How to start in witchcraft? || tips for beginners and closeted witches ‍️

How to start in witchcraft? || tips for beginners and closeted witches ‍️

Aster Perpetua

1 год назад

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@AlexiaJiyane - 09.01.2025 03:11

I would like to it dosen't matter where you are?or you have to do something please help want to start I'm tired about suffering please give me details how I can find help and thanks again God bless

@AlexiaJiyane - 09.01.2025 03:15

Can witchcraft make own money? And enjoy life with my kids?

@Wannabe_scene - 09.01.2025 13:03

It's the new year and I'm going to try to find myself this year and become more confident I know alot of ppl say this every year "new year new me" and nothing changes but I'm actually going to try this year. I'm new to this, like really new this is the 1st vid I've watched on witchcraft and b4 I actually start stepping into it I'm going to do loads of research on things, I've taken notes on this vid and I will be using them but I'll also be doing alot more research (sorry I'm repeating myself) so I actually know what everything is for, what to do and how to do it.

Your video helped me, thank you so much :) I'll also be returning to ur channel while doing my research bcs u seem VERY helpful and really nice <3

Also I'm turning 17 this year and idk if there's like an age thing to witchcraft, I don't think there is but if anyone can tell me if there is or not I would appreciate it thank you sm :3

@tarotherway - 10.01.2025 10:55

Hi Aster. A year later I come across your video. Which was GREAT!! Thank you for making it so simple. You explained it well. Thank you for the PDF, I downloaded it and read it already. Not sure what path I’m headed into but I’m excited to work with herbs and candles. Not sure about which deity or guide is worth me. I hope to get there, and when I start feeling “crazy” I’m going to remember what you said.
Liked & subscribed 😊❤

@xxitskikixx5208 - 11.01.2025 08:01

aphrodite blessed you, you are very pretty! do you work with deities?

@alliecho - 14.01.2025 04:54

Why I wanna be a witch: I feel different. I’ve always been different and left out and alone. and I wanna express my difference with witchcraft. A definition of a witch can be a woman who is different and independent. that’s why I wanna be a witch.

@jenniferboehm4708 - 14.01.2025 06:32

Your video was very informative, thank you for sharing your expertise! I am a new witch starting to live my authentic self!! Blessed be

@B.Sant-Clair - 14.01.2025 16:59

Thanks for the tips, I spent a lot of time in the broom closet, but now I'm going to start practicing (my family found out last year that I'm a pagan,and they kind of didn't care, thanks Goddess)

@lawrencedovin7425 - 16.01.2025 00:05

Grew up in a Christian household and left in my teens because I didn’t truly believe in Christianity.

Always believed God existed but didn’t know who God was.

My Mom passed away back in October 2018 and I felt depressed, it was the lowest point of my life. I tried to self medicate smoking pot and cigarettes and drinking alcohol daily.

I met a woman who talked about Jesus and I could tell she was serious which impressed me. I thought maybe I missed something in Christianity.

She led me to the Lord and I asked Jesus in my head “Jesus if You are who You say You are, if You are God please reveal Yourself to me and I will follow You”. Suddenly I felt God’s presence powerfully enter my belly, go up to my chest then to my jaw I was astonished and then I started speaking in tongues.

The addictions I had dropped, now I want to follow God and I never was the same again. Jesus is the real deal.

@firstglance - 18.01.2025 06:49

*insert SpongeBob “One Year Later” lol*
But yea I didn’t even think of what I was doing was called witchcraft I just felt a spiritual calling for it starting with some arthritis that kicked in from my rough and tumble years as a youth (broken bones can turn into arthritis in your 30’s and 40’s kids). In trying to find holistic solutions for my pain I dove in to healing with herbs, stones and crystals, meditation and yoga. Next thing I knew I was studying esoteric techniques, practicing moon rituals and reading about tarot. And that started about 8 months ago. I guess you can call me a closeted wizard b/c I don’t think my Christian wife would like to know about my practices but I will say that I’m WAYYYYY more positive, healthier, and happier than I was a year ago. And it’s not like I’m trying to keep anything from her I just love my yoga and meditating with inscesnts and paleo santo too much to give them up to for someone else’s comfortability.

