Pietro - 18 Brutal Months Later - Hand Grinder Review

Pietro - 18 Brutal Months Later - Hand Grinder Review

Daddy Got Coffee

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@sviatoslavhulko4758 - 13.10.2024 18:37

65$ for such silly add-ons is insane 🤯

@hendriklangenstein3210 - 13.10.2024 19:04

Thank you for talking about seasoning of the grinder. Using it at first kinda had me at a loss, the taste was rather bitter and weird with muddy beds at a grind size 7. Two weeks later and a couple of grinds, I observed fewer fines on the sides of the filter and no more muddy beds, with lovely clarity and taste. Seasoning really seems to play an important role. 
To touch on the alignment topic: When I looked at the burrs from the bottom, I in fact noticed the stationary burr move inwards with pressure applied to the handle, I believe however alignment is maintained because the coffee Beans pick the way of least resistance, as Lance said in his video. I think because this burr is not moving, the beans can always force it as far away as possible.

@davidgalbreath3477 - 14.10.2024 13:24

What I love about this review or Rereview is that I can appreciate the I love this part but this part makes me very frustrated and I use it because of what it does rather than how to get there. Complex review and comes off well. Do you suffer for a good result or find an easier but less satisfying result? I feel like that specialty coffee community is perfect for this video 😂

@potato-peeler - 14.10.2024 16:54

Subscribed! Great review! Incredibly informative and very enjoyable to watch :D Just a question if you don't mind! I currently own a Comandante (owned for 7 years) and a Niche Zero - I want to own a flat burr grinder that is going to be different from what I have - £500 budget tops, I want a flat burr more for pourover than espresso (I also drink a lot of milk based espresso). It feels like my choices for high end are: Pietro, ZP6, Ode Gen 2 SSP, Timemore 064 - Have you done any comparisons to the Ode or Timemore? ❤

@sergiocxavier - 14.10.2024 19:19

Espresso Parts doesn't seem to be including the stand for free anymore. It's that correct?

@EvanEggnog - 14.10.2024 21:20

This thing looks like such a piece of shit man, it's crazy how little testing must have gone into this. If you even had 50 people try this thing, you'd think that probably 40 of them would tell you "hey man this feels bad to use". They must have either ignored this feedback or just not sought it out in the first place

@frankgarcia3310 - 16.10.2024 01:51

For the price you can basically get a gen 2 ode with ssp burrs

@il-ganna - 16.10.2024 22:57

The first thought I had when I saw the Pietro was “this thing needs to be clamped to the table”…many reaffirming reviews later, they still rolled out a very poor excuse for a stand. Needless to say, I still use it everyday.

@fabiomalheiro8152 - 17.10.2024 06:38

Hey Justin, what about the All Ground ProBrew? I read somewhere that it's supposed to have burrs with geometry similar to Pietro's. Any chance you can get a review unit to find out?

@mikni4069 - 19.10.2024 17:05

I had it from the go, ergonomic I tend to think people exaggerate the experience, as no hand grinder is truly marvellous to grind anything light with in the first place. The ZP6 is not exactly a marvellous either, the Comandante is dreadful and takes for ever and most of these require you apply quite the force to get them even grinding, this isn’t the case with the Pietro it requires almost no force to spin the handle.

I think this is more down to people who are used to hand grinding in a certain way, when they encounter something that doesn’t work like that, it pulls people off, this phenomenon can actually easily be explained from both a psychological and physiological standpoint.

Personally I think people make way too much fuss about it. I use it every day, yes it took time to get used to it, but so dos every other tool, if you never grind with a more traditional style like ZP6 even that takes time for you body to comes to terms with.

The cups are completely unrivalled. It’s just that much better than anything else out there, the ZP6 that’s probably the closest thing is a bit underwhelming in comparison, still good but it just lack the cup quality and could never truly replace an electric flat burr grinder, the Pietro however can replace one with SSP burrs, which is unique for a handgrinder.

@mvangils410 - 19.10.2024 17:40

Thank you for the video! More than I'm willing to spend. No thanks! My 1ZPresso K-Ultra does a pretty good job. 😉🤪🤗 God bless! Be safe!

@cjlafleur7585 - 22.10.2024 01:17

Where did you get that floral v60? That is beautiful.

