THE HORROR SHOW aka HOUSE 3 - Best Horror Movie You Never Saw

THE HORROR SHOW aka HOUSE 3 - Best Horror Movie You Never Saw

JoBlo Horror Originals

3 года назад

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@di9italdubster - 19.11.2021 20:47

But what's the better film? "The Horror Show" or "Shocker"?

@robertdochter277 - 19.11.2021 23:41

Besides, The Horror Show and Shocker, The First Power also has an executed serial killer whose back from the dead due to demonic assistance.

@rifftipton7709 - 20.11.2021 01:17

I rented The Horror Show and lent it to my Mom. She called me and said it was disgusting and had stopped watching it after about ten minutes.

@jeremiaherickson2068 - 20.11.2021 07:10

Thanks to this Video I had to go out and get the House box set on Blu ray because I had only seen the first two films.

@jeremiaherickson2068 - 20.11.2021 07:12

I would like to recommend the film Evil Ed for the best film you've never seen, it's a fun movie.

@Regenalduck - 20.11.2021 07:50

Is the thumbnail someone electrocuting The Nostalgia Critic?

@wfkernea - 20.11.2021 13:04

I liked the electric chair scene. "Coming Back to Fuck you up."

@melvert33 - 20.11.2021 13:25

I remember watching House 1 and 2 as a kid, liking the comedy elements then my Dad got House 3 in as it was known in UK, had to stop watching as a 9 year old it scared the crap out of me!

@evynlucian1869 - 20.11.2021 14:01

Did not know there was a house 4!!! How did I not know this!

@mostynater - 20.11.2021 15:15

I remember this film when I was young, I loved it & watched it all the time years age, I had a VHS of it that was copied off the t.v. 👍🏻👍🏻

@robertchambers6344 - 20.11.2021 17:43

Saw in the theatre opening day

@rick9977015 - 21.11.2021 11:05

That first House movie was such a great movie.

@musclesforsupes - 21.11.2021 16:47

House IV next?

@buzzsawgr81 - 22.11.2021 00:03

this explains a lot. I always wondered why I could never find house 3 despite seeing house 1, 2, and 4.

@MrRamone420 - 22.11.2021 09:33

Now I actually saw both of Horror Show and Shocker when I was 14 in the theaters and enjoy Horror Show more for the gore, but I lived in New Jersey never understood the whole House 3 until Arrow released the boxset. It still baffles me today. I gotta say that final scene where they take a Polaroid and that goofy ass song comes on, it's priceless 🤣

@darkhymnsfromthecoldnorth - 23.11.2021 13:51

I own the first 2 House movies, just couldn't get into them. Maybe someday ill be able to. I remember seeing the Horror Show as a kid, and its funny that you guys bring this up, because ive been trying to remember what it was called for almost 30 years now. Maybe more.

@stephaniemartel4616 - 23.11.2021 14:43

Je veux le revoir en français.....

@harryhill8543 - 24.11.2021 21:22

What I found most confusing was that this movie and Shocker had similar themes so I got them confused in my memory and could never remember the names of either one. Only by finding House 3 on Froggy Flix years later did it become clear.

@danielsharp2012 - 25.11.2021 03:10

Awesome movie

@chrisbarrett8377 - 26.11.2021 00:12

I absolutely loved House 2 when I was a little kid in the late 80s. Didn't see House 1 until I was a teenager, but I would say that one was much creepier

@lesslycarthan956 - 26.11.2021 03:49

Saw it on use up all night when I was 17 the next day I bought Irvin VHS 1987.i still have it today I'm 52 me and my brother stayed up every weekend thru the 80s MTV and use up all night blood diner the re animator and all things good

@upcoast - 26.11.2021 08:56

House 1 and 2 were my two favourite movies as a kid

@aspireahead8388 - 26.11.2021 16:59

OH MY GOD!!!! I am so glad somebody has finally talked about this movie... I loved this movie!! Thank you!!!!