@cidaschwatzer7542 - 18.01.2025 23:00

Que maximo, vc é Brasileira! Que surpresa boa quando fui ler a descrição!!! Minha avo era índia e eu acho que a pessoa nao se torna uma bruxa, é um chamado que é sentido a vida toda. Sempre me informei sobre o assunto desde a adolescência, mas agora que estou descobrindo quem realmente sou quero voltar pra ficar. Obrigada pelo video! ❤

@LunaReign - 19.01.2025 03:21

Love this channel ❤❤❤❤❤

@E8t4ever - 22.01.2025 06:24

I've been practicing for about two weeks and, I'm not like super hidden and secretive about it but like I'm not telling a bunch of people, but I have felt like I'm doing something wrong and so seeing this helps to know that i don't need a bunch of things for my practice.

@Newbornmila - 26.01.2025 00:19

Me diz como que só de você dizer hello eu me perguntei se era brasileira, Jesus a gente se reconhece mesmo kkkkkkkkk

@natalie-hw5hp - 27.01.2025 07:20

my family is super christian, so is my boyfriend, they think witchcraft is satanic so i have only come out to my mom about starting, i explained it to her and she opened up a little, im still very new even though ive been slowly learning for 2 years, but im finally ready to fully delve into it! im so excited for the experiences that await and for the amazing knowledge i'll learn
thank you for being my motivator

@EddieBear-b8b - 27.01.2025 22:55

Vielen Dank, Dr. SHALOM GREAT SPELL, für die Wiederherstellung meiner zerbrochenen Beziehung.....

@EddieBear-b8b - 27.01.2025 22:55

Vielen Dank, Dr. SHALOM GREAT SPELL, für die Wiederherstellung meiner zerbrochenen Beziehung.....

@margaretcumberworth-bucher9626 - 01.02.2025 03:21

Yes please do a video on meditation! I love your channel!

@dikshajangra6568 - 02.02.2025 20:16

you are so beautiful , soulful and most of all very magnetic to look at .

@moonflowerbabee11 - 04.02.2025 02:35

Thank you Aster for your beautiful face and wisdom

@lilkeyysmith8412 - 05.02.2025 07:55

Im Christian witch and im still learning and practicing cuz I'm trying to make sure I do everything right cause I don't wanna make no mistakes I hate wen people judge us for who we are only God have that say so but just because I'm Christian I still love God and I enjoy watching ur videos

@Loveintine - 09.02.2025 14:02

Your so beautiful and intelligent i love your videos!

@spicycreations2771 - 09.02.2025 22:05

Is it ok if my motivation yo witchcraft is community with my Peers? I'm gonna be 100% real i dont completely belive in witchcraft, but there is a part of me that does and that makes e confused, i wanna try to explore my Faith in the unknown and magical and at the same time bond with my pagan and witch friends. Is that an ok motivation?

@stacygriffith14 - 18.02.2025 01:31

I'd like to get info on meditation please

@St4rlynx - 19.02.2025 21:26

hi! I feel pretty lost right now. I want to start doing witchcraft but im pretty young, and while my parents are very accepting I'm unsure if i wanna tell them. I personally want to connect with the forest, be happier, and find myself too. But I know like barely anything. I'm trying to find videos and this did help a little, but i have no idea where to start. Also, I don't really worship any deities. I'm still doing a lot of research but I feel really confused rn!

@FelyKotagbia - 20.02.2025 14:47

witchcraft is a sacrilegious sin don't be a witch be a Christian if you practice witchcraft you'll end up in Hell

@GwenyLemon-z3z - 23.02.2025 05:55

Thank you so much for this video! It was so helpful! I took so many notes lol! I hope everyone has a wonderful day/night and good luck with your practices!! 😄

@Fleur_Ink94 - 24.02.2025 16:31

My why: I am quite lonely and as pantheist I believe that spirits are everywhere so I just need to communicate with them. I want companionship genuinely with an entity that is actually answering. Christanity is a bit of a cheat-sheet for a test I guess. Some might will comment I was then never really a Christian. But 'd say I was truly a devoted one, although it did not give me statisfaction that I am truly enough. Taking responsibility and work is better then just tossing all my sins on a person I never really knew and he never really knew me. Jesus lived 2000 ~ years ago. Why shall he bear all the work of my deeds? Also witchcraft functions for me as kind of a teraphy. I wanna be better, do better, witchcraft I can use for self-discovery and how can I use those of my positive and negative aspects to contribute to society in the better light. I am now an atheist witch since 3-5 years, interested in Paganism but my yteness is a bit of a controll in it. Cultural appropriation is a muddy area of spirituality, and I do not want to contribute to that nor to racism at any level. Any tips on how to do my research so I won't be pulled by problematic materials or cults? Am I still allowed to learn about closed practices so I know that is not for me? But only for respect to understand those people coming of that culture? I am a cultural enthusiast, love to learn how other cultures and groups work so if I meet someone from that circle I will have a better understanding and emphaty for them.