@cjlafleur7585 - 22.10.2024 01:21

What size are these burrs? It might be interesting to put something like this up against a 64mm SSP MP or something.

@brettsiegle9163 - 22.10.2024 21:39

What about the Orca G1? It has flat burrs, but also comes with ghost burrs. Would love your feedback.

@nikolajhansen15 - 16.11.2024 17:41

How would you compare pietro to timemore 078, only in terms of the final cup?

@ASLuccas - 17.11.2024 21:59

Double the ZP6 price for a nightmare user experience to grind, lack of portability, and about the same results...seems worth it LMAO

@Dxdotta - 20.11.2024 17:49

A lot of these reviews almost deterred me from buying the unit. I'm glad i ignored them. It should be stressed that this is a MANUAL grinder and not a portable one. It's clearly meant to be used with a bench, and has a very similar action to that of a manual pasta machine or grain mill. I have had the opposite experience in terms of usability. Coming from using hand and power tools my whole life, i find the robust and rugged nature of the unit much more intuitive than traditional hand grinders. I find with smooth, consistent application of power, I don't have the jerky motion from binding that a lot of people seem to experience. It should also be noted that while there is steps, the machine is also capable of stepless adjustment, this grinder has been thus far my best experience dialing in my lever machine. I do think it's worth heeding these warnings if you're a more delicate or less hands on person, but if you're someone who's used to physical work and finding the natural feel of a machine I'm fairly confident you can dismiss those concerns altogether.

@leoceoliveira - 21.11.2024 04:15

Ok. I got here because I’m thinking about purchasing the zp6. Hmm, this can’t be the end all be all of clarity. Which coffee grinder would offer the same clarity or higher than this? Electrical I suppose. And how much more would it cost? I mean, how would the niche duo with filter burrs compare to this? Because… I’d drop more money than 500usd for a GOOD experience, but not this. I’d really save my cash and get the zp6 instead.

@doc.davydov - 29.11.2024 15:24

Thanks for amazing video! Light, composition, sound and so are gorgeous! 🔥
Are there any functional differences between old versions and new ones? What this internal o-ring does? Maybe any grind quality improvements on the new version?

I just picked up my brand new Pietro pro brewing, but noticed that it is an old version (made in 03.23)

@7Sprite-m2r - 02.12.2024 08:55

May I know what food grease you use for lubricating rotating burr shaft? Mine is pretty hard to remove it

@calebjackson2631 - 11.12.2024 23:58

I am in the market for a new grinder and your comment about clarity not being always the most desirable attribute from a grinder, was super helpful.

@wyocoyotewyocoyote9007 - 15.12.2024 07:09

Looks like needs to be bolted down on an edge to be EZ to use............aksi thanks seems impractically heavy, and awkward to grind with like near all not attached hand grinders.

@keithpp1 - 15.12.2024 22:47

Very badly designed, unstable and smash knuckles on the table.

How did something this badly designed get out of design phase into production?

I raised with the company. Their response, hold the handle with fingers, not grip the handle.

@pajjap1 - 21.12.2024 05:32

I am so glad that I went and watched this vid again. I was struggling to fit the grinder to the base. 😂

@robertcurran4030 - 26.12.2024 21:30

Just an FYI, Espresso Parts doesn't appear to be including an add-on pack anymore. It might just be a supply issue, since the add on pack is sold out on their website, but I'd feel bad if anyone ordered a pietro from them under that assumption.

@onetwoxplore - 28.12.2024 16:08

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Annoying dysfluency

@14phgerard - 29.12.2024 20:34

I just got mine as a Christmas gift from the missus. Tbh, the first few cups were a letdown compared to the first cup I had with my ZP6. Just like you, I went ahead and did a kg of coffee to season the burrs. Surprisingly, I had better cups after that. Not sure if it was just subjective, but I really am enjoying it now. I'd love to do an A-B with the ZP6.

@Jduchsnqkwiryrysbab - 05.01.2025 07:30

I can’t get over how perfect your filter paper is placed on your brewer. How did you get it placed so perfect without a single wrinkle

@mikelskaffeverksted6347 - 06.01.2025 22:34

Now you made me want to try this grinder and maybe even buy one 🙈

@loriosterweil982 - 10.01.2025 18:51

If I want tea, I’ll make tea. I don’t want my coffee to ever ever be tea like in any way.