@jhonsmith7991 - 27.11.2021 11:37

Whatever you do, don't ask him about his mother.

@AnonymousAccount514 - 28.11.2021 10:37

We discovered House on HBO as kids and watched it 100 times….when House 2 came out in theaters we were the first in line to see it….I remember The Horror Show but had no idea it was related to House

@TheTrashStash - 28.11.2021 12:45

i saw it. it wasnt the best.

@k.p.n.1804 - 29.11.2021 00:00

I didn't find House to be funny, it was trying to be sure, but it wasn't funny.

@delhurworth6001 - 30.11.2021 22:57

Good film!watched the other week!!🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿👍

@mmickle6191 - 01.12.2021 02:14

Good to know, I've only seen the first one. Now I know there's 3 sequels! Cool!

@zombiemosher1139 - 01.12.2021 04:14

You could say that House 4 is actually House 3 really but The Horror Show shits on it from a great height.

@INFINITESYKOSIS - 01.12.2021 07:33


@stavros693000 - 01.12.2021 16:14

i always thought this film was called shocker. now i know why. thanx

@LoepkeVisionFilms - 07.12.2021 03:34

I've never seen this but sounds really good!

@Majorqueefdouche3040 - 07.02.2022 22:41

The first house was such a lame blend of horror and Comedy I barley finished it and will most likely never watch any sequels. With that said this one looks pretty dope lol

@Thenewbagman - 26.02.2022 18:59

Is that video store frame on minute 5 the same video store from The big hit?

@marshfilm - 24.03.2022 03:13

I totally had a Mandela Effect moment watching this movie on Tubi tonight. I kept telling myself that this was called Shocker in the original timeline lol... I honestly never heard of this movie before.

@milesthehousecollection4153 - 04.06.2022 08:43

I had this on VHS but it was called shocker!!

@Manic_Drone_Idiom - 11.07.2022 03:39

Discovered Gleaming Spires because of this movie

@kodiekulp - 05.09.2022 07:08

Well, crap.
How the hell did I miss this episode?

@kevinwillson341 - 17.11.2022 19:58

Got this in my house Blu ray collection. Was wondering why tf it didn't feel at all like a house movie

@MrPerthglory - 04.03.2023 23:07

Have the boxset. House 1-4

@jimperine8500 - 28.10.2023 02:18

When I first watched this one on VHS, I started laughing when the theme song started. My friends were like, "what?" I shrugged them off, but I knew that song. I had been introduced to Gleaming Spires in the great DMJ III (NSFW, NSF non-aduts, NSF sensitive minds - look up the title) It was just crazy to hear that song. There is a connections of sorts. Brion James did two R-rated flicks "Dead Man Walking" and "Street Asylum" which were directed by Gregory Dark, who also directed DMJ III and IV and a bunch of other NSFW movies.
OK, a tenuous connection, but as tenuous as making this one part of the House series?

@CreativeCreaturefx - 25.01.2024 14:26

I'm barely discovering the name of this movie after years. Vaguely remember seeing this briefly as a kid. I remember that electric chair scene and the scene with the killer's body under the white sheets. It scared me quite a bit and that scenes stayed in my mind for years.

@michaelboehle1161 - 18.03.2024 03:04

I must see this!

@travisjohnson622 - 19.04.2024 01:10

Was House 3 a great value Shocker? Or Shocker a great value House 3?

@travisjohnson622 - 19.04.2024 01:13

When I was younger, I wondered why there was a House, House 2, then a House 4. I remember going into blockbuster and asking the people that worked there to look for House 3 in their data base, with no luck. It was a big mystery to me as a kid why there was no 3.

@ЕгорРябенко-к4г - 05.05.2024 23:05

After watching this film my whole armchair was wet with urine

@tractorgt - 20.03.2025 09:28

Yea i saw this when it came out and it was just called the horror show
