So I've kinda swayed away from African Cichlids for this exact reason. Even when you do exactly what you're doing somehow they find that fish. Id say 70% of the time this is the best way to do it, the other 30% is luck.
ОтветитьCan you do a video on how much lake salt and buffer to add? The instructions on the container are a little confusing for me
ОтветитьI learnt this the hard way after owning tropical fish for years and just adding new
I put in 3 siamese flying fox fish for algae control.....
They were instan attacked and were completely eaten within 3 minutes !!
I now do the same as you but with added protection I add the new fish as the water is refilling ..... so far so good
Unfortunately I made that mistake myself just about 2 weeks ago. I have been looking for a Sulfur head peacock for a while and I found one at an increidible price, I just could not say no to that deal, so I took the risk and bought him, just that one fish, as soon as I introduced him to the tank, the number 2 and 3 went for him, they killed him overnight, he was dead by the morning. It was as if they knew he was going to be my favorite guy moving forward and they said "oh hell nah". I am still devastated because my mistake cost him his life. What I should have done since I did not have any other new fish, was to remove a couple more from the tank and place them in the quarantine tank with him, that way it would have been "3 new guys" instead of just him. Lesson learned. I have a 75 with 12 mbunas and 4 peacocks in there. Other than that incident no aggression in my tank. Been following your advise for a whike Kev and learned a lot from you. Love your tanks and your passion. I actually got into African cichlids from your tanks, that is why I got mine.
ОтветитьI actually do exactly all these steps
Adding one worked for me too though
Just depends on how many you got in your tank
I'm waiting for my studs from Snake river next week! I'm going to be using many of these tactics when I introduce them to my tank.
ОтветитьAre Cichlids and Oscars compatible in the tank ?
ОтветитьYour African cichlid videos are always 👌👍🤙🔥. Keep them coming.
ОтветитьI’ve done alright adding one fish, I just do the lights out method for 24-48 hours
ОтветитьEnjoyed watching Kev! Very interesting and fun to watch! The new guy's are pretty big! I also like your netting the fish technique. I've seen many, many time's in pet store's how they frantically chase the fish around the tank's and have no feeling's at all for the fish. You basically let them come into the net on their own. Interesting and as always very informative! 👍❤❤❤
ОтветитьI learnt adding new stock the hard...
ОтветитьGreat video Kev, all of these tips and tricks are so beneficial for keeping these beautiful African cichlids, as many may not know that the African cichlids, as me myself, did unfortunately lose some fish because I wanted these fish at my local store and they did not tell me that you should keep few guys together. And rightfully so it is not their prerogative. So this really helps with all these tips. Nobody wants to lose a beautiful fish, and not even know why. . (and by the way, go Seahawks) 😂
ОтветитьBeatiful tank
ОтветитьI give my peacocks their once a week frozen krill treat when I do my water change😊
ОтветитьI give my peacocks their once a week frozen krill treat when I do my water change😊
ОтветитьI give my peacocks their once a week frozen krill treat when I do my water change😊
ОтветитьIt was nice meeting you down at preuss pets In lansing today spun the wheel And won Some prime and stability. What a beautiful day at the fish store thanks again take care
ОтветитьAnyone else have a flameback as a tank boss? Lots of my fish are bigger but he rules with an iron fist.
ОтветитьI can use this info for my tiger barb tank
Can I instead of doing 80% water change per week, do 20 percent water change everyday? Because my tap water is really cold and if I do 80% water changes the water will be too cold for my malawi fish.
I just lost my OB so sad I love that fish I’m going to get 5 new ones and reset the decor in the tank and and let them sit over night thanks for the helpful tips
I’ve had my cichlids for 5 years now and going they are all somehow still alive after my 55 gallon fish tank blew out a couple months ago and I had fish all over the floor and surprisingly none of them died. I am very shocked on how hardy these fish really are.
Thanks for the information, like always great video
ОтветитьCould I know, what substrate are you using?
It is my first time buying aquarium and I already added many fish on the third day. I added about 20 malawi fish in a 240 liter aquarium. The fish are rubbing their skin on the sand and stones. I didn’t know that I had to wait until the biological cycle is done. Now, I am on the 7th day. What can I do to fix this problem?
I fed my chiclids to my Lion Fish. Welcome to the salt water, big boys. They got torn the fuck apart. ASAP.
ОтветитьUnc you're gonna have to stay with one topic at the time because I just came from the saltwater video to this. I now want a saltwater tank AND African cichlid tank.
ОтветитьHey kaveman I’m a huge fan I watch all your videos I would love to meet you I think you should come to RI and do a meet and greet or even somewhere in Massachusetts I would love to attend one thank you so much for everything I’ve learned from watching your videos
ОтветитьWhat was the promo code to use on SRC?
ОтветитьGreat video Kev! Your african cichlid content, always my favorite!!! Keep up the incredible work you do for the community!🙏
Ответитьhey kev are iridescent sharks (cat fish) easy to take care of
ОтветитьI added 4 Africans to my tank at the same time but all 4 of them died a week later… they all died consecutively just within 48hrs. Africans are ruthless! They attack at night. I thought the newcomers were doing well and welcomed to the tank as there were no aggression against them. You just never know when they’re gonna gang up on the newbies.
ОтветитьGreat video as always man. I wanted to ask, I never see any bubblers in your tanks, how do you keep it oxygenated? just wave makers? I would like to adapt to that similar tank style it looks much cleaner!
ОтветитьCan I put plecos and my synodontice catfish in with my African cichlid aquarium
Ответитьdude, I have a tank filled with plants, shrimps, and coupla small fish. do you know any aquatics safe medicine for preventive measures?
ОтветитьWhat size tank boss is that one on the video, great tactics🎉
ОтветитьHey Kaveman, do you only qaurantine marine fish or are you doing it also with tropical (non-salt water) tanks too? I usually net mine out and don't add the water they arrive in but that's it.
ОтветитьWhere did you purchase your rock background?
ОтветитьThanks Kev! So i have a 90g with 15 Mbuna. I will be adding about 5 new mates tomorrow and reintroducing the Zebra White Lab that has been in the sump return for the past few weeks because of persistent aggression. He's one of the larger fish but is just getting hounded by all the others. I'll let ya'll know the outcome!
ОтветитьWhere did you get your background
ОтветитьHi kev, i ordered some peacocks for my boyfriends birthday but i ordered 3 super reds by mistake, is it ok to put 3 of the same?
ОтветитьKave bro, nice fish, and fire fish nice.
ОтветитьHey Dude... Ya doing a great job.
I'm new. Tell me about feeding and decorating for African Cichlid.. I have small size of assorted about 15 fish. in a 75... getting ready to move them to a 125.
My bumble bee has been calm since I got him. All my fish have been getting along just fine. Today I saw my bumble bee fight 1 of my ambunas and both are scrapped up. Now the bumble bee is chasing everyone his size and smaller
ОтветитьHey brother! Thank you for the content. What brand is that black substrate. God bless !
ОтветитьHey Kev…. This “higher-archly” activity that your fish are going through kind of reminds me of my old South Bronx days… The guys went through a somewhat similar scenario.. and established a “Who’s Who” list within the neighborhood.
Good memories..!!
When D 🆕 guy / 🐟 Becomes the OG … 🐟💨🫧‼️🗯️TaNk you from D BiG BLUE FRONTOSA Crew … Siiivk 🐟 Let’s go… Keep On Keeping On …its Prime Time