@alexjohansson5232 - 13.01.2025 08:53

Thanks for your input! I love my Pietro B Model.❤ I use it to grind 15 gramms of beans and get 15 gramms of beans out. I use a it at a fine setting and I'm getting 3-400 microns size for my MCAL Leva double basket.I use a small silicon mat to prevent sliding and grind standing up for better leverage. Yes grinding hi altitude coffee beans manually is not easy, but the Pietro has a small footprint and although heavy you can travel with it. You're right about the clarity snd mouthfeel of the coffee and frankly. After a year I
think of the daily grinding as a
moving meditation.🙇‍♂️Just the sound of beans getting smashed and no whining machine sounds.😂

@vampireeditor - 18.01.2025 06:09

I got a Pietro refurbished from espresso parts in July 2024. I use it everyday. The particle distribution is incredible! I got it with the stand after watching many reviews. My coffee is increíble and I got the burs that can do espresso and It’s done great espresso as well. I’m a fan! My kid grinds with me and it’s a fun manual experience in the morning. Ya just gotta flex that arm and put pressure on the top. ;)

@60hertzproductions64 - 18.01.2025 21:37

Did you ever consider grinding with the base against your chest or stomach? That would seem to be the best method at a glance.

@danielmerka4883 - 19.01.2025 16:02

I understand the issues while grinding, but let me give you some tips as I grind with Pietro daily for 2 years.
1. put direct top preasure on the lid - do not try to grab it like you did in the video, it isn't working that great. Put direct preasure at 90 degree to countrop and it it will be just fine.
2. don't hold the grinding lever like you do - I understand this is intuitive but due to lack of space and length it does not work well. Rather use your thumb horizontally for most of the lever and light grip with index+middle finger for the rotate motion. You won't have issues with space and knocking your hand on countertop.
For pourover I don't have any issues with 'rocking' the grinder, sometimes some bean can 'stuck' the grinding, but what handgrinder does not do that...I can reliable grind for espresso with this method, even tho it takes quite a long time.
Hope it helps someone

@themodularmodular - 19.01.2025 22:32

How's this compared to ZP6 for consistency and clarity? Design on this looks like a nightmare to operate to be honest

@highcarbrider - 21.01.2025 22:56

Dam good review. Just sold my DF83 after the frustrating inconsistent brews it was producing vs the consistent brews my 1zpresso hand grinder is capable of. I was all set for the Pietro as the grinder to replace the DF83 and become my daily driver but now I'm on the fence after watching this.... what to do what to do 🙂

@normanverdi4008 - 23.01.2025 02:44

I just received my Pietro with pro brew burrs, and I'm having stellar cups right out of the box.

@NightFoxXIII - 28.01.2025 10:54

I saw this grinder at a local specialty coffee showroom. I have a few manual grinders and tried this pietro.
Terrible ergonomics and would rather use the much cheaper ones (like Kingrinder) and would sacrifice the taste over that.

Heck I'd even use a cheaper electric grinder over that.

@daviddrzewicki1254 - 01.02.2025 19:29

maybe it should have a suction cup stand, like my old manual pencil sharpener

@richardrandolph9794 - 02.02.2025 20:59

It would be cool if you could remove the handle and connect a Dewalt Power Drill to the axis.

@zenadventurer69 - 03.02.2025 21:56

Tan zuh knee uh

@zenrazor659 - 12.02.2025 04:55

😂 It reminds the pull flow of the wc in the 1980 years😅

@Brockthedog315 - 12.02.2025 06:54

The ergonomics are ridiculous. Jeez.

@andrewzach1921 - 13.02.2025 08:33

Thanks for the video

@choppersplace - 23.02.2025 02:59

So much for espresso parts replying ...I sent two emails over a week now inquiring about the Pietro grinder and the stand that supposedly comes with it...crickets.

@JE-oq5jm - 24.02.2025 01:46

Hey, great video. Would you say the Pietro is a good companion to the 078, or there is too much overlap between the cups produced from both? Thanks :)

@HansProbs - 26.02.2025 04:20

Are there no electric grinders that you prefer the taste OVER the Pietro? That you also daily?

@carloslaboy32 - 28.02.2025 00:47

How is the filter coffee with the B-modal burrs?