@knowone1723 - 24.02.2025 17:19

Thank you

@Isabean-u9x - 24.02.2025 22:28

I have been interested in finding out more for two months. I don’t have much time to look into everything so it’s gonna take me a long time to figure everything out.😂❤❤

@jimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm - 25.02.2025 16:37

Merci, Madamme ❤🌹

@laurapetersone8821 - 27.02.2025 11:39

Interesting video, but the finger snapping is very distracting

@natashafarrugia4756 - 27.02.2025 17:15

Hi guys reclaim your power and practice witchcraft that elevates your life

@toyin2376 - 28.02.2025 02:02

Please what is the significance of crossroads for powerspots.Thanks

@geminigreywolf6655 - 03.03.2025 03:08

This is great for the new witches or as you said ones that can’t practice freely. I come form a long line of witches. Most females on my mother’s side are witches.

@itstocashayshay2643 - 03.03.2025 18:21

I have been practicing all of the things that they say witches need to practice, but I had no idea that I was doing stuff that witches do I lost my husband three years ago and started looking to reach his spirit and started seeing synchronicity and was woken up at 3:33 AM and it just lit me up when I read that that’s the witching hour and I asked myself am I and I got tingles all over my body and just speaking about it gives me tingles all over my body. So as of a couple days ago, I am a witch I guess and I couldn’t be happier to find out what I have been feeling all my life.

@j-lew - 06.03.2025 23:28

Great video! Thank you! I'm in the closet and have been for some time. I'm in a house with a husband and 2 children, and I'm just not comfortable sharing anything yet. Maybe some day.

@BLØØMiĖ_w1thp4wsღ - 07.03.2025 17:31

can people under 13y do witchcraft?

@kristinenoffsinger5138 - 11.03.2025 08:51

I want to start. Im so intrigued. So fascinating to me but dont really think i have any natural ability.. i do have de ja vu a lot and things that i think will happen, happen. But i know there is coincidences also. Either way i wanna learn😊

@SpiderHam16 - 12.03.2025 18:48

Is mj involved in this?

@Al3xN33dzH31P - 14.03.2025 22:50

We need to support young/financial struggling witches ❤

@k1nikokun - 17.03.2025 21:10

I want to become a pagan because I want to find myself and protect others when I can't help them spiritually in person. I'm Hellenic and want to connect with the culture as well!

@Dhjdhfnnf - 17.03.2025 21:38

I've been really interested in witchcraft, but I've always been scared of my parents' reaction. The only person I know who does witchcraft is my aunt, and I've always felt kind of safe in this environment, if that makes sense. I'm comforted to see I'm not the only one with this problem, and that solutions are provided. Thanks ☺️

@isweetieh - 18.03.2025 03:31

Muitos videos eu assisti mas nada é como esse. Obrigada!

@FineWine-o8e - 19.03.2025 17:16

I'm really interested in witchcraft but have no guide or someone experienced who can teach me basic things

@auroralin-vp4zg - 21.03.2025 03:21

hi-i am just a normal student who came across the witch community a while back and it caught my attention, i realized that a bunch of things that they talked about resonated with me, like i do believe that this stuff could happen and this stuff is real, and adding to my growing interest it seems like a very safe community, and very supportive. I find that i really want to learn, and start but i have questions about what the energy feels like and if i really am doing magick, i am second guessing myself a lot because of being told that this stuff isnt real and being normal in short i have quite a bit of doubt in my own ability to practice magick. and i dont know where to start and dont know what to do.

@Animationj5p - 21.03.2025 19:09

😩😩😩😩😩 am trying to read the comment section but people are writing passages of words somebody help

@MimiSorianoVLR - 23.03.2025 23:28

My great grandmother was a Taino seer and witch so ive been struggling with the decision to practice

@bartoszraczkowski3984 - 26.03.2025 00:22

Can boys be witches too ????
