Jordan B Peterson: How to Salvage a Relationship, and When to End It

Jordan B Peterson: How to Salvage a Relationship, and When to End It


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@writtenpieceopaper1 - 22.10.2023 18:10

I think this applies to my relationship with my mom right now. I'm the only provider for various reasons. She keeps telling me suck it up and to stop complaining, stop feeling sorry for myself, that she provided for me. She asked me to help her with her health and she keeps eating food she's allergic to (got her tested out of pocket; we're immigrants that don't qualify for Healthcare). I stopped myself but i definitely feel homicidal. I'm resentful I haven't had a real romantic relationship because I've been looking after her. I'm a female in my 30s. I can practically feel my ovaries shriveling. If i ever have kids, they'll probably only get powdered milk out of me. Heh. I don't know how to cope any more. Thousands in debt. Unreliable transportation. Not enough sleep; she keeps waking me up. Not enough me time. Ig i just wanted to vent. Gotta go repair shit now.

@goodwillgundogs6879 - 26.04.2023 11:06

For anyone suffering from separation pain from marriage it can be very painful please pray as this will help you beyond words from anyone it is the only way start your morning in prayer. Once you start your morning in prayer your life gets better. Pray for reconciliation and forgiveness.

Morning prayer

God I so love you and I need you. I confess that Jesus is the Christ the son of the living God, my Lord, my saviour and my king and I confess this day and every day that I am highly favoured by God and man.
Please come into my life Lord Jesus Christ and change my heart now.
Almighty Jesus Christ my everlasting father walk through my house and take away all my worries and illnesses and please watch over and heal my family in Jesus name Amen.

@HeiwaPaz2000 - 23.03.2023 11:49

Some of us who comes from bad childhoods spend mostly all our lives fixing the pain and the wrong... and trying to understand ourserlves and others... so making many many mistakes with relationships... I gave up 16 years ago. I am 70 years now and finally at peace...

@qammarshah8724 - 27.11.2022 02:38

I’m watching this 20 days in to wife packing up and leaving with our 2 beautiful boys I miss them all so much 😢

@angela-op1bt - 11.11.2022 21:34

J. Peterson doesnt see marriage as a family if there's no children. He sees life without kids meaningless and pathetic. And trying to force this idology on others is very cruel and inconsiderate. Cause in fact this life aint easy whether you have a child -family(!) or not. You might end up miserable in both ways and also it not might be related having children or not. Secondly not everyone has the ability to have a child. His way of see life is still very meaninless for me because is really materialistic. But I'm strongly agree on this idea that he have, that no matter what, there's no other option than we trying our best in life to be better. Whatever situation your in remember life is a struggle and everyone has this struggle and you're not alone or leftout.

@canceled7542 - 15.10.2022 18:08

How dare that woman walk out in the middle of yet another JP GEM of a lecture!!!

@norbucso - 10.10.2022 11:38

5 year relationships? Wow. Seems magical.

@michealtally6750 - 24.09.2022 18:13

I always had an incredible passion for living life to its fullest,  hopeful and romantic but I always strive to believe the good within everyone. I'm straightforward, honest about my needs and feelings too, been hurt couple of times but it's okay. I'm looking for an equally positive partner who loves to try new experiences and a great communicator. Contact me if you're interested ☺️

@justinliu7357 - 17.07.2022 05:17

Lol at my comment 4 years ago. I found what I was manifesting. Don't be a fixer, you will always find what's broken.

@ffudon - 14.07.2022 01:03

Forget about the honeymoon period . . . . the majority of my male friends who are married, are either coercively controlled & fearful of Karen, or they just dislike Karen, but they stay put because of debt, kids or the lack of self belief that they can survive on their own - and unfortunately, I do mean the majority of my male friends.

@muciope - 07.05.2022 04:22

It's been over 10 years. I can't trust her. I keep stopping anyone else from getting in. And I can't get the idea of her out of my mind. Maybe I'm terrified of being vulnerable again? I thought time would decompose the trauma, but a year of leisure has only unmuffled the screaming pain. Fck.

@noahthomas9102 - 17.03.2022 11:14

The answer is to not get your self into the "stupid" relationship to begin with? While I see the logic in this argument to some degree. It does seem minimizing of the people that are already in that situation. Considering the PHD in clinical psychology, I would say that this response really doesn't add anything of value to the conversation

@stratos8 - 05.01.2022 20:13


@partyinmypocket - 05.01.2022 02:30

what's the song at the VERY beginning of the vid? first 3 seconds. anyone, anyone?

@chrispark7010 - 23.12.2021 08:39

The “holding your children hostage” seems like a red pill saying.

@junglefungus265 - 16.12.2021 05:33

Imagine walking out of a lecture given by Jordan Peterson

@SebastianPatten - 15.12.2021 02:30

That laptop is Thicc

@missmarthafawker - 13.12.2021 17:12

Just because your 45 doesn’t mean you need invetri or your less able to get pregnant. Such a myth.

@privateprivate8366 - 13.12.2021 08:32

Yep, since I’ve learned about narcissism, although I know that everyone, including myself, is on the spectrum, I cannot stand people, who I feel are further up on the narcissistic spectrum. I feel sorry in that, I drop them immediately and they don’t know why. But, I can’t sit and explain to them, how bad their habits are and how I don’t want them to be in my life, when I know that gaslighting will ensue, just for it to still become exactly a narcissistic relationship, with me on the receiving end.

