradford5586 - 06.01.2022 09:03

I honestly think that your regular hair is better than the wig, but you do you

@torriejean648 - 18.03.2022 02:34

What happened to the Bicoline video

@jwhaler82 - 28.03.2022 21:20

Question: is there a Renaissance clothing website (like Holy Clothing) but for men’s clothes?

@h0tmen69 - 25.05.2022 07:23

I love these videos! I used to watch them a lot when I was a bit younger too! I love your bad girls club cover :D

@mikewilshusen3115 - 28.05.2022 04:03

Great story

@Celcey24 - 02.06.2022 20:47

This is the video that got me into larping, and I am forever grateful

@the1band1wagon - 03.06.2022 16:22

I am always happy with my epic armoury stuff. I have the same sword holder and pouch. My favourite of theirs is their water bottle pouch... thing... but they don't make them any more :( missed my chance to get a black one instead of wearing my brown one for my black outfits.

I've been thinking of Holy Clothing for a while, so you have definitely convinced me to go ahead and treat myself.

Oh my gosh! Dein-larp-shop, I need all the cutlery and such for archery camp next year... and everyday use

@BonBon42 - 05.06.2022 01:34

💗🌸 YOU’RE SO CUTE❣️ 🌸💗

@vbuongiorneable - 13.06.2022 05:22

I'd love to see a new haul once you're all settled!

@birdyboop - 14.07.2022 23:38

You have no idea how happy your videos still make me ❤️🍵

@andrewmitchell2738 - 06.08.2022 01:51

Where did you get those outfits. They look really nice.

@randomchannel6334 - 14.08.2022 04:25

Dear momo I know you are likely not to see this comment but these two bicoline videos and you of course have inspired me to look into new hobbies and new experiences especially Larp so much so that I might to be able to attend bicoline next year and thanks to your videos also possibly get stuff from the great companies you have mentioned. I can not wait and thank you so much again for being an inspiration

@louisbailey4403 - 08.09.2022 12:11

in this video you got a quill box set i went on the site I can not find any box set can you tell me how to find them on the web site

@deborahbaker2151 - 09.09.2022 03:48

I like this video and all of your videos that I have seen so far. Thank for doing them.

@ChefTinman - 21.10.2022 23:57

anything that gets us more content is appreciated!

@kz1231 - 19.11.2022 03:43

I don't do larp stuff or cosplay or anything, but I LOVE your videos anyway. And Bicolline looks amazing amazing. Also, just loved the cross shoulder bag. Anyway. Now I have to watch the one about going to Wizard school.

@ThistleBristleBerry - 07.12.2022 19:06

I ended up just buying the Renee dress! Its just so cute and pretty and I love ittt!!!!

@theTIPSYGECKO - 24.01.2023 22:16

Ok, so most of this was more feminine, but I’m not mad! 😂 I died laughing!

@pandagamez8072 - 09.06.2023 03:32

2k comments is a lot to go through: so in case it hasn't been mentioned yet.... a likely reason that bow didn't pass safety (especially since they said it could be used for hunting) is that the draw weight of the long bow is over 40lbs. That draw weight may differ based on animal or state? I only started shooting a year ago, and only for sport, not hunting. The higher the draw weight, the more power that goes into the arrow. So even with those knobby arrows, being used with a higher draw weight bow... yeah.... that could seriously hurt someone.

@deathfoe8016 - 19.07.2023 05:15

"You could use this for hunting" damn

@gijsbertuslaurensvandevooren - 15.08.2023 17:54

Remember Efteling. To use your Quil with flair.

@Dan_TheMedievalGuild - 22.08.2023 20:55

Quill nibs come with a very light oil that you have to burn off before you write with them. And then when writing, to get a fuller stroke, don't bear down hard like with a pen or pencil. Write lighter.

@Isobeloramsey - 06.04.2024 20:32

But momo where did you get your long curly wig??? Please tag source your wigs too!

@Ice_Belle - 20.06.2024 04:20

You cannot stretch out a longbow, it's the wooden part that holds the tension

@alielstudio5471 - 04.08.2024 02:40

Where can I find the round bottles now, 2024?

@ShivamYadav-rx3hy - 04.10.2024 20:19

She is beyond cute 😊

@Ali_forward - 12.01.2025 07:39

More haul videos please, super helpful

@dmhq-administration - 07.03.2025 06:49

I live in the South near Ottawa! 🥰🤗💖
