*BEST* Yu-Gi-Oh! Mystery Bundles on Market from @HeartOfThePack!

*BEST* Yu-Gi-Oh! Mystery Bundles on Market from @HeartOfThePack!

Cameron Gaming TCG

55 лет назад

311 Просмотров

It's that time again where Crissy and I battle it out to see who can get to 10 wins faster in this Husband VS Wife Pack Battle.

Today we open up Heart of the Packs awesome Mystery Bundles to see which one of us comes out on top.

Be sure to check out Heart of the Pack on his YouTube and Instagram if interested in getting some of these insane Mystery Bundles!

Heart of the Pack YT: @HeartOfThePack
Heart of the Pack Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heart_of_thepack/

If you enjoy TCG content, check out some of these awesome playlists below!

Battle Mo Z!

Mystery Mondays!

Yu-Gi-Oh! Openings!

Pokemon Openings!

Digimon Openings!

Social Media Links!

Email- [email protected]
Twitch- https://www.twitch.tv/camerongamingtcg
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/camerongamingtcg/?hl=en
Twitter- https://twitter.com/mega_chris_ex
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/Cameron-Gaming-TCG-and-Collectibles-101410445288543!

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