Protect YOUR Money! 7 Safest Investments Ranked in 2024

Protect YOUR Money! 7 Safest Investments Ranked in 2024

Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA

7 месяцев назад

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@snoopanoop7705 - 26.07.2024 18:45


@kiwieagle64 - 26.07.2024 18:48

Thank you.

@exilion1 - 26.07.2024 18:49

Not as much to get excited about, however, quite useful, appreciated and timely.
Thank you kindly.

@goldl3147 - 26.07.2024 19:05

Can you please explain the idea of Inverse Equity ETFs in your next video and maybe recommend a few? thanks!

@ichrishenderson - 26.07.2024 19:19

Trying to determine how much saftey i should incorporate into my profile at 30.

@NativePpl - 26.07.2024 19:52

Diversification 👍🏼

@DBCooperMOTIVATES - 26.07.2024 20:04

Is Akoustis Technologies (AKTS) the next Nvidia ?!

@OmaticFever - 26.07.2024 20:08

LOL - "You haven't know the 'Bliss' of managing your own real estate properties..." Thanks, Joe, I really enjoy your content.

@bobd9116 - 26.07.2024 20:12

Great video thanks!

@Olvera_emi - 26.07.2024 20:28

I think you should disclose your sponsors/ads in the video

@OldLion64 - 26.07.2024 21:20

There will be no place to hide like 2008. Banking collapse could be imminent but for different reasons this time around. Credit card debt defaults will be the trigger. Then folks will be forced to default on their mortgages as well because they wont be able to charge any more. 401K and IRA rules might have to be changed in order to stop it. But that means people selling stocks to liquidate for cash.

@samcohen3011 - 26.07.2024 23:59

Love your channel. I’d be careful how you describe REITs here. If Beta is 0.9-1.0, a lot of that downside protection you described will not be there. And this is from someone who has been buying REITs hand over fist in 2024.

@HOC242 - 27.07.2024 03:29


@BradleyMaurice226 - 27.07.2024 04:28

The market's direction can swiftly change, with indexes frequently transitioning from a bear market to a bull market precisely when the news is most negative and investor sentiment reaches its lowest point.

@Freya-jq8mc - 27.07.2024 04:52

I came across your channel through this video—case studies are incredibly valuable, and I'm eager to see more in the future! Building wealth involves establishing routines, like consistently setting aside funds at regular intervals for smart investments.

@deniseweideman1974 - 27.07.2024 06:19

Joseph, thanks for your continued dedication to educating your viewers... I always learn something valuable and put more money in my pocket. Cheers

@wilhelminatobias - 28.07.2024 11:30

Well explained. Thanks for bringing up the video. Financial education is indeed required for more than 70% of the society in the country as very few are literate on the subject...

@Steve_SEC - 28.07.2024 21:48

How would you compare BND to VCLT?

@candlemagician1314 - 29.07.2024 17:40

Love this video

@AmeliaAndersonCortez - 29.07.2024 18:24

AI stocks are set to dominate 2024. I prefer NVIDIA because they're well-positioned for long-term growth and support other AI companies. I know someone who made over 200% with NVIDIA. I'll also consider the other recommendations you made.

@frankvullo-f3g - 04.08.2024 15:23

Hey Joe, great informative videos. Is it just easier and safer just to put your money in the S&P?Also have you heard of these yieldmax funds like nvdy paying these ridiculous amount of monthly dividends?

@itlearner1175 - 06.08.2024 22:16

PFFD id down 20% in the past 5 years. I just wonder how is it good. I have limited knowledge in investing, particularly how bonds are beneficial

@doran-f6w - 15.08.2024 18:00

The market trend can turn around very quickly. In fact, the indexes often switch from a bear market to a bull market when the news is at its worst and the mood of investors is at its lowest point. I read an article of people that grossed profits up to $150k during this crash, what are the best stocks to buy now or put on a watchlist?

@SolemnBankingplc - 16.08.2024 22:12

I feel investors should be focusing on under-the-radar stocks, and considering the current rollercoaster nature of the stock market, Because 35% of my $270k portfolio comprises of plummeting stocks which were once revered and i don't know where to go here out of devastation

@cricketsamsunga116 - 26.08.2024 05:47

I left about 30 seconds after I saw the tie.

@MizThe - 06.09.2024 22:56

I mostly have cash right now and am waiting for the market to reflect the real situation. Is there a way I can make the most of my $550k savings and avoid any financial trouble? I've heard that the stock market performs well in election years about 90% of the time.

@HettieClausenTl - 23.09.2024 18:11

I feel investors should be focusing on under-the-radar stocks, and considering the current rollercoaster nature of the stock market, Because 35% of my $270k portfolio comprises of plummeting stocks which were once revered and i don't know where to go here out of devastation

@gieb6428 - 29.09.2024 05:21

This guy has been reading my mind ! (I'm 75yo)

@gieb6428 - 29.09.2024 05:40

Be careful, there are at least three people trying to run an advertisement among this comment section.

@Ant-813 - 07.10.2024 05:55

You should narrate bedtime stories😂

@abulkhair202 - 13.10.2024 15:16

This man is totally a fraud... He has a scam sites. He invites people to invest his site. After investment, he never returns the clients money

@raoulduke1972 - 17.10.2024 02:04

Every influencer gets paid for these recommendations. Red flag

@Raf-c3n - 22.11.2024 18:25

I just turned 44 and awfully late to investing with barely any portfolio except my 401k, I have a decent amount of cash saved up and with inflation currently soaring AGAIN, I'm getting worried about retirement, my intention is to retire at 55. How best do I maximize my savings of over $220k

@PokeGangMaster - 11.01.2025 21:58

If I have a lot of money I'll buy gold bars and silver 🎉