I’m also not the happiest person in the world. So, when. My neighbor wanted me to start helping her with things, and she really seemed entitled to my help, she has no idea how my my went nuts. I had just left my narcissistic mother and family and I wasn’t going to have a mere neighbor, who I didn’t even know, feel that I was living in her attic, as her servant, instead of as the tenant above her. I pictured a scene where she’d continue to sit, triple in size, watching TV and eating, while I went to work, worked on my personal goals, took better and better care of myself, while she became needier and needier. I didn’t get to know her well enough to really call her a narcissist, but I saw her waving to people she didn’t know, when she spoke to me and I felt it was to establish to the neighborhood, that we were now BFFs — with a side of me doing everything she no longer felt like doing.

While I do believe she’s taken I’ll, tricking someone into being your caregiver is not a good plan. May not work out — for you.

@The_Curious_Cat - 13.12.2021 06:11

Yep, when entering a relationship, be honest, and when I mean honest, it's with yourself: what do you want in life, what are your goals, what do you expect from a relationship. Don't just say what the other wants to hear because you like her/him and want to be with her/him. If you do that, whoever is with you will just starting to test your boundaries, if let them shrink, people will think they can continue to do whatever. Which then leads to the type of relationship where you are living that person's life, not yours together with that person. A relationship is two people blending lives and goals together and respecting each's boundaries, not one merging into the other.

And if you see that relationship doesn't work anymore, again, be honest with yourself, don't fool yourself thinking you can fix it or make it work, you're just losing time. Never think "oh, I've been with him/her for 4 years now, might as well try to make it work, we had some good moments, blah blah blah". If it doesn't work, it will probably just get slightly better until it goes back to the same crap you are living right now and in that period, it passed another year and you lost a bunch of chances to be happy.

And no, you are never too old to start a new relationship with someone else, that's just some bullsh*t box society builds to keep you stale.

@Sladeraptor17 - 12.12.2021 23:02

Divorce is an absolute monster. My parents got divorced when I was 6 years old.
Because my dad was abusive. My house was filled with conflict. My mom put me into counseling for parental relations and a handful of other things, emotional trauama, anger manaeng, and stuff multiple times, but it never helped because she refused to admit how much conflict was in our house, she lied go counselors and so forth. Whenever I brought up an issue, she acted like I had no clue what I was talking about.
Now, at age 20, I have a ton of issues from this kind of childhood.
I don't trust parental figures, I have an over dependency on friends because I could never rely on my parents. I am clingy in relationships which is part of why none have worked so far. I also have a crazy fear of abandonment. Marriage is suppose to be the strongest bond we have. Yet I watched it break. So what bond keeps a friendship together...In my mind, it's usually none.

I still have a lot of things to work though.

@gigibelle7465 - 10.12.2021 15:37

Should have heard this speech 10 years ago...

@Jojo-dc9pr - 10.12.2021 12:34

What is the intro song??

@aayaatable - 10.12.2021 12:27

chubby peterson

@radicalhonesty3628 - 10.12.2021 09:02

I pray magical blessings

in the lives of myself

and my true love (that I am yet to meet).

may him and I, both experience magical transformation and new levels of enlightenment and bliss...

and may that lead us to each other, very very soon!

and may you, as well, beloved reader, be blessed, too...

@izawaniek2568 - 09.12.2021 12:42

I totally agree, with every word.

@Josh-tf9cr - 08.12.2021 21:56

Ah the diet coke Jordan Peterson, that caffeine and aspartame combo really kept JBP going

@concken1 - 08.12.2021 21:41

lol, 3 or 4? 2 would be the limit.

@hzi - 08.12.2021 19:38

I thought this was a really old video, due to looking at the laptop. Then i saw the ipad in the background and i lost all understanding of time

@exoticallovergirl - 07.12.2021 20:00

"You get old, FAST."

@jimb3093 - 07.12.2021 19:46

I don’t think I know what love is. I think I’m a robot lol!

@hollowmoll1 - 07.12.2021 18:45

The is clearly pre-pill popping era

@strings1586 - 07.12.2021 04:22

Just the setting that Peterson is in triggered a thought. Our teachers in the US are specifically groomed and selected to be the exact opposite of JBP. Someone, tell me, why did a 23 year old business major teach my 12th grade philosophy class? Why are all teachers and professors not required to have physical experience in the fields they teach? Why do we insist on this insane standardized system which in its attempt to level the playing field, has completely consumed itself? Apprenticeship programs are the best if you are looking to further your education at the moment, give yourself a physical skill, and go full Will Hunting. You have the internet, and most likely a close library. Educate yoself, knowledge is literally power.

@sairamsaikripa - 05.12.2021 21:38

I lost 8years to a guy who frndzoned me never even cleared if he loves me Or not... Mixed signals narcissistic behaviour.. N before those 8years i got abused emotionallt by my own ppl so basically all my life I got abused

@HeyyyitsBell - 04.12.2021 21:28

What’s the song at the beginning? It’s on the tip of my tongue

@Minenice11 - 04.12.2021 14:39

This is just depressing…

@m.o.s.h.1836 - 04.12.2021 14:00

End the relationship is the best way if it doesn't serve you good! Why force yourself to a toxic or unhappy relationship for a lifetime?

@shainmays667 - 03.12.2021 02:09

“It is impossible to wake someone who is pretending to be asleep” -Native American proverb

@rickyellis8505 - 03.12.2021 01:20

Sounds like Better Call Saul...

@johnnyrosenfeld6660 - 01.12.2021 00:12

People shouldn't begin a relationship. People should focus on themselfs self developing and spend time on hobbys and work.

@halkael2317 - 29.11.2021 13:08

Love is grand.
Divorce is a hundred grand

@halkael2317 - 29.11.2021 13:06

You can never tell someone that their partner is not right for them. “Love is blind”. Only after the breakup do people say “if only I listened to you”… lesson is, listen to youre loved ones if they tell you youre with the wrong person!! Its always easier to see the problem from outside the relationship!
