How will you age? Whether you are in your late twenties or late fifties or further, everyone feels they are getting older. Of course we are chronologically getting older, so is a child, but we view children as growing older and better. Earlier and earlier these days however we view every day getting older as a negative and we are less capable. Should this be the case? And how is the negative view of aging hurting us all, no matter what age you’re at as you hear this. This is a big topic of interest for me. I’m 51 and feel more capable than ever, and want to maintain this as long as possible. So I brought on an expert. Dr. Becca Levy, Ph.D., is an award-winning Yale Professor of Psychology and Global Health. She received her Ph.D. in psychology from Harvard University and held a National Institute on Aging postdoctoral fellowship at the Division of Aging and Department of Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School. She has given invited testimony before the United States Senate on the effects of ageism, contributed to briefs submitted to the United States Supreme Court in age-discrimination cases, and participated in United Nations discussions of ageism. She is credited with creating a field of study that focuses on how positive and negative age stereotypes affect the health of older individuals. She is the author of Breaking the Age Code: How Your Beliefs About Aging Determine How Long & Well You Love, which just came out. Self-Help(ful) is presented by Ziglar, the most trusted brand in personal and business development impacting over 250 million people worldwide. Visit to see how they can inspire your true performance.